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Hierarchy is The meaning of the word. Hierarchy views

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Hierarchy is The meaning of the word. Hierarchy views
Hierarchy is The meaning of the word. Hierarchy views

Video: What Is A Hierarchy? 2024, July

Video: What Is A Hierarchy? 2024, July

A hierarchy is a sequential arrangement of elements of something in common with each other. The important point is that something important should be on the top step, and small and insignificant on the bottom. Elements can, for example, range from large to small, from elusive to easily accessible, from powerful to weak.

Management hierarchy

The hierarchy is found, in particular, in public administration.


In this sense, it is a system based on disposition and submission, and consisting of a large number of levels. Any elements of government may be represented as elements. For example, officials and legal acts. Controls can also be considered an element of the system. Based on the foregoing, a definition can be formulated. The management hierarchy is a system in which some people give orders, while others execute them. Each person in one way or another came across her.

The necessity and inevitability of the hierarchy of management

In large groups that are larger than smaller companies, the organization of power is certainly formed, which can be represented as a hierarchy. This happens in any large corporation or organization. Do not forget that the state, which is a certain form of public authority, is also subject to hierarchy. This system is necessary for order to reign in the world. Public administration cannot exist without hierarchy.

Social hierarchy

Social hierarchy is a set of filters through which not only wise, educated, or highly moral individuals can go upstairs, but rather well-oriented in society and cultural ones.


You can argue for a long time whether this is fair or not, but in reality everything happens that way. The hierarchy is a forge of personalities that society needs. Only she is subject to this role.

So, hierarchy is a set of public filters, through the first of which it is relatively easy to go through, but as they move up, they become more rigid, therefore, not all reach the last stage.

Hierarchy of needs

A. Maslow said that human needs can be distributed from simple to complex, and the desire for something higher can appear only after a person receives satisfaction from the lower. For example, when he feels protected or eats.


The pyramid is as follows:

  • Physiological needs. This includes food, drink, sleep, etc.

  • The need for security. This is orderliness, confidence in the future, independence, security, freedom from fear and fear.

  • The need for belonging and love. This is communication with relatives, friends, the formation of their circle.

  • Need for recognition and respect. A man must respect himself. It is also good if others treat him with respect. The individual seeks fame and prestige.

  • The need for self-improvement. The individual must develop and do mainly what he has a predisposition to.

Scientist's opinion

So, the hierarchy of needs is a system of desires, the realization of which a person strives for his whole life.


What did Maslow himself say about his pyramid? He believed that a lower desire should be satisfied before a higher one appears and begins to disturb a person. This should be normal. Maslow also noted an interesting pattern: when minor needs are met, the individual begins to desire something more complex and sophisticated. At the same time, the scientist emphasized that this rule has exceptions. Some people, for example, believe that cultivation is more important than love. And others satisfy insignificant needs and do not strive for anything else, even if they are not happy with everything. Maslow believes that all such anomalies in the development of the individual arise as a result of neurosis or in the case of pronounced depressing external factors.

Hierarchy of goals

The hierarchy of goals is a system consisting of several stages. What does she look like? Very simple: small targets are located on the lower steps, and larger ones on the upper ones. Writer Harry Adler, who created a book called NLP. Modern psychotechnology, ”he talked a lot about this. He argues that any goal must be represented in a kind of hierarchy, where the lower is subordinate to the higher. Doing this is very helpful. The hierarchy of goals is a pyramid that demonstrates what is important for a single person. It allows you to better understand and recognize the individual.

How to arrange goals in a pyramid?

At the top of the pyramid may be information about any desire or value of a person, for example, the achievement of peace of mind.


This intention cannot exist by itself; for its fulfillment it is necessary to paint the bottom of the pyramid with smaller goals. For example, the inscription “have enough money” may appear in the center, and “increase your education” or “move up the career ladder” at the bottom. And the pyramid should be completed by a set of everyday goals aimed at fulfilling the desires in the middle. It is all easy to imagine in the mind. We should not forget that hierarchy is what allows a person to organize and systematize his life.

It is clear that goals located on higher steps may at first seem ghostly and hazy. But the tasks below should be quite clear and tangible. This is a very important condition.