
Gennady Korban - the “gray cardinal” of Ukrainian politics

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Gennady Korban - the “gray cardinal” of Ukrainian politics
Gennady Korban - the “gray cardinal” of Ukrainian politics

Everyone knows that modern politics and its leaders are, in a way, a separate universe with its own laws and rules. There are no friends for life, and enemies can sometimes situationally become partners. Fortunately or unfortunately, a simple layman was not given to know all the details of the relationship between members of political parties and forces. We sometimes do not even know all the actors. But there are so odious personalities that we should talk about separately. And one of these people is Gennady Korban.

Curriculum Vitae

One of the richest people in Ukraine today was born on May 24, 1970 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Gennady Korban was born into a family of engineers working at the plant. The politician is Jewish in his ethnic origin. In the late 1980s, his relatives emigrated to Israel and received citizenship there, but after a while they returned to Dnepropetrovsk.


Gennady Korban spent all his childhood in this city and graduated from high school there. After her graduation, he applied to the Faculty of Philosophy of Rostov University, but in the end was not enrolled due to the absence of Communists in the family. Gennady was forced to return to his homeland and begin training at the Metallurgical Institute, from which he later left and was drafted into the army. Having left the reserve, the young man entered the Moscow Literary Institute in 1990, but he had to give up his student life due to the beginning of active work in the cooperative.

In the period 1994-1997 he underwent external training at the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Academy.

Start of work

Working on the Moscow Exchange in 1990-1991, Gennady Korban gained invaluable experience in making money. Having dug up a small starting capital (in the amount of 200 thousand dollars), he returns to Dnepropetrovsk and creates a brokerage office under the name "Ukraine", and he himself leads it.

In 1994, the businessman became the head of the Supervisory Board of Slavutich Capital. And since 2001, he has led the monitoring of OAO Southern Mining and Processing Plant.

Since 2005, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Ukrnafta.


Political activity

Korban Gennady Olegovich, whose biography is full of events of various nature, in March 2014 was appointed to the post of chief of staff of the Dnipropetrovsk regional administration. At that time, the governor of the region was Igor Kolomoisky. After staying in this position for a year, Korban goes into a new project called “Ukrainian Association of Patriots”. It was UKROP that nominated Gennady as a candidate for the Verkhovna Rada elections, which he eventually lost to the representative of Petro Poroshenko. The entire election campaign was accompanied by a large number of scandals and intrigues.

In September 2015, Gennady Korban, whose photo is shown below, was nominated by UKROP as mayor of Kiev. However, here he did not achieve success.

On the verge of death

Korban Gennady Olegovich (his biography is quite interesting for many) has repeatedly experienced attempts on his life. So, in 2006 in Dnepropetrovsk his car was fired upon. The politician was lucky that he was absent in the car at that moment. The perpetrators and the organizer of the crime were eventually convicted, but the customer was never found.


The second assassination attempt occurred in 2010. As a result, Korban was injured. His colleague, Gennady Axelrod, was also injured.

Financial opportunities

Gennady Korban, whose biography shows how smart and active he is, according to experts at Forbes-Ukraine Publishing House, has a fortune of $ 55 million. This indicator allowed him to take 84th position in the ranking of 130 richest people in the Ukrainian state.