
Kingisepp City: population, standard of living, social protection

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Kingisepp City: population, standard of living, social protection
Kingisepp City: population, standard of living, social protection

Kingisepp has a population of 46, 747. This is an administrative center located in the Leningrad region. The status of the city has been since 1784. The settlement on this site was founded in the XIV century by the boyar Ivan Fedorovich.


Kingisepp's population has remained stable over recent years. But the first settlement at this place appeared in 1348. Such data are contained in the Novgorod Chronicle. Initially, the city was called Yam. With the help of this settlement, the Novgorodians strengthened their borders from the attack of the Germans and Swedes. There was built a stone wall with gates and towers, which withstood the siege of both the Livonian Confederation and the Swedish troops. In Livonian chronicles you can find a description of this settlement called Nyenslot, which means New Town, or New Castle.


In the XV century, the settlement became not only a military, but also a trade and craft center in the north-west of Russia. In 1583, Russia is still inferior to the current Kingisepp of Sweden, it is possible to return it after 12 years. In 1681, during another armed clash, walls and towers were blown up. In 1700, Russian troops recaptured the city at the very beginning of the Northern War. Then he goes to Prince Menshikov, and when he is sent into exile, he returns to the treasury.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the glass industry began to develop here, a textile factory appeared. In 1784, Yamburg officially became a county town. At the beginning of the XIX century, Yamburg was one of the poorest cities in the Petersburg province. The main income can be obtained from the rental of houses for rent by a quartered military. It is the military personnel before the revolution that make up a significant part of the population of Kingisepp. For example, in 1849, of the 2100 inhabitants, more than 60 percent were military.

XX century

During the Civil War for the city of Kingisepp, Soviet troops were fighting with the corps of the Northwest Army of the White Guards. In 1919, whites occupied Yamburg, but only held it for several months. The settlement passes to the Red Army, and when the White Guards fight it off again, the Bolsheviks set fire to the barracks during the retreat, which causes significant damage to all the buildings of Yamburg. The Red Army finally succeeds in occupying it in mid-November.


In May 1922, Yamburg was renamed Kingisepp in honor of the Estonian revolutionary who organized the revolutionary movement in his homeland. In 1918, the revolutionary worked underground in Estonia, led the Communist Party, which was banned by the authorities. At the first congresses of the party, he was elected a member of the Politburo, he created clandestine printing houses and published a local newspaper called The Communist. In 1922, he was arrested by the police. He was tortured, and then a military court was staged, according to the results of which Victor Kingisepp was shot. His body was drowned directly in the Baltic Sea.

During the war

During the Great Patriotic War, the city of Kingisepp was already occupied in August by the 41st Army Group "North". Throughout the war against the fascists in the vicinity there are guerrilla groups that conduct sabotage activities. The partisan detachments concentrated in the vicinity of this city regularly inflicted substantial damage on the German detachments, helping the Red Army fight against the Nazi invaders.

Kingisepp was released only in February 1944. The city became free as a result of the large-scale Leningrad-Novgorod operation, which helped to liberate Leningrad after a long blockade, which became one of the most striking examples of people's courage and stamina during the war.


In 1963, industry began to actively develop in the city, a mining and processing plant called "Phosphorite" appeared, which began mass production of phosphate rock. Over time, it becomes a city-forming enterprise for the city. In 1984, the city was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree for the stamina and courage shown during the years of confrontation.

In the history of modern Russia, the borders of Kingisepp have expanded due to the accession to it in 2001 of the villages of Kaskolovka and Lesobirzha, as well as the village of New Lutsk.

Population dynamics

Kingisepp's first official population figures date back to 1856. At this time, a little more than two thousand people live here. In 1885, the population of Kingisepp exceeds three thousand inhabitants, by the end of the century it rises to 4.5 thousand, but decreases during revolutions and the Civil War. In 1920, a little more than three thousand people remained here.

The city is experiencing the next significant decline in population after the Great Patriotic War. If in the 39th year almost 8 thousand people lived here, then by the 45th a little more than 2.5 thousand remained.


With the development of industry, the city is growing, not only houses and factories are being built, but also residential buildings for workers. In 1970, more than 17 thousand inhabitants are recorded here, and by 1979 - almost 39 thousand.

Kingisepp's population is growing rapidly further, in the 90th year reaching the mark of 50 thousand people. Throughout the 90s, a significant decrease was not observed. But due to the fact that young people tend to move to larger and more successful cities, primarily St. Petersburg, since 2000, the population has been constantly falling. True, at a slow pace. Currently, 46, 747 people live in the city.

Kingisepp has a population density of just over a thousand people per square kilometer.

Unemployment rate

At the moment, the unemployment rate in Kingisepp remains one of the lowest in the Leningrad region. It is only 0.4%. According to officials, a certain merit in this is the Kingisepp employment center. Anyone can find work here. The center itself is located at: Vostochnaya street, 6B.


It provides a large number of programs in the field of social protection of the population. Kingisepp has a very high average salary. In addition, over the past year it has grown by more than 14 percent and now amounts to 52, 244 rubles.

How do the Kingisepps live?

The standard of living in Kingisepp is quite high, especially when compared not only with the Leningrad region, but also with the rest of Russia. On average, salaries here are one and a half times higher than in neighboring regions, even if regional centers are taken into account. In fairness, it is worth noting that food prices in Kingisepp are quite high compared to other regions. They are closer to St. Petersburg, so the residents themselves do not particularly feel their high incomes.


The city is located in the southwestern part of the Leningrad Region, directly on the Luga River. It is relatively close to St. Petersburg - about 130 kilometers. Therefore, a large part of Kingisepp residents manage to find work in the Northern capital and every day overcomes this two-way distance.


The climate is quite moderate, the average annual temperature is about 5.5 degrees. The wind speed is low - an average of about 2-2.5 meters per second. The absolute maximum is observed in August, when the air warms up to plus 35 degrees, and the absolute temperature minimum is fixed in January and December, when it is up to minus 40. The average temperature in the summer is 16-18 degrees, and in winter - minus 5-6.

Economics and industry

Kingisepp has relatively few industrial enterprises, but they are so large and significant for such a small city that they can be considered city-forming. Firstly, it is the Fosforit plant, which is engaged in the production of mineral fertilizers, as well as the Alekseevsky lime plant and a company engaged in fixed formwork.
