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Perverts - who is this? What danger can sexual perversions pose?

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Perverts - who is this? What danger can sexual perversions pose?
Perverts - who is this? What danger can sexual perversions pose?

Video: ThinkOlio: A History of Sexual Perversions 2024, July

Video: ThinkOlio: A History of Sexual Perversions 2024, July

Many believe that perverts are one of the main problems of modern society. And they can be understood, because the 21st century has become a vivid example of how familiar moral and ethical standards can easily be destroyed. Take the same gays: a few decades ago only a few heard about them, and now their official representative offices are in almost every country in the world!

In this regard, let's talk about who are perverts. What types of sexual abnormalities exist? In addition, many are interested in how to become a pervert. And what kind of threat can such individuals pose to society?


Who are the perverts?

So, who can be attributed to the category of "pervert"? The synonyms for this word are very terrible: pedophile, masochist, lecher, necrophile and so on. However, they are all very superficial and, rather, give a general assessment, rather than a full answer. Therefore, in order to finally understand this issue, let's see what is said about this in the explanatory dictionary.

Perverts are people with pronounced deviations from generally accepted physical and ethical standards. Moreover, it is often implied precisely a moral distortion of the perception of reality, which will certainly affect the sexual fantasies of this individual.

A vivid example of perverts can be exhibitionists, that is, those who are excited by the fact that demonstrates their genitals to other people. It should be noted that such a deviation is quite common. Here are just a few decide on a desperate step and embody this sexual fantasy in real life.


What are the types of perverts?

In general, it is quite difficult to give a general classification of perverts, since this is a very slippery topic and no one wants to tackle it. However, the surest decision would be to divide these people into two large categories: hidden and realized.

Hidden perverts are those who do not want to follow their dark desires or are not yet aware of them. For example, there is a person who is excited from pain, but he refrains from self-torture and does not ask others to hit him. He is a hidden pervert, since all sexual fantasies live exclusively in his head.

The realized perverts are those who perfectly know what they want and are not afraid to do it. That is, if the same lover of pain crosses his strong-willed trait and begins to apply lashes and shackles in practice, then he will become a full-fledged pervert masochist.


How do they turn into perverts?

It should be noted that only a small part of perverts becomes such due to congenital pathologies. Although half a century ago, science was convinced that sexual excesses were a result of malfunctioning of the brain. An interesting fact, but in the old days a female orgasm was also considered a form of perversion, and British doctors even tried to cure their patients from it.

As for today's time, most psychologists are inclined to believe that sexual perversions appear due to improper upbringing or subsequently psychological trauma to children. After all, it is at an early age that a person’s personality is formed, and therefore his love passions. Most of the perverts became so because of their parents.

However, immoral qualities can appear in a person at a later age. The reason for this may be the suppression of their own sexual energy, detachment, the impact of a bad partner and so on.
