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Semi-automatic burner: features, service, selection criteria

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Semi-automatic burner: features, service, selection criteria
Semi-automatic burner: features, service, selection criteria

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Semi-automatic installations always require slightly different equipment than "manual" or fully automatic devices. Welding units are no exception. For many of them, a special burner for the semiautomatic device is needed. Such a device has several fundamental differences from its "manual" counterpart, which cannot be ignored when choosing and operating.

Features of a torch for a semiautomatic device

Semi-automatic welding equipment torches can be classified as consumables. The average term of their service (with due regard) is no more than six months. The main difference between the instances of the "manual counterparts" is the presence of a cooling system, as well as a feeder for welding wire.


The ratings of the devices depend on the type of cooling, the type of connector for connecting to the welding machine, and the strength of the welding current. The torch for a semiautomatic device is actively used for work in hard-to-reach spots. One of its key features is the method of protecting the weld pool - the place where two metal surfaces join. This process is carried out without gas.

Semi-automatic burner design

The burner forms a gas-welding flame, in the stream of which the material melts.


This problem is solved by three main elements included in the design of the device:

  1. A loop or sleeve. With its help, a torch for a semiautomatic device is connected to a welding installation, “receives” gas and wire during operation.

  2. Actually the torch, which serves to communicate with the welding process, and also supplies wire, coolant, electric current and protective gas, flux.

  3. A contact connection component connects the device to the welding equipment.

The torch for a semi-automatic machine directly includes a handle, a gas fitting, a uniform wire feed device and a tip in its design. The last element is made of various materials, but the most durable are the tips of tungsten or copper.

Features of servicing semi-automatic burners

A feature of servicing welding torches is that their components need periodic replacement. The nozzle is the first item that needs close attention. During welding of the material, droplets of molten metal remain on its surface, which must be removed.

This can only be done mechanically, which leads to the appearance of microscopic cracks. It is because of them that the burner for the semiautomatic device lasts about 6 months. But if the nozzle is periodically changed, then this period can be doubled.


Contact elements are the second part of the mechanism that needs special attention. They work in the short circuit mode, because of which they are heated to a temperature close to critical, and burn out. This leads to a decrease in their operational characteristics.

On average, the life of these elements is about 200 hours of continuous operation. Usually they are included in the repair kit, complete with the burner itself. Detailed data can be found in the technical data sheet of the device.