
Collective protection means what means? Appointment and application of collective protective equipment

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Collective protection means what means? Appointment and application of collective protective equipment
Collective protection means what means? Appointment and application of collective protective equipment

Video: Collective Security 2024, June

Video: Collective Security 2024, June

Each enterprise must comply with the relevant labor protection standards for two or more workers at the same time. Collective protective equipment includes devices or structures that guarantee such an opportunity. Safety of life and health of employees is guaranteed without fail at each enterprise.


Safety must be achieved with respect to possible radiation, electric shock, temperature exposure, vibration, biological, chemical, mechanical factors, noise and much more. Collective protective equipment at the enterprise is developed precisely for this. Such devices are divided into two main groups. Some are designed to ensure the safety of employees in the process of work, while others serve as shelters in case of emergency.

Collective Protection Classification

VHCs reduce the likelihood or completely prevent exposure of personnel to occupational health hazards. Means are used to normalize lighting and purify air in workrooms. At each enterprise, protection from falling from a height, contact with electricity, and biological, chemical and mechanical influences is necessarily provided. The temperature range suitable for the body is always respected. Workers should not be exposed to lasers, ultrasound, vibration, noise, electric fields, as well as infrared, ionizing, electromagnetic, ultraviolet radiation.

Safety of the air and lighting

Collective protective equipment includes devices for ventilation, conditioning, deodorization, maintaining barometric pressure, alarm, as well as autonomous control of airspace. VHCs to normalize the visual environment in the workrooms are lighting openings, lights, searchlights, and protective devices.


Influence of infrared, electromagnetic, ultraviolet radiation, noise and current

Collective protection means include protective, warning, sealing devices, protection coatings, devices for cleaning liquids or air, decontamination, sealing, automatic control, control at a certain distance, devices for storing or moving radioactive elements, containers, safety signs. Noises are suppressed thanks to a special technique, soundproofing and absorbing coatings. To protect personnel from electric shocks, insulating materials, grounding, monitoring devices, alarms and automatic shutdowns are used.

Exposure to static electricity and temperatures

Collective protective equipment includes moisturizing, grounding, shielding devices, neutralizers and anti-electrostatic substances. VHCs for low or high temperatures of equipment and air are devices for heating or cooling, alarm, remote control, automatic control, protective and thermal insulation devices.

Mechanical, chemical influences, as well as biological factors are also subject to maximum neutralization.


Fall Prevention

Protection means are safety signs, sealing, protective, safety devices, alarm devices, automatic control, long-distance control, removal of toxins, air purification, preparations and equipment for disinfestation, disinsection, sterilization, protective nets.

Fire-technical products

Individual and collective protection of workers in case of fires must be available at every enterprise. According to the relevant order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees have the right to access equipment and facilities to ensure group safety, as well as special technical devices to prevent fire or maintenance of vital functions. The safety of people should be maintained while extinguishing the flame and threatening their health. Building projects should include fire walls, shelters, windows, doors, as well as the location of fire suppression and personal protective equipment.


Occupational health

The modes of work in hot weather in open areas and in the production room in the warm season include the use of collective protective equipment for personnel to comply with hygiene standards (prevention of thermal shock).

Civil Defense Objects

Collective means of protecting the population include various shelters in case of catastrophes, wars, and accidents. The relevance of their organization for enterprises located in hazardous areas cannot be called into question. Government regulations are created to regulate the design and operation of VHCs.

Collective protection against weapons of mass destruction

VHCs are engineering structures designed to protect the public. These are the most reliable means of defense of citizens in case of the use of means of attack, the consequences of which are massive. Radiation shelters can be used as shelters.

Collective protection against weapons of mass destruction prevents the effects of harmful gases, biological and other toxic substances, high temperature, the effects of nuclear explosions. Such shelters provide several rooms for people and equipment, as well as ventilation chambers, bathrooms, medical rooms, pantries, power units and places for water extraction. For the most part in such projects there are several exits closed by an absolutely hermetic hatch or door. They are always located in areas where the possibility of a collapse is excluded. Roomy structures include vestibules and mines.



VHC air supply occurs in several modes. Clean ventilation as well as filtration are possible. The restoration of oxygen reserves and the complete isolation function are provided for in shelters built in areas of high probability of a fire. Electricity, water, heating, sewage systems are connected to external networks.

Portable shelters are provided in the shelters in case of a malfunction of the main stationary ones, as well as containers for storing water and collecting waste. Heating is carried out through the operation of heating networks. All shelters should be equipped with fire fighting, reconnaissance, protective clothing and spare tools.

Exposure to radiation

Personal and collective protective equipment for workers in case of radiation contamination of the area prevents the effects of ionizing radiation, light, and the neutron flux, provides shelter from the shock wave, and avoids the entry of toxic and biological substances into the body. For the most part, such shelters are equipped in basements. The possibility of the rapid construction of shelters from reinforced concrete elements, timber, brick, stones and even brushwood is not ruled out.

All kinds of buried premises can be converted into anti-radiation shelters. These include cellars, caves, cellars, underground workings, storage for vegetables. The main characteristic of collective protective equipment of this type is the rather high strength of the walls.

Improving room security

To do this, window and unused doorways are closed, a layer of soil is laid on the floors. If necessary, an external backfill of walls protruding above the ground is performed. Collective protective equipment at the enterprise is specially sealed. Cracks, holes or cracks in ceilings and walls are closed, at the places of wiring and heating pipes, as well as on the slopes of windows. Doors are upholstered with felt or some other dense fabric.

Exhaust and supply ducts are provided for ventilation of rooms with a small area. In buildings adapted for shelter, but not equipped with a water supply system, liquid tanks with a capacity of 4 liters per person per day are mounted. The bathroom is equipped with a cesspool. Remote containers or dry closets can be installed. Also mounted sunbeds, benches and caches for food. An external electrical network provides lighting for such rooms.


Retrofitting basements

The security properties of each collective protective equipment, the use of which according to the plan should provide shelter from radiation, can be repeatedly increased due to additional equipment. After the shelter commandant gives the appropriate orders, all hermetic doors, emergency exits, and ventilation plugs are closed. The air filtration system is activated. When toxic or toxic substances enter, each asylum seeker must immediately wear an individual respiratory protection product.

If possible, it is necessary to activate the oxygen filtration unit if a fire occurs near the shelter or too much concentration of potent poisons is formed. First, the shelter will need to be put into full isolation mode. Many people think that gas masks belong to collective remedies. These are individual devices intended for personal use, which should be equipped with each shelter. After the weathering of harmful substances from the shelter, gas masks can be removed.

Generally accepted rules

Only the headquarters of the civil defense facility determines the necessary duration of use of collective protective equipment for workers. Rules of conduct during exit, as well as the procedure should be established in advance. Asylum seekers receive all instructions by phone or by any other means of communication. The service manager should warn about the possibility of leaving the shelter.

Simple shelters

What means of collective defense can be attributed to the simplest? These are open or blocked slots that can be constructed using improvised materials. The protective properties of the simplest shelters are very reliable. Due to their use, penetrating radiation, shock wave, and light radiation cause less damage. The level of radiation, the effect of biological and toxic substances on the skin is reduced.

Cracks are built in areas where the possibility of blockages or flooding by rain and melt water is excluded. First, open structures are created. These are trenches in the form of a zigzag, consisting of several sections more than 15 meters in length. Depth - up to 2 meters, and a width of about 1 meter. This shelter is designed for 50 people. Before equipping the slot, you must mark its plan on the ground.
