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"Philharmonic 2" (Olympic Village): address, repertoire, poster, how to get there

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"Philharmonic 2" (Olympic Village): address, repertoire, poster, how to get there
"Philharmonic 2" (Olympic Village): address, repertoire, poster, how to get there

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The famous venue of the Moscow Philharmonic, a large-scale concert hall with excellent acoustics, a place that has long been popular among metropolitan music lovers. Here are concerts of classical music, performances by famous domestic and foreign performers. A visit to the Philharmonic 2 in the Olympic Village today is an important part of the cultural program for all lovers of musical art.

A bit of history

The starting point for this concert venue was the holding of the Olympics in 1980. By its beginning, the largest concert complex was built in the Olympic Village (Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt). Over the years of work on this stage, performances of the A. Raikin Theater and the Igor Moiseyev Ensemble, performances by the Bolshoi Theater troupe, literary evenings with the participation of famous actors (M. Ulyanov, S. Jurassic and many others) took place.

For more than ten years, until 2014, the building housed the Musical Theater of National Art of Vladimir Nazarov.

Today, the concert hall is transferred to the Moscow Philharmonic. Reconstruction of buildings was carried out, while the decor elements of the Soviet period and the acoustic properties of the hall were preserved.

The updated concert hall was opened to the audience at the end of December 2014, on the eve of the 175th birthday of P.I. Tchaikovsky.


Concert hall

In 2015, shortly after the opening, the Philharmonic 2 was named after Sergei Rachmaninov. The hall is located in the Western District of the capital. The official address of the Philharmonic 2 is the Olympic Village, 1 Michurinsky Prospekt.


One of the distinguishing features of this concert hall is its acoustic properties. In the process of reconstruction, special attention was paid to this, the geometry of the hall was changed, balconies appeared. For the decoration of walls, ceilings, floors and even chairs, special materials that have passed acoustic tests were used.

A special acoustic sink is installed in the hall, the stage is easily transformed, which makes it possible to perform performances by chamber and large symphony orchestras, ballet and theater troupes with equal success.

Visitors have the opportunity to purchase philharmonic tickets for events of various levels: from performances by the stars of the world classical music scene to children's performances. The auditorium is designed for 1, 040 seats. There is a subscription system.


Philharmonic 2 in the Olympic Village: repertoire

The scope and themes of stage projects are comparable to the largest metropolitan concert venues. Leading orchestras perform on this stage: the E. Svetlanov State Orchestra, the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra and many others. The names of the performers who shone in the Philharmonic 2 in the Olympic Village speak for themselves: Denis Matsuev, Valery Gergiev, Vladimir Spivakov, Nikolai Lugansky, Yuri Bachet, Eliso Virsaladze, Jean-Yves Thibode, Ilze Liepa.


One of the key areas in the repertoire is traditionally the performances of symphony, wind, chamber orchestras, performing works by classics and modern composers. Well-known domestic and foreign vocal and instrumental ensembles and choirs enjoy deserved attention of the audience.

In addition to the musical direction, the Philharmonic’s repertoire includes numerous pop and folk dance groups.

The versatility of the stage hall allows you to use it as a platform for performances of theatrical troupes of drama, puppet, children's, musical theaters.


Philharmonic 2 in the Olympic Village. Symphony Orchestra

On the site you can get acquainted with the work of the Moscow Philharmonic Academic Orchestra. This is a team with more than half a century of history. Created in 1951, already in the early 60s, he won the fame of one of the best union orchestras. It was this orchestra that was the first to tour in the USA. The visiting card of the collective was the performance of works by composers of the 20th century: Shostakovich, Khrennikov, Stravinsky, Schnittke. In 1998, the orchestra was headed by folk artist Yu. Simonov.

Today the team accompanies both the performances of recognized luminaries of the world opera scene, and the debuts of talented young performers in the framework of the project “Stars of the XXI Century”. Another unusual area of ​​work is the “Tales with an Orchestra” cycle for young listeners. Theater and film stars take part in it. In 2013, with the participation of the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the Russian Anthem was recorded.

Chamber orchestra

Another ensemble, whose performances can be traditionally seen in the hall on Michurinsky Prospekt in Moscow, is the State Chamber Orchestra of Russia. It was created by a world-famous conductor and violist - Rudolf Barshai. The official debut took place in 1956. The orchestra consists of the first and second violins, flute, violas, double bass, cello.

