
Ilana Yuryeva (Ural Dumplings): creativity, personal life, participation in the show

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Ilana Yuryeva (Ural Dumplings): creativity, personal life, participation in the show
Ilana Yuryeva (Ural Dumplings): creativity, personal life, participation in the show

The heroine of our article became famous thanks to the show “Ural dumplings”. Ilana Yuryeva recently joined the team, but she already managed to fall in love with the Russian audience thanks to charm, a good game and a sense of humor.

The childhood of the future star

Ilana Isakzhanova was born on July 7, 1988 in the city of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). She is the fourth child in the family, but has never been deprived of attention. Parents saw how active and charismatic their youngest daughter is growing, and from childhood they tried to develop her talents.

At 7 years old, the girl took her first steps on television. The debut was the work of the leading children's show "Firefly".

Ilana was fond of dancing. She still considers participation in contests as the most vivid impression of childhood. It is worth noting that the girl managed to achieve considerable success.

Moving to St. Petersburg

When the girl was 10, the family moved to St. Petersburg. Ilana successfully graduated from a regular and music school (piano class). When the question arose about choosing a future profession, the girl decided to apply to the University of Culture, the faculty of directing and acting.

During the student days, many modern stars of show business played in KVN. Similar information is available in the biographies of most of the members of the Ural Dumplings collective. Ilana Yurieva was not keen on KVN games, unlike the vast majority of her colleagues.


Ilana on television

Having received a diploma, the girl went to the capital, where she immediately fell for the samples of the new Valera TV show. The project was produced by Andrei Rozhkov, one of the main participants in the Ural Dumplings show. He and other members of the jury liked Ilana Yurieva, thanks to which she received a role in the Valera TV project. But then neither Rozhkov himself, nor the young actress, yet knew that this acquaintance would play such an important role in Ilana’s career and the work of the team.

After the filming was completed, the girl returned to St. Petersburg, where she began acting in promising TV shows and singing in the AN-2 group.

"Ural dumplings"

For a long time, Julia Mikhalkova was the only girl in the "Ural dumplings." Ilan Yuriev was invited to the show in 2012. There were rumors that the actresses had been at enmity for a long time and could not get along in any way, but Julia and Ilana always refuted such gossip. And even if during the creative process of preparing concerts between the team members there are disagreements, the viewer does not see any negative at the performances. Yulia and Ilan often have to play friends, and they look very organic when they cute chirp on the stage, choose outfits or discuss men.


The male part of the team met the brand new favorably. Of course, Ilana did not yet have so much experience on stage as a comedic actress, but she showed herself to be a professional in her work and a sociable, non-conflict person.

Most often, Ilan has to play the role of a glamorous beauty, which is facilitated by her excellent external data. The girl was immediately remembered by the viewer for her athletic fit figure, well-groomed long hair and bright features. By the way, the growth of the actress (164 cm) can not be called model, but this is more than compensated by the breathtaking heels, on which Ilana confidently defile on the stage and even dance.