
Elena Molchenko: biography, film career and personal life of the actress

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Elena Molchenko: biography, film career and personal life of the actress
Elena Molchenko: biography, film career and personal life of the actress

Video: Time to Be Happy. Russian Movie. StarMedia. Melodrama. English Subtitles 2024, June

Video: Time to Be Happy. Russian Movie. StarMedia. Melodrama. English Subtitles 2024, June

Molchenko Elena is a Russian theater and film artist hailing from Belarus. She starred in the films "Simple Truths", "Premonition", "Ranetki", "Toptuny" and many others. For more than 30 years he has served in the Theater. Mayakovsky in Moscow (productions of "The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood", "Kitchen", "Children of Vanyushin", etc.).


Molchenko Elena was born in Minsk on May 4, 1963. Despite the fact that her parents were not connected with the world of cinema, they always supported their daughter’s desire for acting. Speaking of his family, Molchenko calls her exemplary.

After receiving a school certificate, Elena moved to Moscow in order to get a higher education. On the first attempt, a talented girl became a student of GITIS (course of A. Goncharov). Molchenko graduated from the university in 1985. Then she became an actress of the Theater. Mayakovsky. For such a long period, Elena has played in 20 successful productions (Bankrupt, Sunset, Rumor, Blonde, Victim of the Century, Female Divorce, Ivan Tsarevich, etc.).


Film career

The actress made her debut in the 1986 journalistic drama “On the Doorstep” as the daughter of Malyshev. Then she appeared in several film productions, including in Megre at the Minister, Tango with Death and The Cherry Orchard. In 1999, Elena Molchenko received her first key role as the head teacher of Apraksina Nina Andreevna in the youth series “Simple Truths”. Then she played the chorus girl Sanya in the drama “Savior under the Birches”.

The next few years, the actress appeared in films in episodes, because she was busy in theatrical performances. In 2007, Molchenko played Valery Kapustin in the series "Kadetstvo". In "Ranetki" the actress got the role of mother of Natasha Olga Lipatova. In the military series MUR. Third Front ”Elena Molchenko appeared in the image of Catherine’s fortuneteller. In 2012, the actress played the central heroine Aglaya Maximova in the detective "Toptuny." In the series "Point 2", Elena got the role of Vera Vasilievna.


In 2015, she starred in the melodrama "Love Network" in the image of Irina. The next work was Molchenko Dusya from the detective "Jackal". In 2017, the artist appeared in the 6th season of the drama “Sklifosovsky” as an obstetrician and mother Gvozdeva.