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The character of the British and his national characteristics

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The character of the British and his national characteristics
The character of the British and his national characteristics

Video: Common Characteristics of British People 2024, June

Video: Common Characteristics of British People 2024, June

Each person has his own, individual character. But also every nation has characteristic features by which we can generalize belonging to one or another nationality. And if we talk about the character of the British, then this is probably the only one of all nations that is so contradictory and peculiar.

Type of native Englishman

The British character, temperament and temperament has already become a "byword". If we recall Hippocrates and his types by temperament, then most likely they are phlegmatic. Since the main features of the national character of the British are slow and calm, they are most suitable.

Another typical feature of the English people is conservatism. They honor all traditions, and still afternoon tea is an invariable part of the day of any Englishman.

Also absolutely typical for the character of the English is politeness. Perhaps this nation can be called the most polite in the world. It comes to the point that even if the Englishman himself suffers, he will still apologize to the one who hurt him. For example, you stepped on his foot, you are to blame, and the Englishman will ask for forgiveness. Paradox, but believe me, it will be so.


However, there are several theories, as a result of which the British formed such a special character.

First theory

According to some scientific sources, the changeable and gloomy climate of Misty Albion is directly related to the formation of the character of the British people.

The British are probably the only people in Europe who talk so much about the weather. Any conversation between neighbors, guests or relatives certainly begins with a discussion of the weather outside the window. And since England is characterized by fog, rain and damp, then there is nothing to rejoice about. So it turns out that, discussing the weather, the British do not smile, as, for example, Italians, rejoicing in a nice warm day.


In addition, if the French, for example, can go out into the city on a clear sunny day, chat with friends in street cafes, take a walk along the promenade, then the British rarely have such an opportunity because of the gloomy climate. Yes, and they often sit in pubs with a beer, discussing all the same wet and foggy weather.

Second theory

The geographical position also significantly affected the character of the British. Living on the island, they acquired a kind of "island" thinking, pride and isolation, which many take for snobbery.

The British are also deep patriots, and this feeling of superiority and pride in their origin and their country is manifested in many areas of every Briton’s life. They feel completely safe at home, fully trusting the government and their own importance in world politics.

General characteristics of the British

The British are very reserved people. They do not like to show their emotions. And even in a difficult situation, when any other person would cry or start to be indignant, they are unperturbed and calm, at least in appearance.

Old England is fundamentally different from the present. Until the beginning of the 19th century, the British, on the contrary, were distinguished by a riot of character. Speaking of old merry England, one can recall the rather aggressive, quick-tempered and emotional disposition inherent in the British.


The cult of "good behavior and gentlemen" came during the reign of Queen Victoria. It was then that the rules of decency and good form completely replaced the frenzy of old England and became a feature of the British national character.

Perhaps, the British show real feelings and emotions only during a football match. Fans of Britain are distinguished by their madness and temper. Their temperament is fully revealed, mixing with patriotism, and then the frenzy begins.

The British also adore order, and in absolutely everything - both in actions and in life. They need comfort, proper organization and daily routine, privacy.

The British are distinguished by their curiosity. They strive to learn something new always and everywhere. However, this does not mean that they will apply innovations to themselves. No, they just wondered how it could be any different. For example, you came to visit, and the owner in the conversation showed good knowledge about your homeland or employment. You may not be surprised, it’s just possible that the night before he was bored, and he decided to read a book about your country. Or, having learned some features and secrets of cooking according to your traditions, he will never begin to use them himself, no matter how much he likes them.

Sense of humor

Stiffness and a certain arrogance became an integral part of the character of the British. But English humor is something completely unique, not amenable to explanation and understanding by a non-Englishman.

You can often hear from foreigners that the humor in England is flat and boring. But actually it is not so at all. Probably the most distinctive part of the English comedian is equanimity. Telling even the most ridiculous anecdotal situations, he will remain completely calm and serious.


It is the ambiguity of some phrases and speech puns that make English humor subtle. And it is practically impossible for a person who does not speak English perfectly or does not know certain character traits of the British to understand and appreciate this subtle humor.

Another distinctive feature of English humor is self-irony. The British love to make fun of themselves, their habits, their national characteristics, their addictions, etc.

As a rule, the theme for humor can be absolutely any. Starting with a domestic dog and ending with another scandal in the royal family. They can make fun of the weather, the neighborhood garden or the hat of Princess Kate. That is, no prohibitions and complete freedom of speech.

You can also recall such popular comedy programs as the Benny Hill Show or Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson perfectly played the native Englishman, who, despite the absurdity and absurdity of the situations, remained completely calm.

Attitude towards children

In parenting, pragmatism is considered a priority. Parents themselves are fundamentally different from Russia. If we have the motto “all the best is for children”, then everything is exactly the opposite. First of all, mom thinks about herself, then about her husband, and only then about the child.

English mothers will not spend the last penny so that the child has the best backpack in the class or the coolest phone. They save on everything, even clothing, buying it in a second hand, and then selling it again. In one popular book on parenting in England, the author advises you to buy clothes of the same color for a child, so that later you save on washing without sharing underwear.

English mothers do not suffer from a pathological desire for sterilization and cleanliness around the child. Having dropped a cookie on the ground, she will pick it up without any problems and give it to the baby again.

The British do not rush with children, as with a written bag. They do not wrap them, protecting them from the cold, in scarves, hats, boots. On the contrary, in winter you can easily see a child in shorts or a skirt and without pantyhose. Thus, they temper the children, hoping that their immunity will get stronger and they will not hurt.


With food the same. Mom will not determine the special nutrition for the child. Even at the age of 1 year, the baby is already fully admitted to the adult table, can safely use fries, soda or a hamburger.

But most importantly, the British are trying to accustom their children to independence as early as possible. And as soon as the child finishes his studies, there can no longer be any kind of financial assistance from the parents.

Animal world

The British love pets. But their attitude towards them, the care of the government justify this love. You will never see homeless animals in England. Moreover, in order to purchase a pet, the family must obtain a special license.

In some apartment buildings, in principle, it is forbidden to keep animals, supposedly they can interfere with neighbors. The very rules for their content are very strict. Therefore, no one will throw an animal on the street.

Americans in comparison


If you compare the character of the British and Americans, then you can see two completely different people. Despite their "consanguineous" kinship. The British look down on any nation, but the Americans are even more alien to them.

The absolute opposite is English restraint and arrogance compared to smiling, playful Americans. The British, even to throw out the trash, dress like a holiday. While Americans, even going to a banquet, can dress in simple jeans and a shirt.

But nevertheless, there is one unifying feature between them - this is snobbery in relation to other nations and arrogance that comes to light when talking about the homeland. Since both of them consider their country to be the best in the world.