
An ordinary dog ​​from Tolyatti who taught people true love and devotion

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An ordinary dog ​​from Tolyatti who taught people true love and devotion
An ordinary dog ​​from Tolyatti who taught people true love and devotion

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Dog Hachiko for decades is a symbol of fidelity and love. But few people know that a similar tragic story happened in Russia. In the city of Tolyatti you will meet a monument to the dog Konstantin. Children stop near him, newlyweds take pictures, guests of the city read inscriptions. But what kind of dog is this? What happened How was she left without a host?


Main story

Tolyatti Monument of Devotion is installed to the dog, which has been waiting for its owners for 8 years. The story began on the bypass road of the city - on the street South highway. In 1995, drivers and passengers began to notice on the side of the dog. The German shepherd sat in the same place and sometimes ran up to the cars. Where did the dog come from?


Togliatti will tell you the main version of the incident. In the same 1995, a terrible accident occurred on the Southern Highway - two cars collided head-on. Presumably, one of them was a cherry nine. In the car was a young couple and their dog. The girl died on the spot. The man was hospitalized in the hospital, but he could not be saved. Only the dog survived, which was taken out of a crumpled car by traffic inspectors.

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Nobody knew the name of the dog. The townspeople called the dog Faithful, Kostik (the name Konstantin is translated from Greek as “faithful”, “faithful”). They tried to shelter the dog, but she always ran away from the new owners to the scene of the accident. Or walked along the sidelines, showing interest in the cherry “nines”, or rested on the grass. Compassionate citizens brought food to the dog, and inspectors even set up a booth. In any weather, on the same spot, Kostya was waiting for those who would never return.


How did it all end?

Eight years later, in 2002, the dog was found dead in the forest. There was a version that the dog was hit by a truck driver and, frightened by the revenge of the locals who loved Verny, he decided to hide the body of the animal in the forest to hide the causes of his death. But this version was recognized by rumor, since no injuries or serious injuries were found on Kostik's body.

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The animal died naturally. Most likely, having felt the death, Verny went into the forest, as many animals do. But the townspeople did not forget the dog, which became the legend of the city. First, Verny was erected a memorial shield in the place where he was waiting for his dead masters. It read "The Dog Who Taught Us of Love and Devotion." Today Kostya has a monument in the city. It is called the Monument of Devotion.


What then happened?

The fact that the dog has been waiting for the owners on the side of the Southern Highway for 8 years can be confirmed by every native inhabitant of Togliatti. But who were its owners? What kind of accident happened? Here about this version a lot.


There is no information about a clear date when the accident occurred - in 1994 or in 1995. The traffic police did not have an electronic base at that time, and paper reports could not be found, since they were stored only for 5 years, after which they were destroyed. If we turn to the filings of the Togliatti press of those years, nothing is said about the incident.

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As a result, caring journalists investigated the fate of the dog Konstantin. Witnesses and eyewitnesses were interviewed. But their memories turned out to be different and even contradictory to each other.
