
How to be Russian: a foreign psychologist spoke about the unwritten rules that foreigners in Russia should adhere to

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How to be Russian: a foreign psychologist spoke about the unwritten rules that foreigners in Russia should adhere to
How to be Russian: a foreign psychologist spoke about the unwritten rules that foreigners in Russia should adhere to

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Foreigners are always interested in how to be like people from Russia. It's no secret that for this you just need to follow some rules, but which ones? George Manaev decided to share a secret and spoke about 10 basics of proper behavior, so that everyone can see in you a piece of the Russian soul. And if you succeed in constantly observing them, then you can feel this whole image.

Silence is worth its weight in gold

It is no secret that in their homeland the Russians are constantly silent and do not say too much. If you take a ride on the subway, you will see that the loudest are the tourists who came to visit. Indigenous people are silent. The maximum that they can do is smile. In Russia, silence is gold, and if there are no facts or arguments, it is better not to talk in vain.


Love of singing

Russians love to sing classical songs and they always do this during the holidays. It is enough to visit at least one feast and you will immediately see that karaoke is a favorite pastime of the environment. And if there is no microphone nearby, then singing begins from memory.


Need to be brave

The main feature of the Russians is this: they will certainly try to do what others do not. Even if it looks ridiculous, they will in any case experience pleasure and sometimes even receive a reward. They do not worry about how they look in the eyes of the environment, so they will do what they see fit.


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Do not be afraid to answer with words

Another interesting feature is proper word management. Indeed, verbal skirmishes happen everywhere and everywhere, so you need to be able to fend for yourself in this regard. For example, if the interlocutor is trying to joke on you, then be sure to answer him, but also in the form of a joke, so as not to offend anyone.


Motivating criticism

Russians are famous for being able to criticize and motivate at the same time. Their statement is based on the fact that at first a person indicates errors, and in the end they will definitely note the motivation of approximately this format: "Act, you will succeed."


Need to be honest

Russians do not have the most unique trait, but they fulfill it 100%. For example, they cannot pretend and seem honest, they immediately spread everything directly, no matter how bitter the truth may be. And if they try to hide something, it will be immediately visible.

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The specifics are important

Another interesting aspect of Russians is the specifics. If other nations sometimes use long information messages, then the representatives of Russia specifically write and do not like to make judgments.

Waiting until the last minute

A curious feature of Russians is waiting until the last minute. No matter what business they do, it will surely happen that they will put off the business until it is too late. And then they’ll execute it quickly. At the same time, they will do everything right.


Great fantasies

Russians do not like to rush and immediately rush to a dream. They will ponder each step, try to analyze everything and find a lot of doubts. But as far as their imagination is concerned, she knows no bounds, especially when it comes to desires.
