
Index - deflator - this is the main indicator in forecasting planning

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Index - deflator - this is the main indicator in forecasting planning
Index - deflator - this is the main indicator in forecasting planning

Video: Topic8_ECON300_Scheiding_FA2018 2024, July

Video: Topic8_ECON300_Scheiding_FA2018 2024, July

Despite the rejection of the planned economy in the nineties of the last century, long-term plans and strategies still lie at the heart of the activities of most large enterprises and the state itself. Since everything in the modern world is interdependent, and almost no one lives on subsistence farming, special deflators are used for more or less reliable forecasts - these are price indices for basic goods and services. These tools are managed by the Ministry of Economic Development.


The concept of deflator indexes of the Ministry of Economic Development

The Ministry of Economic Development is developing its indicators, primarily for the state. Based on them, strategic planning for the long term is carried out, medium-term plans, programs and forecasts for the development of both the Russian economy as a whole and its individual branches are developed.


In its content, a deflator is a coefficient that provides a measurement of the valuation of goods and services in comparable terms.

Speaking in a more understandable language, when using a deflator in the calculations, prices are “cleared” of the inflation component and begin to more or less objectively reflect the real value of the conditional product, regardless of what year it was produced and how much the main cost of its production cost then.

Data Sources for Deflator Calculation

The main data sources for calculating deflators are, of course, various summary statistical reports. Organizations of all forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs annually report to the authorities the basic indicators regarding their activities. Statistics processes these reports, compiles and submits to the Ministry of Economic Development. For reliable calculations and the identification of dynamic trends, summary data for a number of years is used.

The main deflators used in planning


The main deflators of the Ministry of Economic Development, which are used in the construction of plans, are usually considered:

  • Consumer price index, which takes into account price changes due to inflation for food and non-food products and fuel and lubricants for paid services of housing and communal services and other enterprises.

  • Producer price index, taking into account the dynamics of producer prices in the context of various sectors of the economy. Details are given to industries related to energy, mining, processing, retail, construction and agriculture. Typically, the assessment is done in two ways: with and without the export component.

  • Indices of changes in real wages and real incomes of the population, based on which forecast calculations for the wage fund will then be built.

  • The index of change of the ruble against the dollar.

Deflator Indices in Budget Planning

When drafting budgets and medium-term financial plans at all levels, the forecast for the socio-economic development of the territory is taken as the basis. The calculation of expected budget revenues is based on the forecast data in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code and other regulatory legal acts (decisions on setting rental rates, etc.).

The expenditure side of the budget is determined from the volume of adopted programs in accordance with the goals and objectives defined by the budget and tax policies for a certain period.

But when determining the amount of budgetary funds needed to implement a particular program over a number of years, line ministries and departments are guided by official indices - deflators of the Ministry of Economic Development for years. With their application, the costs of maintaining state-owned property, utility bills, and the necessary public procurement are estimated.