
"Iblis State" (IG): chapter. Militants IG. The Iblis State is

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"Iblis State" (IG): chapter. Militants IG. The Iblis State is
"Iblis State" (IG): chapter. Militants IG. The Iblis State is

Today, the Iblis State is a criminal organization whose activities are banned by several European countries. It is difficult to express in words how dangerous the ideas put forward by this Muslim community are. But much more frightening what her associates are ready to do for the sake of achieving their goals.

So, let's find out what the “Iblis State” is? How did it form? And why is it so dangerous for modern society?


Caliphate idea

To begin with, according to the laws written in the Qur'an, only one person should rule all living things on earth - the Caliph. It is he who is the governor of Allah, and his orders should not be doubted.

Alas, the last caliphate was abolished in 1924, after which the Muslim community began to live without a common leader. But not everyone agreed with this. Subsequently, those who wanted to revive the old traditions began to appear.

"Iblis State": the history of occurrence

And at the dawn of the 21st century, a terrorist organization appears in the Islamic world that wants to create a new power. Initially, this group was called ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), but then they decided to remove the last two letters in order to generalize the spectrum of their actions.

It's just that not everyone in Muslims was glad that the terrorists called themselves the “Islamic State”, thereby casting a shadow over the whole religion. And therefore, the criminal organization is renamed the "Iblis State."

By the way, according to the Qur'an, Iblis is an ancient angel who disobeyed God and did not kneel before Adam. He is a kind of Christian Lucifer, though with a certain oriental flavor.


The emergence of a new caliphate

So, the Iblis state is an organization that wants to revive the caliphate. And to be more precise, she had already proclaimed his appearance. But so far no civilized country has recognized him. After all, states cannot be born just like that, by someone’s will or order.

However, the opinion of the civilized world does not excite IS. And therefore, every day this organization is recruiting more and more new members into its ranks. And it should be said that such an increase in the number of "Iblis state" makes us wary, especially given the radical attitude of adherents.

Frightening laws of a new state

It should be noted that people are not afraid of the very idea of ​​a new caliph, but what will follow. After all, IS wants to reanimate the old laws of Islam, which, to put it mildly, are inhumane.

For example, for blasphemy relies public death, as well as for renunciation of faith. Everyone who does not belong to Islam must become second-class people and pay a fee to the caliph. Moreover, slavery will return again from the sands of time, although people have sought its ban for many hundreds of years.
