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UN Secretary General - position and candidates

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UN Secretary General - position and candidates
UN Secretary General - position and candidates

Video: Meet the candidate for the position of President of the 75th session of the General Assembly 2024, July

Video: Meet the candidate for the position of President of the 75th session of the General Assembly 2024, July

Many people on our planet are aware of the existence of a UN organization. If we ask ourselves: “What is the UN?”, The United Nations will be the decoding of this abbreviation. This is a large-scale international organization that covers many areas of human life. Moreover, the organization includes 188 countries of the world. The main objective of the UN is to maintain and maintain peace and security. There are many facts in history when the UN was involved. And as a result of these actions, many emerging conflicts have been prevented. Who runs this organization?

Candidates for the post of UN Secretary General

Such an important position attracts a lot of attention in the world. Thanks to this, a lot of people apply for the post held by the UN Secretary General every time the managing secretary is replaced. Soon, in 2016, the UN will begin the first consultations with applicants for this post. At this point, eight people have already proposed their candidacy. Meetings with them will be broadcast on the UN portal.

Former UN Secretary General

During the time that the UN exists, seven people managed to visit the position of Secretary General. Among them: Trygve Lee, Dag Hammarskjöld, U Thant, Kurt Waltheim, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Then the post of UN Secretary General was headed by Kofi Annan. He remained in his post until 2007, and this was the UN Secretary General until Ban Ki-moon. Now, at the time of 2016, Ban Ki-moon is the chairman.

A variety of countries were able to provide their representatives to the post of Secretary General. These were also the countries of Europe - Norway, Sweden, Austria and a number of other countries of more distant territories. This is Burma, Peru, Egypt, Ghana.


Ban Ki-moon

At present, Ban Ki-moon holds such a high position. His responsibilities include the implementation of the basic order of work, and his rights are spelled out in the charter order.

This charter obliges the Secretary General to submit to the UN bodies any questions that, in his opinion, are of extreme importance. These are the issues of preventing global conflicts, as well as observing world security. The concept of the Secretary General is that he represents the voice of the international community, which is designed to prevent the escalation and growth of conflicts.

Since Ban Ki-moon is a representative of the world community, which includes about 188 states, he must be as flexible as possible, as well as loyal. This is necessary for him in order to coordinate various issues with completely different representatives of countries that bear the peculiarities of their mentality and worldview.

Due to the difference in the mentality of people, various contradictions can arise. And this is extremely dangerous in such a global organization as the UN.


Secretary General's work

The opinion of the Secretary-General must in no case be contrary to the entire list of constitutional clauses. Due to the fact that all kinds of high-profile world events affect the socio-economic status of various countries, and, consequently, the action of the Secretary-General should theoretically lead to the most profound impact. The work of such an important person as the UN Secretary General is to consult with various political leaders.

At present, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is participating in various United Nations sessions. In addition, he makes trips to different states. The purpose of these trips is to improve the standard of living of the population. Every year, Ban Ki-moon is required to submit a report. This report should highlight existing issues, as well as an obstacle to UN activities. He evaluates the perfect work and sets out his opinion on what needs to be changed and how to set all sorts of priorities.
