
Keeper of the hearth - forced role or real female happiness?

Keeper of the hearth - forced role or real female happiness?
Keeper of the hearth - forced role or real female happiness?

The guardian of the hearth - this is the role that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have been assigned to nature, and is as natural as the image of the male earner. However, over the past century, under the influence of feminist sentiments, more and more girls abandon this role, preferring to spend their time and energy on self-development, career growth and making money. However, the belief that one contradicts the other is erroneous. And in any woman, a successful business woman and a warm, sweet hearth keeper can get along at the same time. Meanwhile, the main problem lies precisely in the fact that the girls are trying to choose one thing.

Nevertheless, the guardian of the hearth is precisely the person who creates the atmosphere of warmth, calmness, coziness and comfort in the house, helps to save the family. Moreover, the most important thing is that household chores can be combined with successful activities in the professional field and get the double pleasure of being both an indispensable employee and a good wife.


The most important thing is to learn how to properly distribute your time. It’s best to pre-compile a list of tasks to do in a day. Gradually, you will be able to evaluate how much work you can actually accomplish and change the list as you wish. It is important that it always has time not only for business and economy, but also for itself. A visit to the gym or beauty salon, a few hours for a hobby - it is simply necessary in order to continue to live in harmony with yourself.

A modern hearth keeper can have many diverse techniques at his disposal. It is much easier to get a washing machine and a dishwasher, a slow cooker and other useful appliances in everyday life if both work in the family. And with their help, you can significantly reduce the time required for cleaning, cooking and so on.

Nobody will demand from a working woman every day to cook several new dishes, however, one should not get carried away with various semi-finished products either - they will not be able to replace the amazing taste of home-cooked with love food. There are many interesting recipes that allow you to cook a very delicious dinner in a minimal amount of time.

In fact, a woman who has concentrated only on household chores (cleaning, washing, cooking) can hardly be called a good housewife. After all, the psychological climate in the house is no less important for a man. And he, as a rule, can get it only with an interesting interlocutor, an erudite and smart girl, able to maintain a conversation or participate in a discussion, discuss important problems and offer a really good solution to them.


Of course, a good homemaker should be a good mom. In no case should not deprive children of attention. After all, not a single nanny or teacher can become as close to a baby as his mother. You should not refuse a child if he asks to play with him or read a fairy tale to him, because you still need to wash the floors - you can do this another day, and spiritual closeness with your child in this case will be much more valuable.

Look good, manage to surprise your family with something tasty, maintain order in the house, and everyone can shine at work, if only he wants. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, which has long ceased to fulfill the functions of a housemaid and has turned into an interesting, harmonious person, able to give her inner light to the whole world and achieve all the goals set. In addition, she does not cease to care about the happiness of her loved ones and does not feel her own inferiority in any sphere of life.