
An interesting question - to what floor do mosquitoes fly?

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An interesting question - to what floor do mosquitoes fly?
An interesting question - to what floor do mosquitoes fly?

Video: Mosquitoes also can fly in the rain 2024, July

Video: Mosquitoes also can fly in the rain 2024, July

Children ask many questions that are very important in life. Adults sometimes simply do not have time to even formulate them. For example, to what floor do mosquitoes fly? And is it possible to climb insects on the roof of the tallest building? It is easier for adults to buy a fumigator and not think about them in principle.

Bloodsuckers flying

To find out how high mosquitoes fly, you first need to understand what they are. These insects belong to the family of dipterans, a type of arthropod. And in fact - they have only two wings, and legs, or rather, legs, of which 3 pairs, as if consist of separate pieces. Interestingly, the paws end with claws.

Mosquitoes are terrible annoyances, they interfere with people with their squeak. A squeak is the sound from the operation of the wings at a speed of almost 1000 strokes per minute. Moreover, insects of both sexes make a squeak, but males, by the difference in it, determine for themselves the best partner for mating. There is no escape from buzzing if these insects are in the room. And the answer to the question of what floor mosquitoes fly to may be the most unpredictable.


The bloodsucker and the victims

Mosquitoes are spread all over the planet, with the exception of poles. And even then, if in the dwellings of scientists working in the Arctic and Antarctica, larvae brought with things appear, then in a warm room they will hatch, grow into adults and begin to breed. Mosquitoes affect all people on the planet. Even those who live in the mountains are not immune from annoying squeaks and annoying bites.

By the way, only females bite at these insects, which it is time to breed. In order for the fertilized eggs to develop, the mosquito needs blood from which she receives glucose and other substances important for future offspring. Males and females, who have already laid eggs and are not yet ready for new mating, feed on nectar of flowers and pollen from plants.

No less than mosquitoes are bored by flies. These insects also live around the world, and there are several hundred varieties of them. But to what floor do mosquitoes and flies fly, and is it possible to hide from them at least on the very top floor of the tallest building in the world?


Where to hide?

What is the maximum flight height of a mosquito? "To the ceiling" is a traditional playful answer. Indeed, why should he strive upwards, if nearby you can easily have lunch or dinner, if not with blood, then with nectar and pollen. And yet it’s just interesting - how high can this insect fly if it is really needed? The nature of them has a sense of survival, and you can survive where it is warm and humid, where there are plants, which means food, and warm-blooded animals or humans, so that offspring can be raised.

There is evidence that mosquitoes were seen even in the Himalayas, at an altitude of more than 5000 km above sea level. Perhaps the insects themselves would hardly have flown there, most likely, they got there together with people. Nobody will say larvae or already adults, but the fact that they were able to survive there is a fact.

But high is not only in the mountains. On the top floors of multi-storey buildings, you can also hear a squeak and be bitten. These insects can use the elevator, fly in mines and air ducts from apartment to apartment, from floor to floor. So the answer to the question of what floor mosquitoes fly to is surprisingly simple - to the last. And even higher, if necessary, on the roof, where there may be puddles of water, where you can lay eggs so that new generations hatch in the sun.


Mosquito "day nursery"

Mosquitoes will feel good somewhere high in the mountains if they are warm, satisfying, and where they will breed. And for posterity water is needed. It is she who becomes the manger for the larvae. Therefore, any puddle, a barrel of water, an indoor aquarium can become a hotbed of squealing annoying.
