
Filevsky bus and trolleybus park (Moscow): history, prospects, reviews

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Filevsky bus and trolleybus park (Moscow): history, prospects, reviews
Filevsky bus and trolleybus park (Moscow): history, prospects, reviews

Of course, the state unitary enterprise Mosgortrans plays an important role in organizing passenger flows and, accordingly, in the life of the capital. Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet (FATP) is its special and strategically important division.

The condition of its buses and trolleybuses, the rhythm, controllability and coordination of their work directly affect the work of various institutions, enterprises, organizations of the capital. Therefore, the main guideline of the FATP is the uninterrupted transportation of passengers along established routes. This most important task is successfully solved by the enterprise due to the proper organization of the work of transport, timely identification and elimination of problems, optimal and clear planning.


Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet has always been distinguished by its “firm” strict observance of urban passenger transport operating conditions. His buses and trolleybuses are required to undergo daily maintenance, maintenance-1, maintenance-2, maintenance-3, seasonal maintenance. Thus, the probability of failures and breakdowns is reduced, and the resource for using parts is extended. Diagnostics of units and units is carried out at special stands, as well as using special equipment (stethoscope, compressometer, gas analyzer, vehicle electrical tester).

The company manages to systematically replenish its fleet with new first-class buses and trolleybuses of large capacity. The FATP production and technical base is certified by the state and meets the requirements of normative acts and GOSTs.

Passenger Service Region

The services of this large transport company are used daily by tens of thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

The central branch (Filevsky bus and trolleybus park) serves the routes of the Central, Western, South-Western districts, as well as the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. The service area in the above areas is as follows:

  • Fili-Davydkovo, Filevsky Park, Troparevo-Nikulino, Ramenki, Vernadsky Avenue, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Mozhaysky, Kuntsevo, Krylatskoye, Dorogomilovo (Western District).

  • Obruchevsky, Lomonosovsky, Gagarinsky, Academic (South-Western district).

  • Yakimanka, Khamovniki, Tverskoy, Presnensky, Arbat.

In accordance with the importance of the tasks to be organized for the organization of large passenger flows, it is obvious that the FATP is the Central Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

Location, legal address, contacts

From the date of its commissioning and to the current time, the Filevsky bus and trolleybus park has not changed its location. (Legal address of the enterprise: 121170, Moscow, r. Dorogomilovo, Denis Davydova St., 2.)

The metro stations closest to the enterprise are Fili and Victory Park. Nearest bus stops: Neverovsky Street and Victory Square.

The passenger can get information of interest to him by calling the Filevsky bus and trolleybus park (telephones are listed on the organization’s website). For employment issues, those interested can contact the personnel department.

FATP Summary

As of January 27, 2017, the central branch of Mosgortrans State Unitary Enterprise (Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet) has a large bus and trolleybus train numbering 897 transport units:

  • 492 linear trolleybuses;

  • 373 linear buses;

  • 10 service trolleybuses;

  • 22 service buses.

Line buses are organized into three columns (No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, respectively). Among the service ones, some are school buses, the rest are combined into a separate column.


Trolleybuses are grouped and serviced on technical sites: Main, Leningradskaya and Khodynskaya.

Information component of the FATP transport sector

In addition to the transport component, the Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet branch became one of the pioneers of the Mosgortrans state unitary enterprise, which began to use information and computer equipment in the 1980s.

Automation of calculations involved accounting for wages, fuel, spare parts, consumables. The variety of modes of transport involved a wide range of spare parts. The FATP information system has evolved from programs written by its own automation department to modern industrial networking.

To date, the company "Mart-inform" has implemented and supports the operation on the FATP module "Autotransport" system "Galaxy". The previous software was adapted to the new system.

It is obvious that the Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet (a branch of the Mosgortrans State Unitary Enterprise) will further develop its information support in accordance with the decision of the Moscow government on the introduction of a navigation system that efficiently manages and monitors traffic flows. This, of course, a promising direction allows you to optimize traffic, in time to prevent traffic congestion.

