
Where on land is the highest density of life observed? What determines the density of life?

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Where on land is the highest density of life observed? What determines the density of life?
Where on land is the highest density of life observed? What determines the density of life?

Video: Density 2024, June

Video: Density 2024, June

Where on land is the highest density of life observed? Geographical scientists have long resolved this interesting problem. We invite you to find the answer to this curious question in our informative article.

Density of life on land

It is probably no secret that the population on the surface of our planet is unevenly distributed. To be more precise, it is extremely uneven. It's hard to believe, but only about five percent of the Earth's territory is inhabited by about 70% of all the inhabitants of the planet.

In order to visualize where the highest density of life is observed on land, just look at the relevant maps. Geographers compose them for us, transforming a huge amount of factual information into a sufficiently capacious and easily perceived manual.

Below is a geographical map that clearly shows the density of life on land. It is made using the so-called point technique, when the spatial distribution of a particular phenomenon or process is shown using dots. In this case, the thicker the dots, the denser the area is populated.


Population density - what is it?

The density (or density) of the population is an indicator of the population level of a particular territory. This is the number of residents resident per unit area. It can be calculated both for the entire land surface, and for individual countries or small areas. Geographers measure the density of land life by a simple formula:

Population density = number of population / area of ​​a specific territory.

This indicator is measured in inhabitants per km 2.

To date, the population density of the planet is about 40 people / km 2. At the same time, the population density within urban settlements is ten times higher than that in rural areas.

Historical population density

According to historians and anthropologists, only five million people lived on our planet 10 thousand years ago. At that time, all continents were populated, but the overall population density was extremely low. Later, with the development of mankind, cities began to emerge, which became the nuclei of the concentration of the population. Around them agricultural zones were formed with the predominance of the peasantry, producing food for urban settlements.

The spread of humanity on the planet was greatly influenced by the so-called industrial revolution, which began in Britain at the end of the 18th century. Residents began to focus in industrial areas. At the same time, the Europeans are actively populating America (the New World).


The main factors in the distribution of the population

It is worth noting that the density of land life depends on a number of natural and economic factors. It:

  • natural and climatic conditions (the most densely populated zone is the temperate and subtropical climate);

  • relief (most of the world's population is concentrated on the plains and lowlands);

  • access to the ocean (coastal territories are usually very densely populated);

  • the presence of a river or reservoir, that is, sources of fresh water;

  • land transport infrastructure, level of industrial development (this criterion has become significant since the beginning of the XIX century).

Where on land is the highest density of life observed?

In fact, all the continents of the planet (except, perhaps, Antarctica) have the conditions for permanent residence of the population. However, "the fish seeks where it is deeper, and the man - where it is better." Therefore, no more than 5% of its population lives on 50% of the Earth’s land.

The most densely populated region in the world is considered to be Southeast Asia. About 30% of all the inhabitants of the planet are concentrated there. The second region in terms of the number of people per sq. Km can be called Western Europe.

Population density within even one country can vary greatly. Compare with the example of Great Britain: in the mountainous regions of Scotland this figure is no more than 10 people / km 2, while in the center of London it is about 20 thousand per km 2 !

If we analyze the population density by individual states, the leading countries for this indicator will be:

  • Principality of Monaco (16, 620 people / km 2);

  • Singapore (6389 people / km 2);

  • Vatican (2093 people / km 2);

  • Malta (1261 people / km 2);

  • Maldives (1163 people / km 2);

  • Bangladesh (1005 people / km 2).

Population record cities

The largest number of cities is concentrated in Europe, North America, as well as on the Japanese islands. We bring to your attention the top ten cities in the world with a maximum population density:

  1. Shanghai (China)

  2. Karachi (Pakistan)

  3. Istanbul, Turkey)

  4. Tokyo, Japan)

  5. Mumbai (India)

  6. Buenos Aires, Argentina)

  7. Dhaka (Bangladesh)

  8. Manila (Philippines)

  9. Delhi (India)

  10. Moscow, Russia)
