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Kangaroos became their neighbors: a couple exchanged a modern house for a dome tent in Australia

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Kangaroos became their neighbors: a couple exchanged a modern house for a dome tent in Australia
Kangaroos became their neighbors: a couple exchanged a modern house for a dome tent in Australia

Video: GFE 2019 - Dr. Charles Massy 2024, June

Video: GFE 2019 - Dr. Charles Massy 2024, June

Victoria Buoness is 35 years old. She is originally from Macclesfield, which is located in England. For a long time she lived in Manchester, until once, tired of the fast pace of the metropolis, she decided to completely change everything. Together with her Australian husband Johnny Clapham (27 years old), she moved to nature to live outside the cities and noise.

Far from the city

Now Victoria and Johnny live on a mountain in the outback and raise their daughter Anaya. But why did the couple decide to exchange urban life and become “wild”?

Until recently, Victoria lived, like most people: she went to a local supermarket, climbed the staircase and used transport. But that all changed when she changed her townhouse to a simple domed tent.


Now Victoria and Johnny live almost four hours drive from the nearest city of Brisbane (Australia). And to buy food, the couple has to go on a two-hour journey.

Gifts of nature to help

Instead of turning on the faucet in a cozy bathroom, Victoria purifies the water from the rivers for washing and cooking. She uses solar energy for electricity. And all this happens on a small site in a desert area. At their disposal a plot of 5 acres.

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When Victoria was only 20 years old, she moved to the fashion house of Manchester, working in a prestigious marketing company. But she was always depressed by the pace of big cities. She wanted something more relaxed. In addition, she always aspired to become an environmentally conscious consumer.

After Victoria's mother passed away when the girl was barely 24 years old, she decided to change her life. And three years later she moved to Australia. Already in Sydney, Victoria met Johnny, who was a landscape designer. After a while, they decided to live together, and a few months later the girl found out that she was pregnant.


Alternative solution

In Sydney, housing prices are incredibly high. For example, a one-bedroom apartment is sold for almost 60 million rubles! The couple understood that they would not pull the purchase of such housing, so the couple began to look for alternative options.


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When Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Anaya, the family moved from Sydney and began to look for land far from the city. In the end, they overcame the mountains and reached the coveted site. Their new home was a three and a half hour drive from the city center and a ten minute drive from the nearest hotel.

By the way, today, little Anaya is a little over a year old.


Most people in Australia choose to go outdoors just for the rest, but no one wants to live in the wild. But Victoria and Johnny were not like that. They needed space, not cramped megalopolises.