The team traditionally performed musical works of the Baroque, European and Russian classics, as well as compositions by 20th century composers (G. Sviridov, K. Karaev, A. Schnittke, Yu. Levitan and others).

In different years, the orchestra was performed by famous pianists, violists, cellists, flutists, violinists, vocalists: S. Richter, B. Berezovsky, Yu. Bashmet, M. Rostropovich, D. Lill, I. Arkhipova, N. Gedda, R. Fleming J.-P. Rampal. The band's tours take place in Italy, the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, and Great Britain.

Since 2010, A. Utkin has been the leader and chief conductor of the orchestra.


On stage: ensembles

On the stage of the Philharmonic 2 in the Olympic Village, one can observe all shades of musical art. Among the groups regularly performing in this concert hall:

  • ensemble of Old Russian sacred music;
  • Frauchi Guitar Quartet;
  • "Brass soloists of Russia";
  • Trio D. Cramer;
  • Quartet Romantic
  • “Gallery of actual music”;
  • New Names, vocal trio;
  • the trio "Relic";
  • Serenade, an ensemble of Neapolitan instruments;
  • chamber jazz ensemble of O. Kireev;
  • Quartet named after D. Oistrakh;
  • large harp ensemble (Mexico).

The ensemble "Sirin" is a frequent guest of the Philharmonic. The team works at the intersection of genres, combining academic choral performance and liturgical singing, music and dramatic action.



Did you know that there is a hierarchy among choral groups? There are professional, amateur, large, chamber, female, male. On the stage of the Philharmonic 2 concert hall you can listen to the performance of choirs of almost all categories. At different times, his guests were:

  • Mariinsky Theater Choir;
  • choir "Latvia";
  • Russian choir named after A. Sveshnikov;
  • female choir named after A. Schnittke;
  • synodal Moscow choir;
  • choir of the musical theater "Helikon-opera";
  • Siberian Russian folk choir;
  • Bach Choir (Munich);
  • Children's choir "Spring";
  • Academic Choir named after M. Pyatnitsky.

The last choir of the above has long been a household name. It has existed for more than a hundred years and today continues to be a recognized standard of choral art.

Art groups

Theater performances and premieres are an important element of the Philharmonic 2's repertoire in the Olympic Village. A variety of theatrical groups willingly perform on this stage, which noticeably affects the genre variety of performances. Visitors can get acquainted with the productions of the new Drama Theater (Moscow), the Helikon Opera Theater, the Moscow Youth Theater, the Puppet Theater, the Taste Theater, the S. Obraztsov Puppet Theater and many others.

Another hallmark of the Philharmonic is the performance of dance groups. By style, these are, as a rule, folk and classical pop ensembles. Among them, the songs and dances of the RA named after Alexandrov, the folk dance of Igor Moiseyev, the academic choreographic ensemble “Birch”, which have long earned the title of academic ensembles of the RA. The Cossacks of Russia state dance theater, the Kalinka children's dance ensemble, and the Kabardinka dance ensemble enjoy deserved attention.


On the pages of posters

The end of winter and the beginning of spring of the current year is a good time for acquaintance (or its continuation) with the Philharmonic 2 repertoire in the Olympic Village. During this period, a number of events are planned for true connoisseurs of musical and dance performing arts. In the near future will be held:

  • piano concert by B. Berezovsky accompanied by the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra (in the program of works by Chopin and Saint-Saens);
  • "The Ural Tales of P. Bazhov", performance of the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after N. Osipova;
  • performance of the choreographic ensemble "Birch" named after N.S. Nadezhdina;
  • organ concert of Konstantin Volostnov (works by Bach);
  • performance of the song and dance ensemble of the troops of the national guard;
  • Concert “Masterpieces of the World Classics of Jazz” (V. Grokhovsky, I. Bril).

Tickets and season tickets can be purchased at the box office of the Moscow Philharmonic or on the website.


Youth project "Mom, I am a music lover"

One of the sections of the poster of the Philharmonic 2 is dedicated to events held as part of an unusual project for those who are just discovering the world of classical music. The format of the project “Mom, I am a music lover” is associated with the characteristics of the main target audience - youth and neophytes.

For example, leading Russian orchestras and famous soloists perform compositions chosen by the audience through voting. The concerts themselves begin at 11 pm.

Before starting, in order to "immerse" the audience, open lectures are held. Information booklets are compiled by renowned music critics and musicologists.

The hosts of the concerts are often popular media people.