Feedback is a source of optimization

Quite often appears on the online forums of Muscovites Filevsky bus and trolleybus park. Reviews about it can be divided into 4 large categories:

  • thanks to the attentive drivers (indicating the route, name);

  • criticism of drivers carrying passengers "like firewood" (also indicating the route, full name);

  • suggestions on route optimization and transfer of stops;

  • suggestions to the FATP leadership to intensify the traffic of certain routes.

And this is not surprising, because the company's drivers are constantly in sight, daily contact with Muscovites, serving them. All new models of urban transport, which subsequently appeared on the streets of Russian cities, were tested here.


According to very numerous and so different Internet reviews, one can say that it really deserves the respect of Muscovites Filevsky bus and trolleybus park. Reviews of the capital's residents about the work of its drivers, the state of transport, the rhythm of routes are mostly good-natured, but businesslike.

They contain facts that the FATP administration subsequently carefully considers and, as evidence of its respect for the opinions of passengers, leaves its official comments. You can often read that the deficiency indicated by the passenger is being eliminated or has already been eliminated.

By the way, one of the typical remarks addressed to drivers is the situation when two or three vehicles go one after the other in a short interval, but then for passengers waiting at the bus stop there is a long pause. The mentioned situation in the future will certainly be minimized with the introduction of monitoring.

FATP History Page

Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet was created in the middle of the last century. The first component of the future FATP was numbered: Trolleybus Park No. 3. Its construction was progressing at a record pace. Started in February 1939, its first phase was put into operation the very next year, after the company was equipped with the first transport - trolleybuses manufactured in Yaroslavl, YATB-4.

By that time, the following fixed assets were built: repair shop, admin building, residential building, dispensary. By the summer of 1941, the ATP No. 3 routes were serviced by 139 nuclear weapons trolleybuses.

During the Great Patriotic War, part of its rolling stock was evacuated and then transferred to Warsaw. A year after the Victory, the fleet began to be equipped with MTB-82M trolleybuses manufactured by the Tushino Engineering Plant. The growing fleet of vehicles required an expansion of the site to accommodate 200 seats. Corresponding construction was carried out in 1949.

Until 1960, the second part of the future FATP was erected near the enterprise - the 8th bus fleet, originally designed for 250 buses, was built. In February of that year, trolleybus fleet No. 3 and bus fleet No. 8 were organizationally united by a decision of the Moscow City Executive Committee. Thus, since February 1960, a bus and trolleybus company located in the West of Moscow at ul. Denis Davydov, 2, received one common name - Filevsky bus and trolleybus park.

The newly named company immediately became the flagship in the direct test on the routes of new brands of buses. In particular, new LiAZ-158 buses arrived on its first test.

The enterprise has developed. Until 1968, the number of bus routes in it doubled - up to 26. New fixed assets were also under construction, until 1975 two slop-off bus platforms and a specialized building for maintenance were put into operation. Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet at the same time continuously continued to replenish with new equipment.

In the 90s, Hungarian Ikarus and LiAZ buses, produced in Likino, Moscow Region, traveled along its routes. Since 1995, Mercedes-Benz-Turk buses have been arriving in the fleet, models 325, 345, 8350, 8393 are replacing each other. Cooperation with Hungarian bus manufacturers continues: Ikarus-435.17, Ikarus-415.33.


Currently, Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet organizes the delivery of passengers using 350 linear buses and more than 200 trolleybuses. It employs more than two thousand people. Most of them are drivers of buses and trolleybuses.

This is a unique transport structure, which is served by two fundamentally different modes of transport. (Usually there are either specialized bus or trolley bus fleets.)

The park continues to be updated with the following buses: LiAZ-5292.00 city low-floor buses, Volzhanin-6270 three-axle buses, and MAZ-107.065 Belarusian city buses. The fleet is serviced by 8 trolleybus and 41 bus routes (including 4 additional bus routes).

An electric bus is also being tested produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant, created with the assistance of specialists from MVTU im. Bauman, for which a gas station is installed at the FATP.

