
Philosophy and religion - together or apart?

Philosophy and religion - together or apart?
Philosophy and religion - together or apart?



Why did we come to this earth, what is good and evil, what is God and what is His nature, what are life and death, what is soul - all of these questions are answered by two close directions: philosophy and religion. They give a definition of spiritual values ​​- goodness, justice, truth, love and faith. And also satisfy the spiritual needs and needs of man.

The correlation of philosophy and religion has many common aspects. They include an ontology that claims that the world was created by God. Epistemology provides insight into scripture; anthropology explains the three components of man (body, spirit and soul) and the immortality of the soul. The religious-philosophical concept includes theology (the doctrine of God, who created the whole universe) and morality (behavioral principles of people oriented to the Holy Scriptures).

In the ancient era, philosophy and religion were dough connected, but philosophy still occupied a dominant place. God, the creator of the universe, seemed like a universal cosmic mind and absolute perfection. In the Middle Ages, religion began to move to the main positions, and philosophy becomes subordinate to it, theism develops, faith appears, which is designed to supplement the mind.

In the era of capitalism, science occupies a leading position, which combines with philosophy, theology fades into the background. In the era of Enlightenment, philosophy and religion are moving away, the gap between them becomes larger, as philosophy takes militant forms. Nowadays, this form gives way to a tolerant religious-atheistic philosophy.

For centuries, go hand in hand, now approaching each other, then moving away, philosophy and religion. The similarities and differences between them manifest themselves in different ways. Like religion, philosophy studies the root cause of the universe, speaks of the moral commandments given to man by God, and they differ among themselves not in content, but only in form. In the history of the development of mankind, philosophy and theology often helped each other in matters of knowledge of the world.

The relationship between them has changed significantly with the advent of Christianity. Philosophy was forced to serve the religion, which becomes the most influential institution in society. This is especially noticeable during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when the formation of the Russian state took place. At this time, the Russian people finally realized themselves as a whole, and there was a complete formation of views and principles.

In subsequent years, philosophy and religion established their positions and interaction, which contributed to the strengthening of the Russian state. Russia became a powerful power, its principles became: Orthodoxy, nationality, autocracy. Philosophy, based on thought and knowledge, makes it possible to better explain religion with its faith and revelations. Faith must exist in alliance with knowledge, then it will be understood and supported by thinking people.

In modern times, philosophy seeks to take first positions and restore its former glory. The allegations of the self-sufficiency of the human mind and its autonomy from religion gave rise to a conflict between religion and philosophy. The approach of mankind to the 20th century places emphasis in a slightly different way. The omnipotence of the human mind is being questioned. The unity of these two areas is beginning to return, as naturally complementing each other.

The correlation of philosophy and religion has always been complex and multifaceted, but for all its differences, they have many similarities in their purpose and content. Philosophy is a worldview that gives a person an idea about nature, society, about a person and the relationship between people. Religion does the same. Both worldviews provide answers to the same questions, although they go in slightly different ways.