
Irina Basyuk - TOP-leader "Oriflame": biography, personal life, the path to success

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Irina Basyuk - TOP-leader "Oriflame": biography, personal life, the path to success
Irina Basyuk - TOP-leader "Oriflame": biography, personal life, the path to success

Irina Basyuk is a well-known Russian business woman, who holds the position of the managing company Oriflame. Twice she was nominated for the title of "Diamond Director." The success story of this woman truly inspires and encourages decisive action.

Some Celebrity Information

For the first time, a promising, but still very young girl met a colorful catalog in the winter of 2001. After reviewing the proposed products, Irina decided to use this product without any intermediaries. Soon, she transmitted her data through a friend and, not even suspecting it, began her journey to success. Irina Basyuk really managed to achieve a lot in her life, putting a lot of effort.

So what is this woman famous for and how was she able to achieve great heights in building her career? You can read about this and much more in the proposed article.

Biography of Irina Basyuk

The future business woman was born in the Russian city of Krasnodar in 1980. Irina Basyuk celebrates her birthday on May 1. In the future, having married, the girl moved to a small military town Siberian, located in the Altai Territory. It is here that Irina has been living for many years, which is why many media believe that she was born here. But in reality this is not so.


Since childhood, the activities of Irina Basyuk has been closely associated with beauty and fashion trends. At 16, she already became a professional model. At such a young age, the girl could boast of many achievements and skills, but she decided not to stop there. Regularly visiting a modeling agency, Basyuk went to specialized courses at which cosmetologists and makeup artists studied. Here, the girl was taught to use extremely expensive and high-quality cosmetics when applying makeup.

Carier start

Having carefully studied the products offered in the Oriflame catalog, Irina Basyuk decided that she would now use only her. Indeed, after moving from a major Krasnodar to a miniature town in Altai, the girl for a long time could not get used to cosmetics, which was sold in local stores. Most of the funds offered turned out to be fake or simply base. That is why, looking at the Oriflame catalog, Irina Basyuk, without any delay, immediately transferred her data to a friend who worked in this company.

Further difficulties

In her numerous interviews, the business woman repeatedly mentioned the difficulties that she had to overcome at the very beginning of her journey. At first, it was extremely difficult for her to establish a work process. It turned out that the friend who recommended the catalog to Irina did not know at all how to specifically place the received orders. She was only given the address of the place of issue in Barnaul, which had to go more than an hour.

Moreover, of the orders made in fact, the girl received only a third of the goods. In addition, Basyuk at that time already had the main work with which it was necessary to ask for regular trips to other regions. Often it also happened that Irina wasted in vain, because the products according to the order did not come at all.


Many people simply did not trust the girl, often she heard both ridicule and displeasure. There was a moment when even Irina’s husband stopped believing in the success of her venture. But despite all these obstacles, Basyuk did not give up and after only a couple of directories became a member of the BC.

Prior to joining Oriflame, Irina worked as an accountant and economist. She knew little about network marketing and interest. For the most part, the girl was only interested in information relating to the product itself. But a year after registration in the project, Irina Basyuk was informed about the arrival of the director of the branch from Novosibirsk in the city.

During this period, new difficulties arose in the girl’s life, which were related to renting, updating the database, maintaining accounting, developing the Internet and training consultants. To make another order, Irina had to get up almost in the middle of the night, because only at that time the lines were not overloaded.

Further activities

Gradually, the girl entered the course of affairs: she recruited a group, began to share her knowledge and even conduct master classes. True, at first she did not succeed in reaching truly great heights.

Irina realized that she lacked knowledge. She began to study suitable literature and tried to find a sponsor who would tell her how to achieve the desired success. Although most of her time, the girl still devoted her main work. Only in the evenings, returning from the office, she could engage in training sellers and taking orders.


The girl’s worldview has changed dramatically after reading the book “Think and Grow Rich, ” written for Americans by N. Hill. It was in her that Irina Basyuk discovered many interesting ideas for herself that radically changed the way she thought.

The next turning point in the life of the future business woman was the meeting of leaders held in Novosibirsk. Irina went here to exchange experience. Here Basyuk met many directors who were practically no different from herself. It was at this moment that she realized that she would do her best to get this position.


To the great surprise of Irina Basyuk, it turned out that in Barnaul special trainings were organized monthly for the directors of the company, but they were not available for her in status. However, despite this, the girl was not afraid and went to classes, gaining more courage. And here Irina was not just accepted, but also invited to constantly participate in ongoing trainings.


After some time, returning from another vacation to her main job, the girl informed the authorities about her dismissal. At first, the leadership was not serious about her words. Indeed, at that time her position was deservedly considered one of the most prestigious in the Altai Territory. This did not stop Irina Basyuk: she was so confident in her own abilities.

Work results

Being already a well-known business woman, in one of her interviews, the girl shared the results of her fruitful activities. In the fall of 2005, its indicators were approximately 15%, and by the winter they had grown by another 3%. In winter, Irina left her main job and began to deal exclusively with her favorite business. Now she has become a boss for herself, has gained a free work schedule and a rapidly increasing income, the size of which depended only on the girl herself. Irina was in contact with many interesting people, made presentations of quality cosmetics. In addition, she got the opportunity to constantly develop and take first-class courses. In addition, she helped other girls work on their business.


By the beginning of 2006, Basyuk reached an indicator of 21% and managed to achieve the desired rank of senior manager. And just a year later, the girl received the position of director of Oriflame. This is what the real life story of Irina Basyuk looks like. The path to success was not easy for the girl, but the result was definitely worth it.

A dream come true

Talking about her life, Irina many times mentioned her childhood desire. As a child, she always dreamed of going to some island from those that flashed in the Bounty commercial. And it was the Oriflame company that helped Irina fulfill all her wishes. On the way to her goal, she realized that it was important not only to dream, but also to make maximum efforts.

The new director of the company, Irina Basyuk, visited the fabulous island of Tenerife thanks to her participation in an international conference. The girl received an invitation at the banquet of directors - the first significant event in her life.


Irina went to the island with her colleagues. There they were accommodated in a five-star hotel. According to Basyuk herself, she received a lot of pleasure from the trip and the information acquired at the international conference.

Hobbies and personal life of Irina Basyuk

The successful business woman today has many interesting activities and hobbies in her luggage. And thanks to the success of her activities, she has enough time for each of her hobbies. Most of all, Irina loves swimming, dancing, reading, modeling exclusive wardrobe items, and rafting. Among other things, the girl often reads all kinds of literature, knits, draws, embroiders, organizes and independently participates in photo shoots, plants plants.

Basiuk distinguishes colorful Spanish cuisine from his gastronomic preferences. Most of all, Irina loves seafood dishes. And the most worthy book, according to the business woman, is a novel entitled "The Woman Who Lives" published by A. Sinimati.

As for the personal life of the held business woman, stability has reigned in this area of ​​her life for many years. Irina extremely rarely talks about her family, but it is reliably known that the girl got married at the age of 20. It was after this that she moved with her husband to the Altai Territory, the city of Siberian. This was necessary for the further promotion of the husband of Irina, who held a military post.