What will the FATP become in the future?

At the end of 2016, a new public transport procurement policy was announced from the Central State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans branch (Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet). Journalists immediately made a fuss that the FATP could eventually turn into a purely bus fleet. In reality, this is hardly possible: after all, the company’s routes serve as many as 492 trolley buses. Rather, in the near future we are talking about increasing the proportion of the bus component of the FATP and replacing it with part of the trolley buses.

As follows from an interview with its director, Sergey Igorevich Glikman, currently the rolling stock of Moscow's fleets will be updated exclusively through buses. Trolleybuses will be transferred to the eighth trolleybus fleet, and they will also replace worn-out cars of the first and fifth trolleybus fleets.

Therefore, it is possible that after almost 80 years of operation, the ATP will change its technological cycle, turning purely into a bus. The mayor of the capital has already announced the purchase of 900 buses this year. However, this is not the ultimate metamorphosis of the enterprise.

The director of the Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet S. Glikman said in the same interview that in the coming years Mosgortrans will make large purchases of a new type of public transport - electric buses for 90 passengers. Without charging, the electric bus runs all day. Its batteries are charged in 5 hours. This transport was developed at the Likievsky Automobile Plant.


Visually, a new type of transport is almost indistinguishable from the low-floor bus that is familiar to all of us. Drivers experiencing it also respond to similar sensations. However, a different control panel than the bus is striking, and less noise when moving along the route.

Of course, this transport is promising primarily because of its environmental friendliness and lack of emissions of gasoline and diesel fuel combustion products into the atmosphere. It is figuratively called green transport of the 21st century. However, the statistics are such that not a single city in the world has yet switched to servicing passenger flows with this promising transport.

Although today each of its units will cost twice as much as a bus of a similar capacity, however, the operating costs (meaning the cost of fuel) are immeasurably lower. Thanks to this, the electric bus pays for itself in five years of operation.

Management problems

The main processes of FATP production activity are the main production (meaning linear routes), auxiliary production (ensuring the technical readiness of the rolling stock, its maintenance and repair) serving the production (information support, energy and fuel, quality control), production management.

The Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet is operating effectively. Director Glikman as a manager receives mostly positive reviews. But, like any self-supporting transport company, this, of course, is faced with production difficulties. And who doesn’t have them now? They are generally characteristic of today's macroeconomic situation, characterized by inflation. The reason for most of them is objective:

  • rising fuel prices;

  • increase in the cost of maintenance and repair;

  • excessive wear and tear on a long-running vehicle;

  • inflationary pressures on workers' salaries.

In these difficult business conditions, managerial talent becomes essential, consisting in the ability to control the situation and influence it, to separate the main thing from the secondary, the ability to rely on the understanding and support of staff at all stages of economic activity.


The FATP gives due attention to the cleanliness of transport. The main cleaning of the rolling stock by the washer-cleaners takes place in the evening when the transport leaves the line. For cleaning windows used detergents. OTK controls that dirty cars do not leave the fleet. Buses and trolleybuses that have worked the first shift, heading to the park, are driven through the sink so that by the second shift they will leave on the route clean. Dry cleaning of bus and trolley bus salons at dispatch stations is also organized.

HR policy

Judging in general, the FATP staff is professional and fairly stable. The FATP leadership pays maximum attention to improving the cohesion and professionalism of the workforce. Repairs of administrative and industrial buildings, public places, landscaping of the enterprise are carried out in a timely manner.

Although, which is typical for a large team, it has a small percentage of employees who work for a short time. Like any large enterprise, the FATP has an influx of fresh personnel. This process is eternal: old cadres retire, young women take maternity leave …

That is, it can still be said that the Filevsky bus and trolleybus fleet is gradually updating its staff. The vacancies of the required specialists can be seen on the transport sites of Moscow. Most often, the company demanded bus drivers (trolleybuses).

However, it should be noted that the company values ​​its personnel. In particular, when replacing trolleybus routes with buses or vice versa, they conduct appropriate certified retraining of drivers.