
Borisov city: population, size and industry

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Borisov city: population, size and industry
Borisov city: population, size and industry

Video: Demographics of Russia 2024, July

Video: Demographics of Russia 2024, July

The population of Borisov is 142, 993 people. This is a Belarusian city located in the Minsk region. Its territory is about 46 square kilometers. It stands on the Berezina River, located about 70 kilometers from the capital of the republic - Minsk.

History of Borisov


Borisov’s population has declined somewhat in recent years, in general Borisov is experiencing problems that are familiar to all single-industry towns, in which there is one city-forming enterprise.

Moreover, the city itself is quite ancient. In Lithuanian annals, it is mentioned as far back as 1102. From this date he keeps his chronology. The city was formed at the confluence of the Berezina and Shkhi rivers. It received its name in honor of the Polotsk prince, whose name was Boris Vseslavich. In the XII century a wooden fortress was built here.

Borisov as part of the Principality of Lithuania

Due to its geographical location in the 13th century, Borisov became part of the Principality of Lithuania. In 1563, the settlement was given Magdeburg Law, which freed residents from feudal duties, allowing them to organize self-government.

In 1569, Borisov became part of the Commonwealth. During numerous wars, Borisov was repeatedly destroyed and devastated. At the beginning of the XV century, the city was almost completely destroyed as a result of internecine confrontation between the princes Zhigimont, Jagailo and Svidrigailo. During the confrontation between the Commonwealth and Russia, the city several times passed from one army to another. It was badly destroyed again during the Northern War.

As part of the Russian Empire


Borisov entered the Russian Empire at the same time as Minsk. This happened in 1793. The Patriotic War of 1812 against the French left a deep mark in the history of the city. The Berezinsky crossing, located near Borisov, has become one of the darkest pages in this war for the French, who still consider this operation a complete disaster and failure.

Soviet power was established here in November 1917. But after a few months he was occupied by German troops. And only in December 1918 he managed to be released.

During the Civil War, the Poles, who held out for several months, ended up in it, only under the Riga Agreement in 1921, Poland recognized the independence of Belarus, and Borisov became part of the Byelorussian SSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought here against the advanced units of the Wehrmacht. From July 41st to July 44th Borisov was occupied by German troops. A ghetto was organized for the Jews, in which they destroyed almost all the representatives of this nationality who remained in the city.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Borisov became part of the Republic of Belarus.

Population size


The first data on the population of Borisov belong to 1795. Then 1, 600 people lived here. In 1887, the population of the city of Borisov amounted to more than 17.5 thousand inhabitants, and even their national composition is known. Jews predominated here (there were almost 10.5 thousand people), but the Orthodox, there were a little more than 6 thousand inhabitants.

At the beginning of the XX century, a little more than 18 thousand inhabitants lived in the city, it began to develop actively in Soviet times. By 1959, the population of the city of Borisov (Belarus) exceeded 59 thousand people.

In the future, the number of inhabitants only increased, which was facilitated by the development of industrial enterprises. The population of Borisov in the early 90s was equal to 150, 000 people.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been a slight decline, which actually continues even now - every year there are less, though not much, inhabitants. Currently, the population of Borisov is a bit below 145 thousand people.



In this city, the great industrial potential of the Republic of Belarus is concentrated. In total there are about 40 enterprises where the overwhelming majority of the population of the Borisov districts work. Moreover, these are companies representing a wide variety of industries - mechanical engineering, instrument making, metalworking. The woodworking, chemical, pharmaceutical industries are working, the production of plastic products, crystal glassware and even matches has been established.

The city-forming enterprise is the Borisov Automobile and Tractor Electrical Equipment Plant, known by the abbreviation BATE. In many ways, the population of Borisov is now maintained at such a high level, thanks to the development of this enterprise.

This is a specialized company, which is engaged in the production and design of alternators and starters, which are used in engines of cars and trucks, buses, special equipment and agricultural machinery. In total, about 4 thousand people work on it.

The company has been operating since 1958. During the Soviet era, it repeatedly won the socialist competitions, the plant's products were exported to dozens of countries around the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, the plant was corporatized. After that, he only began to increase production volumes. Among its regular customers, dozens of popular car companies, mainly in Russia.

Industry development


In addition to the BATE plant, a car repair plant is operating in the city, turbochargers are produced at the plant of units, armored vehicles are repaired at the 140th plant, and air defense equipment and other sophisticated electronic equipment are being restored at the electronic weapons repair plant.

A crystal factory named after Dzerzhinsky is well known in Belarus and beyond, which produces exclusive glassware and crystal products. The factory "Power steering" produce hydraulic steering systems.

Also, a factory of medicines, a meat factory, and Borisdrev company, which produces matches, contribute to the development of the Borisov economy. Belarusian-Chinese assembly of modern cars has been launched at Belji.