
Guseva Eugene before and after plastic surgery - natural beauty versus artificial luxury

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Guseva Eugene before and after plastic surgery - natural beauty versus artificial luxury
Guseva Eugene before and after plastic surgery - natural beauty versus artificial luxury

Do not like lips, chest or nose? Nothing wrong. Judging by the experience of Eugenia Feofilaktova-Guseva, a participant in the reality show "Dom-2", plastic surgery will help to correct any flaws in the appearance. Previously, a modest figured girl from Kirov is now a luxurious diva with a model appearance.

Life before changes in appearance

Eugene was born in 1985 in the city of Kirov. The desire to be the most beautiful was Evgeny Gusev before and after plastic surgery. If she did not have the opportunity to change her appearance, then superiority due to fashionable clothes, multi-layer makeup and unusual hairstyles was her skate. After graduating from school, the girl became a student at St. Petersburg University of Service and Economics, which she successfully graduated from. Wanting to learn something new, Zhenya entered hairdressing courses, a choreographic school, and foreign language courses. Eugenia Guseva before and after plastic surgery wanted for herself only a luxurious life. To achieve this goal, being a girl with natural beauty, Eugene went to the TV project "Dom-2", thanks to which she became famous and got the opportunity to do plastic surgery.


Breast surgery

Eugene carried out her first transformation in 2010. The television star put out her breast enlargement surgery for all to see. She went with a videographer for a consultation with a surgeon. She also discussed planned changes with project participants and viewers. Eugene also brought out her fears for discussion on the network. She was most scared of possible changes in the chest after the birth of the baby. The doctor explained to her that it wasn’t worth worrying, since a plastic implant would use a round implant that does not interfere with the patency of the mammary glands. As a result, the operation was successful, and a week later a participant in the Dom-2 project was already shining in the meadow.

Guseva Eugene before and after plastic surgery was and remains an equally charming girl. But, of course, breast augmentation benefited her. She became more confident, which allowed her to build, albeit short-term, but quite vivid relations with Alexander Zadoynov.


Puffy diva

After the public supported Eugene in breast plastic surgery, the girl thought about new changes. Eugenia Feofilaktova-Guseva before and after plastic surgery was quite critical in her appearance, so her desire to gloss over her thin lips was expected. In order for the effect of the increase not to be temporary, the girl decided to make the lips full with biogel. This decision received a portion of condemnation from fans, because subsequently the shape of the lips can be deformed. But this did not stop Eugene, and she pumped her huge lips. After a while, they became simply gigantic, due to connective tissue overgrowth of the biogel. A plastic surgeon removed it from the girl’s lips, and her appearance became more natural. Evgenia Guseva before and after the plastic photo uploads with great pleasure.


Rhinoplasty is now in fashion

Wishing to be like a doll, Evgenia Guseva was again on the verge of a plastic surgery clinic. Before and after nose surgery, and at all times, the girl had a large army of fans. But, despite the love from the public and the beloved man, Eugene decided to fix the imperfect long nose with a flat tip and wide wings. Of course, before the operation, the TV star was afraid of such outcomes as a stubby nose, or a potato nose, or even a piglet, like a piglet. Eugene shared this with the journalists of one popular magazine, because she, as in the previous case, did not hide from fans information about the planned modification. The golden hands of a plastic surgeon turned a rather big nose into a neat and sophisticated one. Can not convey in words how happy Gusev was Eugene. "Before and after plastics" - such pictures of the girl scattered across the Internet. Now Evgenia Guseva looked like a real Hollywood star.


Opinion of the public about changes in the appearance of Eugene

Of course, a lot of comments appeared on the network regarding how Evgenia Guseva changed. Before and after the plastic she looked completely different. Someone was delighted with her courage and incredible beauty, for some, Eugene was just another victim of plastic surgery. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the girl looks beautiful. But, according to subscribers, it is very difficult to distinguish from the rest of the template beauties. Gusev Evgenia before and after plastic surgery just smiles. She thanks the supporters who support her and ignores people dissatisfied with her appearance. The girl’s natural beauty is now a thing of the past. Is it bad? Most likely no. After all, the star of the television project "Dom-2", as never before, is happy and confident. The only thing the fans wish for her is to stop on time.
