
French "sparrows": photos of the young Edith Piaf, from which the heart beats

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French "sparrows": photos of the young Edith Piaf, from which the heart beats
French "sparrows": photos of the young Edith Piaf, from which the heart beats

French singer, songwriter, member of the cabaret theater and film actress: these words can describe the life of the world famous Edith Piaf, who was born in Paris in 1915. Over the years of active creativity, a talented person won the hearts of millions of people around the world and became the national symbol of France.


The alias of the actress "Piaf" is translated as "sparrows", that is the name of the beautiful young girl, the owner of the Zernis cabaret, who invited Edith to perform on stage.


The selection of photographs below shows the young Edith Piaf of the French “sparrow, ” whose heart is beating with beauty.
