
Want to know how millionaires became millionaires?

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Want to know how millionaires became millionaires?
Want to know how millionaires became millionaires?

Video: Multi-Millionaire Explains His Simple Steps to Self-Made Success 2024, July

Video: Multi-Millionaire Explains His Simple Steps to Self-Made Success 2024, July

How millionaires became millionaires is of interest to many people who would like to improve their financial situation. However, we must immediately stipulate that there is no single recipe for achieving this goal. At different times, using various means, famous and not so great people became successful and wealthy. Consider several stories of fairly quick enrichment achieved through our own work and ingenuity.


Foreign experience

How did millionaires become millionaires in Russia? Sometimes a profitable business began with an idea “peeped” abroad. For example, Oleg Gerasimov after traveling to New York learned about the possibilities of dry cleaning machines. Returning to his homeland with samples of funds, he was faced with the fact that they are not designed for a cold climate. A recipe suitable for Russian frosts was invented, and the company he founded quickly gained its first large profits.

How did millionaires become millionaires while remaining simple guys? This is the story of Alexander and Fedor, extremals who built the first platform for improving roller techniques in the early 2000s. Then they received orders for the planning and arrangement of sites from many cities, including European ones, and now they practice their favorite sport, having the status of wealthy people.

It all started with jam

How millionaires became millionaires in dollar terms, many people in Western countries know. For example, an American teenager, Cameron Johnson, began by selling vegetables to his neighbors, then he successfully sold lottery tickets, wrapping paper, and resold toys at electronic auctions. With the profit he made, he invited a programmer between the ages of 12-13 and founded an email forwarding service without revealing the name of the sender, which gave him about $ 3, 000 in net profit per month. He subsequently successfully sold all his companies, on which he earned millions under the age of 20.


The success stories of millionaires in England are notable for their simplicity. F. Doherty is known here, who earned the first million pounds before celebrating his twentieth birthday. This guy began to cook jam according to his grandmother's recipes and sold in the market, where he received recognition of the quality of his product. Then his culinary masterpieces began to be taken to supermarkets, and the technology he developed for the preparation of jams without sugar allowed him to occupy a large niche in the market for sweets. He started in the kitchen at the age of 14, and a couple of years later he was looking for an investor for a major project and found him, personally bypassing many companies.