
Galina Nemova - biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Galina Nemova - biography, personal life and interesting facts
Galina Nemova - biography, personal life and interesting facts

Interest in the wives and girlfriends of famous athletes in our country arose relatively recently. Today in the press and on online forums you can read and discuss the appearance of the girls of football players, hockey players, runners and other athletes, as well as find out the details of their personal lives with their star men. However, not all friends and wives of athletes seek to share the most intimate with others. Among the beloved girls and spouse of champions who do not seek publicity, belongs Galina Nemova.


early years

Galina Nemova was born in 1971 in the city of Kashira, Moscow Region, in an ordinary working family. In addition to her parents had two more daughters and two sons.

At 13, Galya began to be friends with a boy who protected her, as he could, from life's adversities. At 19, they got married, and then the girl began to wait for her beloved from the army. In 1991, the couple had a son, Zhenya, whom Galina's husband simply adored. During this period, Nemova’s personal life was envied by others, since few of her friends could boast of such a spouse. Like many young families, they lived with their parents in rather cramped conditions. When the child was 2 years old, Gale was offered to go to work in order to be able to get a separate apartment.

Acquaintance with Nemov

In 1994, Galina got a job at the "Round Lake" sport base as an administrator. As the girl later recalled, when she first saw Lesha, she was amazed at how kind his eyes were. However, her parents raised their daughters in severity and respect for family values, so even the very thought of cheating on her husband was unacceptable to her.

Nevertheless, the young administrator of the sports base developed the warmest relations with gymnasts. Over time, the guys from the national team got used to wait until Galya closes the training room to go along with her to the hotel, where they were placed during the summer camp. One of those who always tried to be near a charming girl was Alexei Nemov. During such walks, they talked about everything in the world, and when the young man was leaving, Galya felt that a piece had been torn from her heart.


"The escape"

For 2 years, Galina Nemova was torn between the duty of a married woman and her love for the handsome athlete, who sighed girls in all corners of our vast country. She hid her feelings from everyone, hoping to overcome herself, especially since a loving husband did not give her any reasons for displeasure.

Meanwhile, Alexei was also tormented because of unrequited love, as he understood that he needed only Galina, and without her he would not be happy.

In 1996, after the Olympic Games in Atlanta, he first rushed to the gym, but it turned out that Galina had died a dad, and she was not at all interested in global changes in her personal life. Then the young man pulled himself together and tried his best to alleviate the grief of his beloved, without compromising her reputation as an exemplary wife and mother.

It took another two years for Galina to decide to take her son in his arms and go to Alexei Nemov in Togliatti. As the girl recalls today, taking this decisive step, she did not even think about the consequences, since the only thing she wanted was to finally be near her beloved.


The first husband of Galina Nemova hard survived the departure of his wife, regarding him as a betrayal. The man did not understand how he deserved such an attitude on the part of the girl, whom he idolized literally from school. In addition, he suffered from separation from his beloved son, because Galina took their common child to another city, and they could not see each other often.

Nevertheless, the couple managed to divorce in a civilized manner. According to Galina, her ex-husband showed all his best qualities, for which she valued him for so many years. For her, he still remains the father of Zhenya's eldest son and a close person worthy of all respect.


Second marriage

Galina's wife Nemova in one of her interviews told reporters that she and her husband celebrate August 8 as the day of their marital union. However, officially the couple married on June 2, 2000 in Tolyatti, just before the Olympic Games in Sydney. By the way, the youngest son of Galina Nemova - Alexei - was born a few days after the wedding ceremony, when his dad defended the honor of our country at the gymnastic stadium in Australia. The birth took place in Moscow to the sounds of the famous hit of the 90s. When the young mother heard on the radio the words "Because you have Alyosha, " she realized that the baby needed to be called Lesha and nothing else.

Family life

In the early years of marriage, Galina Nemova, whose biography you already knew in her youth, was very worried about the relationship between her eldest son and her husband Alexei. The boy began a difficult transitional period, and he may have been jealous of his mother for his younger brother. When Zhenya was 15 years old, the teenager decided that he would live with his father, and left for him in Kashira. There he nearly died. Riding with a girlfriend on a moped, the guy got into an accident. The girl died on the spot, and Eugene was in the hospital with a complex injury. Save his life and health helped Alex, who took him to the best doctors. Thanks to the care of his mother and stepfather, Zhenya recovered and was able to get a good education.

Another son, Galina Nemova, whose birth date is known only to a narrow circle of close people, was born in August 2009. The woman learned about pregnancy on New Year's Eve, after a festive banquet in one of the hotels in Tokyo. The birth of a baby made Galina's family even stronger and happier. As for Alexei, he would be overjoyed!



In February 2016, Galina Nemova, whose biography, age and details of her first marriage became known to the public only in recent years, commented on the unpleasant incident involving a fight involving her husband. According to the woman, she asked him to stop the car and wait a couple of minutes so that she had the opportunity to go to the ladies room. Meanwhile, the StopHam activists approached the car in which their youngest son was sitting with Nemov. They wanted to stick their "company" sticker on the car windshield. The former athlete got out of the car and tried to stop young people who have been trying to deal with traffic violations for several years. The case ended in a fight. Galina Nemova (age at the time of the incident - 45 years) claimed that her husband’s car was parked on the second line for only 5-7 minutes, and the activists themselves provoked her husband. The way Galina and Aleksey behaved in a situation with the StopHam movement members caused disapproving responses among sportsman fans, who considered that the couple should just apologize and not aggravate the conflict situation.


Relationship with the press

Galina Nemova is older than her husband. She believes this circumstance and the fact that Alexey married a girl with a child, became the reason for the appearance of a bunch of envious and ill-wishers in their couple. That is why a woman tries not to pay attention to what is written about her husband in the yellow press, and gives interviews only to media that are trustworthy and have not stained themselves with juggling facts and dirty insinuations.
