
Gurov Evgeny Alekseevich: biography and creative path of the actor

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Gurov Evgeny Alekseevich: biography and creative path of the actor
Gurov Evgeny Alekseevich: biography and creative path of the actor

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Gurov Evgeny Alekseevich - actor of theater and cinema. He has accounted for more than sixty excellent films, including: “Murder on Dante Street”, “Poem about the Sea”, “Anna Karenina”, “Crime and Punishment”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Eternal Call” and others.

Few people know that Evgeny Alekseevich was a hero not only on television screens, but also in life. During the Great Patriotic War, he was in the ranks of the people's militia and adequately defended his country. You can learn more about the biography, filmography and creative career of the artist from this publication.


Evgeny Gurov was born in the hospital of the city of Ramenskoye (Moscow region) on January 21, 1897. There is not much information about Yevgeny Alekseevich's parents. It is known that little Zhenya was brought up without a father. His mother Evdokia Ivanovna Gurova (nee Gorokhova) did everything so that her son grew up as a worthy person.

In addition, the brother of his grandfather, Sergei Ivanovich Gorokhov, who worked as an accountant in the Moscow Red Cross, took part in the education of Yevgeny Gurov. Sergei Ivanovich directed part of the earned funds to the maintenance of little Zhenya Gurov and his mother. This money was enough to ensure that the Gurov family did not need anything.

After graduating from a five-year school, Evgeni Alekseevich became a student at the Malakhov Gymnasium. Eugene Gurov studied only at good grades; one of the gymnasium teachers, a person with good incomes, paid for the education of our hero for the first two years, then the future artist was transferred to a scholarship.

In 1914, a change occurred in the life of young Zhenya. When the future artist was barely 17, his mother got a job in a military hospital as a staff. Naturally, Evdokia Ivanovna simply did not have time to raise her son. Therefore, she had to settle Zhenechka with her sister, with whom he would live until the end of the Malakhov gymnasium.

Student years

In 1918, Gurov Evgeni Alekseevich went to conquer the capital. Once in Moscow, he enters the technical school as an architect. After studying there for a year, he is transferred to the school of painting, after - in VKHUTEMAS. In his free time, Evgeny Gurov attended the drama studio “Young Masters”, mentored by Pevtsov Illarion Nikolaevich (actor and theater teacher), known to the audience for his role in the film “Chapaev”, where he played Colonel Borozdin.



At 25, Evgeni Alekseevich begins cooperation with the 2nd Moscow Art Theater Studio, within the walls of which he was not only an actor, but also a director. After working there for 14 years, the artist goes to the ISPSA theater and gives him two years of his life (1936-1938). Then the acting career of Yevgeny Alekseevich continued in Lenkom.

War years and further theater career


When the war began, Gurov was one of those who joined the ranks of the people's militia. He did not stay there long - only a few months. And surely he would have been there for some time if he had not been appointed the organizer of the Red Army Pop Camp. At the end of the 41st propaganda brigade was transferred to the Moscow City Military Commissariat at the disposal of the Department of Arts, after which a new Front Theater named after Lenin Komsomol was born, which gave about 3 thousand concerts and performances on the fronts.

After the end of World War II, Yevgeny Gurov goes to work in the studio at the Chamber Theater, as an actor and director. There he will stay for a year, and then again leave for Lenkom.

In 1959, our hero was invited to the Magadan Regional Music and Drama Theater named after Gorky. Evgeny Gurov will work in it for several months, and then will return back to the capital, where his career as a film actor will continue.

In general, over the entire period of the theatrical career, Yevgeny Alekseevich managed to play more than 20 roles on the stage, including: Octavio (“The Spanish Priest”), Jeremiah Smith (“Humiliated and Offended”), etc.



The biography of Yevgeny Gurov was not without a movie. Evgeni Alekseevich started his film career quite late - at the age of 39, but this did not stop him from playing in several dozen films, including: “Once in the Summer”, “Glinka”, “Cruelty”, “Mother’s Heart”, “Romance about Lovers”, “ Agony ”, “ Traitor ”, “ Winning a lonely businessman ”, “ Khutorok in the steppe ”, “ Different fates ”, “ Wings poem ”, “ Friends ”, “ Early in the morning ”, “ Frock for a sacker ”, “ Olga Sergeevna ”, “Suvorov”, “Girl without an address”, “Running” and many others.

Gurov's debut work in the cinema was the role of the spectator-assistant at the performance in the film “Once Upon a Summer”. In addition to him, no less talented actors took part in the film - Igor Ilyinsky, Ivan Tverdokhlib, Ivan Lagutin, Grigory Dolgov and others. By the way, Igor Ilyinsky was also the director of this film.

As you can see, Evgeny Gurov starred in many films. Basically, he got the role of good heroes, not able to go to vileness. As the artist recalls his close friends and acquaintances, in his life Yevgeny Vasilievich was no less bright and pure man, ready at any moment to give up everything and come to the rescue.



The actor Yevgeny Alekseevich Gurov died on December 31, 1987. The artist did not live only three weeks before his 91st birthday.