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Chaos - what is it? Values ​​and Examples

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Chaos - what is it? Values ​​and Examples
Chaos - what is it? Values ​​and Examples

Video: Chaos Theory Crash Course 2024, July

Video: Chaos Theory Crash Course 2024, July

Sometimes people see a mess or space and ask themselves, and chaos - what is it? Do you think that the mess on the table and the infinite emptiness of starry spaces cannot be connected with each other? And here you are mistaken. Let's talk about the meaning of the word “chaos” today.


First a list of values:

  • Chaos is the primary abyss from which all that arose.

  • Confusion, disorder to its highest degree.

To understand chaos - what is it, you need to open any book on mythology or the Bible. In the latter, as you know, at first it was gloomy, dark and scary. Then God arose, separated heaven from earth, put things in order in the alternation of day and night. In other words, put an end to chaos.


If someone takes upon himself the work and compares the creations of heaven and earth in the Bible with the representations of other nations, he will find there approximately the same thing. At first there was nothing, then Someone came and made everything to be.

It is clear that reasoning of this kind strongly resembles the speeches of the infamous M. A. Berlioz, but this is true. If you read at least two or three books on the mythology of peoples, then the similarity of the plots will immediately catch the eye, if not the plots, then the plot is for sure. But let's not talk about that. There is an easier way to understand the essence of the concept of “chaos”.

"What?!" - asks the curious reader. Surely he thinks that we will offer him to go down to the very bottom of the world, to look into the abyss of being. Let it calm down. Primary chaos does not comprehend us, alas. It remains to take a word. We just go to the second value. In life, too, chaos is enough.

Chaos in a teenager's room

Girls usually have everything in a room decently, cleaned, everything is laid out in their places. Of course, there are different girls, but the image is just like that when we think about the room where the little woman lives.


The guys have a different story. It is rare to meet a diligent and neat boy. To meet everyday horror, that is, direct chaos (what this concept is, we have already figured it out), you just need to look into the room of an ordinary teenager, and the primary abyss of disorder will appear before a person in all its ugly magnificence. We will not detail in order to save nerve cells to readers.