
How to get to Podolsk from Moscow: by train, bus, taxi or private car

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How to get to Podolsk from Moscow: by train, bus, taxi or private car
How to get to Podolsk from Moscow: by train, bus, taxi or private car

Video: Moscow Driving: Podolsk to Moscow 2024, July

Video: Moscow Driving: Podolsk to Moscow 2024, July

Moscow and the Moscow Region occupy a vast territory. In order to learn how to navigate these settlements on the fly, you need to study the routes of public transport for a long time and remember where you can shorten the path.

Those who have relatives living near Moscow often encounter problems when creating a travel plan. Here a man lives in Moscow, and he has a cousin in Podolsk. And calls to visit. And immediately the problem arises: "How to get to Podolsk from Moscow?" There are several options.

Electric trains

Of course, the most budget version of the journey is the train. This type of transport has many advantages: traffic jams do not occur on the road, and the fare is usually low. So, the final destination is Podolsk. How to get from Moscow by train?

The movement of this type of transport begins in the early morning, from 5 hours 25 minutes. Electric trains run about every fifteen minutes, so those who want to find out how to get to Podolsk from Moscow have nothing to worry about - there are usually no problems with electric trains, they move on schedule.


Fans of staying up late can also not worry: the last departure of the electric train at 1 hour 25 minutes. Traveling by train is most convenient for students, because if you have a student card, young people can get a discount on travel.

On average, the entire journey from Moscow to Podolsk takes about an hour. Of course, travel time is somewhat dependent on the time of day and weather conditions. But long delays nonetheless almost never happen.

Bus ride

And how to get to Podolsk from Moscow by bus? You can use a minibus, as well as the bus itself. There are a lot of travel options, and the trip time is about the same as in the train (but this does not include traffic jams). What buses are slightly worse than an electric train is that their movement starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 22 p.m. In addition, the crowding and bustle often seen on buses can harm people with poor health, as well as pregnant women and children.


Taxi service

Taxi services are also available. Almost all drivers are well aware of how to get to Podolsk from Moscow, so there is no need to show the way. The advantages of this type of transport are obvious:

  • comfort is much greater than in an electric train;

  • no transplant required;

  • the client arrives at the exact address; there is no need to additionally travel by city transport.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • very expensive (up to 800 rubles per trip);

  • if there are traffic jams, the arrival time may move significantly;

  • a trip with a child involves an extra charge for a child seat.