
Where pines grow: classification of species, definition, name, characteristics of growth, conditions for natural and artificial cultivation

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Where pines grow: classification of species, definition, name, characteristics of growth, conditions for natural and artificial cultivation
Where pines grow: classification of species, definition, name, characteristics of growth, conditions for natural and artificial cultivation

Video: 9th Standard TNSCERT Geography New School Book Unit 6 2024, June

Video: 9th Standard TNSCERT Geography New School Book Unit 6 2024, June

Pine - this is perhaps one of the most typical representatives of conifers on our planet. The tree is found in various natural areas from the equator to the Far North. Often forms vast forests (mainly in temperate latitudes). Where do pines grow? What is the specificity of their artificial cultivation? How many species of pines do scientists emit? We will answer these and many other questions in this article.

Conifers: General Information

Conifers - this is one of the departments of the plant kingdom, represented by trees (most often), as well as shrubs and dwarf trees. They grow almost throughout the globe, but dominate only in one natural zone - taiga. Two main distinguishing features of this unit:

  • Leaves, as a rule, are presented in the form of long thin needles.
  • Seeds develop in specific shoots - cones.

Conifers are the oldest group of plants on Earth. Their remains are found in different parts of the world and date back to 60-300 million years ago. Some of them have already died out without a trace, such as, for example, Volcium or Cordaite. The features and appearance of these plants can only be judged by the discovered fossil fragments.


Conifers: Examples

Typical representatives of the coniferous order:

  • yew;
  • sequoia;
  • Pine;
  • spruce;
  • cypress;
  • larch;
  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • fir.

Of all these plants, spruce, pine and larch are most often found on the territory of Russia. Where do these trees grow?

  • Spruce is common in Europe, Asia and North America, is widely represented in the vast Siberia and the Far East.
  • The pine tree filled the temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia; it also grows in Southeast Asia and North America (from Alaska to Yucatan).
  • Larch occupies vast areas in Russia, in particular, in its Siberian and Far Eastern parts.

So, we found out where pine, spruce and larch grow. Further, we will dwell in more detail on the botanical description of the pine, tell about the distribution and main types of this tree.

Pine tree: a botanical description

Pines are a family of conifers, represented by more than 130 species. In Latin, their name sounds like Pinus. It is believed that this name comes from the Celtic word pin, which translates as “resin”. Pines really emit a fairly large amount of resin, generously enriched with volatile production.

Pine wood is quite dense and at the same time soft. In strength, it is second only to larch. It has a pleasant color, which darkens with age of the tree (and unevenly).

Pine shoots are of two types: long and shortened. Leaves (needles) are thin and elongated (5-9 cm in length), as a rule, collected in bunches of 2-5 pieces. Cones have an oblong or ovoid shape and consist of tightly closed scales. At the time of plant maturity, these flakes open, exposing the seeds.

Distribution and main types of pines

Where do pines grow? In the natural environment, their distribution range is quite wide (see map below). Pine forests are found in different parts of Eurasia, from equatorial to subpolar latitudes. In the tropics and near the equator, pines are found mainly in the mountains. These trees grow in North America (including the islands of the Caribbean), as well as in northern Africa (in the Atlas mountains).


What is the name of the forest where the pines grow? The popular name of the pine forest is boron. True, sometimes the spruce trees also mean this word. In a pine forest, as a rule, there is no undergrowth, but mountain ash, juniper and other low shrubs are often found. To the pines, aspen or birch is often mixed here.

In the Northern Hemisphere, botanists number over one hundred different species of pines. About half of them are cultivated. Among the most famous and common types:

  • Common pine.
  • Siberian pine pine.
  • Black pine.
  • Weymouth pine.
  • Mountain pine (or European).

Pine in culture, literature and folk art

According to the ancient Greek legend, the pine tree is the embodiment of the nymph of the morning dawn of Pitis. Once she turned into this tree in order to hide from the evil god of the north wind Borea.

Pine is quite widely found in the visual arts, in particular, in Russian. So, the image of the tree can be seen on the canvases of Ivan Shishkin, Fedor Vasilyev, Paul Cezanne, Camille Corot and other outstanding artists. Perhaps the most famous painting depicting pines can be considered the work of I. I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest."


The mention of these trees is often found in the literature. Here, for example, is an excerpt from the tale "Artel Peasants" by the classic of Russian and Soviet prose Konstantin Paustovsky:

“Varya woke up at dawn, listened. The sky was a little blue outside the window of the hut. In the courtyard, where the old pine grew, someone sawed: zhik-zhik, zhik-zhik! Apparently experienced people sawed: the saw went loudly, did not jam. ”

A lot of folk proverbs and sayings are made about pines. Here are just a few examples:

“Where a pine has grown, there it is red!”

“In winter, the pine seems greener.”

"Get lost in three pines."

“From the apple tree, apples, and from the pine tree, cones!”

In addition, there are many children's puzzles with the mention of this tree. Here are the most popular ones:

“Where did the old pine grow? Where did the red squirrel live? What did she stock up for the winter? ” (Answers: in the forest; in the hollow; nuts).

Where do pines grow?

Pine - a truly unique tree. After all, she knows how to adapt to the most diverse environmental conditions. You can meet this tree on the marshy northern plains, and on the rocky cliffs of the Crimean peninsula. However, in mountainous areas, pine trees, as a rule, rarely rise above the 800-meter mark.

