the culture

Izmailovsky Garden, or "Buff": a complete history and modern photos

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Izmailovsky Garden, or "Buff": a complete history and modern photos
Izmailovsky Garden, or "Buff": a complete history and modern photos

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. Many tourists coming here do not even bother with pre-booking excursions. You can just walk around the city and discover something new and beautiful every day for several months. Some places are attracted not only by their beauty, but also by their special atmosphere, for example, Izmailovsky Garden.


History reference

Not all native Petersburgers know that the Fontanka River was once a small stream, and the lands in its vicinity were considered suburban. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, it was customary to organize summer houses and build estates here. On the left bank of the Fontanka, the possession of postmaster Asch was considered one of the most comfortable estates. It is believed that he was the first to set up a well-maintained park around his house in the place where the legendary Izmailovsky Garden is located today. In 1785, Catherine II transferred the garden and the manor house of the Academy of Sciences and the Imperial Russian Academy. And a little later the park becomes the property of P. Zubov - the empress's favorite. The new owner is breaking a luxurious flower garden here. However, already under Alexander the First, the territory becomes abandoned. And the park is appropriate to call only landscape.


Garden "Buff"

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the green zone gets its modern name. The Izmailovsky Garden was named after the regiment of the same name, the barracks of which were very close to Fontanka. In 1888, the park was rented by the German city club Schuster Club. It was at that time that the first restaurant was opened in the recreation area, an equipped stage and many other entertainment facilities appeared. Even then, this place became quite popular, but its real dawn was a bit later. In 1898, a new tenant appeared at the garden - Petr Tumpakov, a merchant who came from Yaroslavl. He demolished almost all the old buildings, erected a new restaurant and theater, which he called "Buff", and soon the whole park began to be called so. Tumpakov conducted electric lighting in the garden, which was a novelty for that time. In the evenings, performances and performances of the most fashionable artists were held here, flower beds and trees were highlighted, and colored lights were lit around. It was an incredibly fashionable place where all the most notable and wealthy residents of St. Petersburg came.

Park during the USSR

After the events of 1917, the park retained its purpose and overall appearance. The theater building was rebuilt and enlarged, there was also a summer terrace where concerts were held, and on weekdays it was possible to play chess. The Izmailovsky Garden was not too badly damaged even during the blockade: on its territory, local residents set up a garden. After the war, the park was returned to its original name, the local theater, respectively, became known as the "Summer Theater of the Izmailovsky Garden." In 1980, a new Youth Theater was opened in the green recreation area. In the 90s of the last century, the garden did not receive proper care and was in some desolation, like many other similar objects throughout the country. The situation began to change for the better with the beginning of the 2000s.


Izmailovsky Garden: photo and description of the decor

Large-scale reconstruction and improvement of the recreation area were carried out in 2007. Then the old theater building was dismantled and a new three-story building was built. Chic flower beds were again smashed in the park, new benches and lanterns appeared, and all the garbage was removed. Although the recreation area is small, it is nice to be here. According to many, like the rest of St. Petersburg, the Izmailovsky Garden has a very special aura and atmosphere. Not so long ago, the park was decorated with modern sculptures. These are giant squares and balls that hide in the bushes or hang directly from the branches of trees. There are big-eyed fly agarics, windmills and other intricate characters and figures. This design makes the park truly unusual and literally cosmic. Many tourists who have arrived in St. Petersburg for a few days tend to get to the Izmailovsky Garden and take original photographs as a keepsake.


Petersburg angel

In autumn 2012, a real angel came down to one of the garden benches. No, this is not an excerpt from a mystical novel about St. Petersburg, but rather real notes by contemporaries. The sculpture was created by Roman Shustrov, and this layout was among the winners. This special place is the Izmailovsky Garden. The angel installed here is also an exception to the rule. This is a small man in a cap and a raincoat with difficult to determine age, he has a book in his hands and an umbrella over his head. The wings growing from the back complement the picture. The author emphasizes that he wanted to depict a collective image of the spirituality of the St. Petersburg intelligentsia. These were special people who were born at the beginning of the last century in the Northern capital. Having lived not the easiest and happiest life, they know how to stay young and positive in old age, and it is unfortunate that every year they are fewer among us.
