
Grinevich Oksana: biography, family

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Grinevich Oksana: biography, family
Grinevich Oksana: biography, family

The wives of politicians arouse public interest no less than companions of stars of show business. However, if for the electorate this is simply interest caused by idle curiosity, then for professional information collectors - journalists - it is of much greater importance. Faithful and not very chosen ones of deputies and officials are an unrivaled source of inspiration for those who are looking for scandalous and piquant details of the personal life of the powerful.

Deputies, prosecutors and judicial wives are even more valuable for the fighters against corruption and bribery, because most often they are the owners of the myriad wealth of their “honest and fair” husbands. Oksana Grinevich is one of such women. This lady is as mysterious as the best agent of the British Queen. But still, through the efforts of journalists, ordinary people managed to learn a lot of interesting things about her.


Mysterious stranger

So, who is Oksana Grinevich? A photo of a woman who was christened the wife of the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin is almost impossible to find in information sources. The ubiquitous journalists dug up just one shot of a woman who is associated with a former key crime fighter in Kiev.

There are several more pictures of a woman who looks like a prosecutor’s wife, but not the fact that this is Oksana Grinevich. However, there is other, irrefutable evidence of the relationship of Mrs. Grinevich with the retired Ukrainian prosecutor general. In today's article, we will provide readers with copies of documents that clearly indicate that she is not a fictional character of journalists, and that she is one of the richest women in the country. Probably, Viktor Shokin contributed a lot to her good welfare.


Ethical issue

Some readers may be confused by the fact that correspondents of various print and online publications so eagerly “dig in” to one that is not directly related either to politics, or to the state budget, or to other administrative resources. It would seem that this is an ordinary person who just lives and does not interfere with others doing it. Perhaps there is some truth in this, but the difference between the opportunities that Oksana Grinevich possesses by virtue of her profession (we will discuss this in more detail below) and what she possesses in reality is too striking.

Moreover, a suspicious fact about this person is the extent to which she leads a closed lifestyle. Oksana Grinevich is the civil wife of Shokin, whom he intentionally hides from the public, the media and fiscal regulatory authorities. Is it because a woman leads such a secretive lifestyle that she has something to hide from?


Patron Brief

Shokin came to power in the wake of Euro-Maidan passions. Replacing the scandalous Pshonku at the post, he did not long remain a favorite of the public. Loud statements about the upcoming fight against past, present and future corruption and crimes of officials remained just statements. Moreover, the prosecutor clearly discredited himself in the eyes of the public, as evidenced by only 3% of the support and trust in its structure from the population.

Viktor Shokin worked all his life in the prosecutor's office. His career began with the work of an investigator. On duty, he lit up in many resonant matters. So, at one time he refused to open a case in Y. Tymoshenko, but prosecuted the Dnepropetrovsk oligarch Kolomoisky, who back in 2006 announced Shokin’s ties with the current Ukrainian president Poroshenko.

Shokin has an adult daughter, who followed in her father's footsteps and holds the post of deputy prosecutor of Odessa region. His son-in-law is busy in the same field.

But in reality, he has a completely different, secret family. Oksana Grinevich, whose biography is closely related to the retired prosecutor, is Shokin's wife, although their relationship is not legalized. At the moment, the official is retired, he was dismissed from the post of Prosecutor General in 2016 by presidential decree. This decision was the result of the will of the people's deputies who voted for the resignation of Viktor Nikolayevich (289 people).


Grinevich Oksana: what is known about the wife of the ex-prosecutor general?

By and large, nothing. Journalists have repeatedly tried to bring prosecutor Shokin to a frank conversation, but have not received any comments from him about the young wife. Moreover, this issue was also raised before the speaker of the department in which the official was engaged. The answer then resonated with the public, because Vladislav Kutsenko, still a subordinate of Shokin, convinced journalists that his boss was a free and single man and, despite his considerable age (at that time 63 years), could spend his days and nights with whom he will wish.

The main document confirming the fact of the relationship between these two people (Grinevich and Shokin) is a contract of donation of real estate addressed to Grinevich Veroniki-Anastasia.


Journalists who unveiled this paper argue that from its excerpts it becomes clear that Viktor Shokin is the father of a gifted girl, and her guardian is a mother, Oksana Grinevich. Other documents indicate that this woman is a business owner in the Czech Republic. The fact of transferring powers to her for the sole management of IBDP occurred in 2014. In addition, Grinevich in 2009-2010. was registered in apartments owned by Shokin. That is, we can conclude that the relationship between a man and a woman began at least ten years ago.

Non-poor doctor

What else is known about who Oksana Grinevich is? The biography of the woman is associated with the state health resort for officials and deputies "Feofania." In this hospital, she takes no less - the post of deputy chief doctor. True, in recent years, her labor activity has been reduced to zero. So, since April 2013 she is on maternity leave, and before that she was on sick leave.

The institution’s website still has information about Oksana Grinevich, but there is neither her photo nor contact information. It turns out that she occupies the post of deputy chief physician only nominally. In light of these events, the fact that a single mother on a decree owns a company abroad, as well as luxury real estate both in Ukraine and abroad, is all the more surprising.


Sweetheart-daughter, or Girl in a million

Oksana Grinevich's daughter was born in 2013, presumably in the summer. Ukrainian registrars did not issue a girl’s birth certificate, and therefore it can be concluded that she was born in another country and has citizenship there.

The illegal daughter of Shokin was named by a double name - Veronika-Anastasia. As we already mentioned, the girl is already a very wealthy person. In 2014, her father copied to her a luxurious estate with a huge (almost 900 sq. M) household territory near Kiev. This property is located in the village of Zaberye.

At the same time, Shokin is a neighbor of his daughter, he rents a summer cottage located behind the fence of her house. The very housing of Veronica-Anastasia is under constant guard, the house is well maintained and does not look abandoned, although reporters have never succeeded in catching the owners on the spot.


We do not live like this

At the disposal of the family there is another property:

  • house in the village of Lendy (Kiev region);

  • apartment in Kiev, located in an old house on the street. Yaroslavov Val;

  • a house and more than 40 acres of land in Pilava (Kiev region);

  • estate in the elite Nebusice district (Prague, Czech Republic).

At the same time, the owner of the property in the Czech Republic, Lendy and Pilava is Oksana Vladimirovna Grinevich. All photos of her houses show how rich a woman is.
