
Director General of NTV Television Company Vladimir Kulistikov: biography

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Director General of NTV Television Company Vladimir Kulistikov: biography
Director General of NTV Television Company Vladimir Kulistikov: biography

Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich is a well-known journalist and media manager. His life is a progressive way up, he went through all the steps of the career ladder, reaching the top level.

Childhood and youth

On May 20, 1952, a son, Vladimir Kulistikov, appeared in a family of Soviet specialists working in Germany at a joint venture for uranium mining. The boy’s biography in childhood was not much different from many Soviet children. He studied well at school and was able to enter the country's most prestigious university.


Best start

In 1969, Kulistikov entered MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism. The future media manager always felt a craving for knowledge and read a lot, he also showed high ability to learn foreign languages. He is fluent in five languages: English, French, German, Serbo-Croatian and Arabic. Having received the best education, Kulistikov gets the opportunity to realize his potential in various fields of activity.

Good Soviet career

At the end of MGIMO in 1975, Vladimir Kulistikov did not go to work directly in his specialty - journalism, but began to work in the Ministry of Foreign Trade. This was a great career start for a young specialist. After working for three years in the ministry, Vladimir decides to change his field of activity, he is attracted to science, and he leaves the Institute of Scientific Information of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as a researcher. For seven years he has been engaged in European law, defends his thesis on legal means of resolving international conflicts, confidently goes up the career ladder.

However, in 1985 he decides to return to journalism and enters the New Time magazine as a columnist. The publication covered events in the world, differing in the relative freedom of expression by the authors of their opinions. Kulistikov came to New Time, when, in the wake of perestroika, journalism became a very interesting activity. He worked in the publication for 5 years and has gone from correspondent to deputy chief editor. These were the years of enormous popularity of the magazine, so Vladimir Mikhailovich gets invaluable experience in the large media, he works out not only the skills of working as a reporter, but also management techniques.


In 1990, Kulistikov works in his immediate specialty - he becomes his own correspondent in Moscow for the Arab newspaper Al-Hayat (Life). Times were not easy, especially from an economic point of view, and the journalist decides to test himself in business. He becomes an adviser and advertising consultant to the president of the Russian House commercial company. In these years, the company's turnover reaches $ 200 million per year. Despite successes in real business, Kulistikov does not part with journalism, but is looking for new platforms for self-realization.

Life on the radio

In 1993, Savik Schuster, chief editor of the Moscow Bureau, brought Vladimir to the Liberty radio station. For three years, Kulistikov has been working on the radio, mastering a new field for himself. He begins with a correspondent, then becomes a commentator, and in 1993 he created his weekly Liberty Life program, which broadcast live events of the day. Here the talent of the journalist is fully manifested: he knows how to deliver news, gives accurate and witty comments on events. He also shows the ability to manage a creative team and good managerial skills. He quickly outgrows the scale of the program, it is no longer enough for him to be the leader of the program, Kulistikov again goes in search of a new one.


Television is a matter of life

In 1996, Vladimir Kulistikov came to NTV as deputy chief editor of the information service. Here he begins to work under the leadership of Oleg Dobrodeev, with whom the journalist has developed friendly relations, subsequently they will repeatedly collaborate on different channels. Vladimir Mikhailovich also runs his own program “Hero of the Day”, it is an interview with some interesting person. Kulistikov’s studio was visited by many political and public figures, representatives of culture and art. A journalist for a year of work in the program showed himself as a man of limitless erudition, with a delicate sense of humor and sharp tongue.

On NTV Vladimir Mikhailovich found the best place for growth and implementation of his career and creative plans. In 1997, he became the chief editor of the information service and began to realize his many ideas, while not forgetting about the main task that the founders assigned to him - raising ratings and attracting advertisers. Here Kulistikov found useful business experience, he applied management techniques to the media environment and achieved high results. In 2000, he became Deputy Director General of NTV, continuing to lead the information service.

In autumn 2000, Kulistikov left NTV for the first time to become chairman of the board of the Russian news agency Vesti. This short absence in the life of a television journalist showed him how much he loved this sphere and how successful he was in it. When a change of leadership takes place on NTV in 2001, Kulistikov returns to NTV as the editor-in-chief of the television company, and also as a member of the board of directors.


In 2002, the journalist expires a contract with NTV, and he changes his job, leaving for VGTRK as deputies to Oleg Dobrodeev, chairman of the VGTRK. For two years, Kulistikov goes through all the stages of his career in the television company and becomes the first deputy general director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and the director of information programs, for him, as before, the news is the most important thing.

The best project - NTV

From 2002 to 2004, NTV constantly undergoes personnel reshuffles, scandals develop between the team, company management and investors. A television company needs a person who can bring everything back to normal. Also, all parties agree that it is not a new manager that is needed, but a person who is familiar with the problems and the concept of NTV and is well versed in the news, and Vladimir Kulistikov becomes the best solution for the television company. NTV has become a place for him to implement plans and significant achievements. In the period from 2004 to 2015, Kulistikov worked as the general director of the television company, and during this time he was able to bring her back to the position of leader. NTV during these years has been releasing a lot of new programs that have high ratings: “Sincere Recognition, ” “Maximum Program, ” “Profession Reporter.” Vladimir Mikhailovich does not hide the fact that he was faced with the task of extracting maximum profit from the channel, and he successfully solved it. The changes led to the closure of some programs: School of slander, Today at midnight, Real politics, Sunday evening. The Director General was accused of removing information programs from the grid, replacing them with entertaining ones. But at this time, Kulistikov received government awards: the Order of Merit for the Fatherland 2 and 3 degrees, the Order of Honor.


Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich - born manager

Leading people in a large creative team is not easy. Significant heights in this art reached Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich. He was not interested in the nationality and sexual orientation of the employees as a manager, he said that he always chose workers according to their professional qualities, everything else did not matter. NTV colleagues speak very warmly about their former leader. Vladimir Takmenev notes that the television company has acquired a new face, high-ranking programs have appeared in its network: Country and World, Central Television, and New Russian Sensations. Tatyana Mitkova says that she and her colleagues were lucky that they were taught to work and think by such a professional as Vladimir Kulistikov. Vadim Glusker notes that their leader is distinguished by encyclopedic knowledge and impeccable talent of the leader.


Unexpected turn: resignation

In October 2015, everyone was struck by the sudden news - Vladimir Kulistikov leaves NTV. He said that he was leaving the company for health reasons, that there was no background to this event. But at that time there were a lot of difficulties on the channel: several journalists left the channel, disagreements with investors appeared, increasing pressure of the authorities, economic crisis, therefore, it became more and more difficult for Kulistikov to realize his plans. And he decides to leave NTV. And a few days later he becomes an adviser to Oleg Dobrodeev, General Director of VGTRK. History repeats itself, perhaps to be continued.
