
Mullein: where does it occur and what is its uniqueness?

Mullein: where does it occur and what is its uniqueness?
Mullein: where does it occur and what is its uniqueness?

Video: Medicinal Uses of Mullein | One of the BEST Respiratory HERBS! 2024, July

Video: Medicinal Uses of Mullein | One of the BEST Respiratory HERBS! 2024, July

Great and peculiar Russian language. This is especially well known to mushroom pickers. Even the most experienced of them do not always know what a mullein mushroom is.


And the solution to this mystery is simple. This is the second (or tenth) name of the cep! And if you forgot what wonderful qualities he is known for, we will tell you more about this.

It is generally accepted that it is common only in our country. This mistake, since today it is found on all continents, excluding only Australia. Until recently, the Mullein mushroom was unknown to the South American natives, but even there its spores were brought along with poorly processed wood.

Italians especially appreciate it, since the list of all the gravy, incredibly tasty sauces and spices, which includes the “king mushroom” (this is another name), can take more than one page.

What is the reason for such popularity? For a long time it was believed that it was all about the incredible nutritional value that the mullein supposedly possesses. It turned out that in terms of nutrient content, the same boletus is much superior to it. So what's the deal?


Scientists have found that this mushroom has an amazing ability to stimulate the appetite and secretion of digestive juices.

In this quality, it greatly surpasses even meat broth, which gives reason to recommend the porcini mushroom as an ideal food for people who have suffered stress, are suffering from a lack of appetite and recovering after a long illness.

The ubiquitous Japanese found that the same bouillon has almost magical ability to remove radionuclides from the human body. In particular, it was extracts from the porcini mushroom and he himself in various types of dishes that saved the lives of thousands of participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster.

However, our ancestors suspected of such wonderful properties for a long time. Is there any need to explain why the mullein mushroom is in stable and growing demand all over the world?

But there is in all this splendor a couple of “fly in the ointment”. Unfortunately, for all the potential that doctors could realize if they got enough raw materials in their hands, this king of the mushroom kingdom is extremely unprofitable when grown in nurseries: expensive, slow, and besides, the whole colony can die out if the conditions of detention turn out to be not quite ideal.

Thus, mullein is a free mushroom, and therefore to this day it is exclusively engaged in the materially interested population of the countries in which it grows.


In addition, there is another negative side. It is known that mushrooms for the most part possess excellent ability to cumulate (i.e. accumulate) toxic substances from the external environment. Unfortunately, the mullein mushroom, the photo of which is in the article, is second only to the pig in this ability.

Figuratively speaking, it can be compared to a sponge that will readily absorb heavy metals and toxins. If you saw a “white” near a busy highway, then you can’t take it in any case! The consequences of taking mushroom roast from it may turn out to be no better than if you ate a fly agaric.