Where do pines grow best? If we talk about the geological aspects of the territory, then this tree successfully settles on both sandy and rocky substrates. Some species of pine trees even adapted to pure Cretaceous deposits. However, these trees grow best on well-drained sandy loamy or loamy soils.

Often in places where pine trees grow, there is a significant excess of moisture. In this regard, they are also quite unpretentious. Pine trees perfectly adapt even to marshland conditions. As a rule, they are the first to “master” those lands that are unsuitable for all other trees, gradually fertilizing them with their own needles.

So, we found out in what natural conditions the representatives of the pine family grow. And now it’s worthwhile to tell you more about some types of pines. In particular, about those that can be found on the territory of our country. In addition, it will be useful to find out which pine grows where.

Common pine

Pinus sylvestris is the most common pine family species. This is a photophilous and fast-growing tree, reaching a height of 30-50 meters. The crown is cross-cutting and high raised, often with a flat top. Bark color: light brown, reddish. The trunk, as a rule, is straight in diameter from 0.5 to 1.2 m. The needles are quite long (up to 6-9 cm), bluish-green, slightly curved.


The distribution area of ​​the tree extends quite wide belt from Central Europe to the Far East. Where does common pine grow? It can be found on the loose sands of Mongolia, and on the marshes of Polesie, and in the mountains of the Caucasus. The tree is well adapted to various climatic conditions. However, it feels most comfortable in soils of light mechanical composition.

Scots pine grows quite quickly. Lives 300-600 years.

Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar pine (most often referred to simply as cedar) is a magnificent coniferous tree with a dense crown and a powerful trunk. Its branches are located tightly to each other and are covered with soft and long needles (up to 12 cm), which are collected in bunches. The shape of the cones is elongated ovoid, the color first purple, and later brown. The cones contain seeds ("nuts"), which are eaten and used to produce cedar oil. From one cone can hide from 30 to 150 of these nuts.


Where does cedar pine grow? The tree is widespread in the forest strip of Western Siberia (from 48 to 66 degrees north latitude). Within Eastern Siberia, the upper boundary of its range is noticeably shifted to the south. Cedar is also found in the forests of Mongolia and northern China, grows on the slopes of the Altai Mountains (up to 2000 meters). On the territory of the Arkhangelsk region there are artificial plantings of Siberian cedar, planted in pre-revolutionary times.

Weymouth pine

A slender and unusually beautiful tree with very high quality wood. Branches depart from the trunk strictly horizontally and are covered with thin, soft and long needles. In the XVIII century, the wood of white eastern pine (as it is also called) was actively used for the construction of ships of the British Navy. Currently widely cultivated in forestry.

The natural range of weymouth pine is limited to North America. In particular, the tree is distributed in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. It is also found in Mexico, Guatemala and the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. In the mountains rises to a height of 1, 500 meters.

Pine Bunge

Perhaps, in the whole family of pine trees, the most exotic appearance boasts pine Bunge (Pinus Bungeana). It got its name in honor of the Russian botanist Alexander Bunge, who first described it back in 1831.

The tree stands out for its unusual bark. Initially, it has a greenish color. But with age, its scales begin to exfoliate, and the bark acquires a grayish-white hue. The tree rarely exceeds a height of 30 meters. The pine needles are hard, dark green, cones are resinous, brown.


Bunge pine grows in the central and western parts of China. The tree is actively planted in parks and gardens, used for landscaping city streets and squares.

Economic use of pine

The most widely used wood is common pine. It is distinguished by its special hardness, density and high tensile strengths. In particular, the following building materials and substances are obtained from it:

  • construction logs and beams;
  • shipbuilding and deck ridges;
  • railway sleepers;
  • plywood;
  • cellulose;
  • rosin;
  • tar;
  • turpentine, etc.


Pine is also known as a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, almost all parts of this tree are used - buds, needles, bark, resin, seeds. So, needles contain a number of vitamins and have excellent bactericidal action. Terpentine oil is widely used for arthritis, rheumatism and neuralgia. Pine tar successfully treats skin ailments (for example, psoriasis or eczema).

Features of growth and growing conditions of pine

Pine tolerates severe frosts and low humidity. The tree is highly resistant to industrial pollutants. The only thing the pine needs urgently is natural sunlight. Therefore, it should be planted in open, unshaded areas. For planting, sandy or sandy sandy substrate is best suited. In case of landing in “heavy” soil (for example, chernozem or loam), additional drainage of the site will be required.

Pine seedlings are usually planted in late April or early September. To do this, dig a meter hole and pour a mixture of soil, turf and river sand into it. You can also add a little nitrogen fertilizer (about 35-40 g). The optimal age of the seedling is 3-5 years. When planting in the ground, it is extremely important to ensure that the root neck of the young tree is at ground level.

In the first five years of its life, a pine seedling picks up, at best, ten centimeters per year. Thus, a five-year-old tree does not exceed half a meter in height. In the future, the annual growth of pine increases to 25-60 cm per year, and after ten years of tree life - reaches 80-100 cm per year. In a thirty-year-old pine, growth in height slows down and the process of expansion of the trunk begins.

For garden and summer cottages, it is recommended to choose decorative and miniature forms of pines with crowns of original forms. It could be:

  • Weymouth pine Radiata.
  • Pine Aurea.
  • Mountain pine Gnome.