
Ilya Shakunov: filmography, family

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Ilya Shakunov: filmography, family
Ilya Shakunov: filmography, family

Video: Destiny's Choice. Episode 1. Russian TV Series. Melodrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN 2024, July

Video: Destiny's Choice. Episode 1. Russian TV Series. Melodrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN 2024, July

For him, the material proposed to him is important first, and then the director. He reads the script he has brought, and he solves all arising issues with the director. And only with him. He considers himself a theater actor, despite the fact that recently in the theater he has played only one role. He loves to argue and does not like dependence on anything. He was an exemplary student and graduated with honors. And yet, he is confident that the art of acting can not be taught, you can only slightly adjust the ability already given by nature. He is Ilya Shakunov, whose filmography contains so diverse roles that it is just right for other young actors to experience envy.


One of the most sought-after actors in Russian cinema was born in the hot August of 1970 in one of the most beautiful cities of the Soviet Union - Leningrad. As a child, he somehow immediately and seriously decided on the choice of his profession. Therefore, as a schoolboy, he began to study in the studio of actor Igor Gorbachev.


Studying at school went on as usual. Soon, Ilya Shakunov, whose filmography has not yet begun to replenish with interesting paintings, heard his last school bell. Nevertheless, the final decision to follow the acting path did not come immediately. First, there was admission to the St. Petersburg Medical Institute, from where Ilya transferred to LETI. After studying a little, he realized that this was not his, but to be reckoned with the host of famous actors of our time is what he longs for with all his heart. Therefore, the previous study was abandoned. Ahead wide open doors LGITMiK.

The pricelessness of life experience

While still a student at the institute (course of Veniamin Filshtinsky), he was recognized as one of the most promising young actors. Studying in the fourth year, I already played, with great success, Chatsky in the play "Woe from Wit" Ilya Shakunov, whose filmography was only just beginning to replenish.


Before studying at the theater institute, Ilya Yurievich managed not only to study, but to work a little - as a cleaner (that is exactly what is written in his work book), a fireman and a stoker. Even parasitized for half a year. He considers this part of his life to be a very valuable life experience, without which it would be much more difficult for him in the future. Shakunov is sure that, having come to the institute at the age of twenty-one years, he was very different from seventeen-year-old students in his internal content and experience. Once, in an interview, he said that he happened to play doctors in two films. So he didn’t just imagine how they wash their hands, fulfill their professional duties and so on. Actor Ilya Shakunov, whose filmography has been of interest to his fans for many years, knew how doctors do it. Because he was able to notice such nuances as a result of experience.

Welcome to the Youth Theater

The year 1996 has come. Ilya was awarded a red diploma. The artistic director of the theater Andrei Andreev invited him to become part of the Youth Theater troupe. Very little time passes, and Ilya Shakunov, whose filmography will begin to replenish with extraordinary speed, becomes one of the leading actors of the theater, despite his youth. He went on stage in "Dragon", "Mermaid", "Putans", "Autumn Violins", "Master of Rhythmics" and many others.


A little later, the actor, who was considered very talented, was invited to the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. Rehearsals continued for a couple of months in these walls, but Shakunov was not ready to leave his native theater, so he returned to the Youth Theater.

Until today, it was on these, the stage that became so dear to the actor’s heart, that he played a lot of different characteristic roles. And now, despite the fact that the filmography of Ilya Shakunov is quite impressive, there are also many performances behind him, and the theater and cinema actor himself turned 45 years old in the summer, he is still very popular among spectators of a very young age who are enviable constancy is slowly tearing down photographs of his idol from theater stands.

Movie roles

For the first time on the screen, the actor appeared in the distant 1993. It was the drama Creation of Adam. The role was small but noticeable. The following years brought a few more suggestions, which the actor gladly accepted. These roles did not bring him wide fame.

And then the two thousandth year came, when he was offered the main role in Oleg Kovalov’s film “Dark Night”. The actor had to embody the image of a photographer named Imant, a strange person who had feelings for a little girl. Shakunov managed to create a kind of graphic drawing of the role - round glasses, a long coat of black color, a hat with wide brim, the look of a real madman. During the filming of the picture, he turned into a real king of darkness.


At all film festivals at which this picture was presented, it was an unchanging success. And critics in their reviews spoke with particular warmth about the work of Shakunov. Unfortunately, the mass audience was not able to appreciate the film, because it never came out for hire.

Each character has a part of his soul

Two years later, there were three new films, among them - "Kamenskaya-2", in which he played a disabled person. Next year - more films: “Three colors of love”, “Kidnapping” and others. He was so busy with work that he was on the set almost twenty-four hours a day.

Shakunov Ilya Yuryevich, whose filmography includes over sixty paintings, embodies the most diverse images in the movie, which absolutely do not resemble one another. He had to play doctors, businessmen, even maniacs. And he tried to convey to each character a piece of himself, his perception of the world and the situation.


In recent years, there have been roles of Alexander Bogdanov in the series Tabor, Major Alexander Varlamov in The Abyss, Hieromonk Iliodor in Grigory R., Pavel Ryazanov in The Lot of Fate.