
What is the best explanation for what is thawed thaw?

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What is the best explanation for what is thawed thaw?
What is the best explanation for what is thawed thaw?

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Video: How to Thaw Frozen Butter 2024, July

Thistles appear in early spring, when frosts have not yet completely receded, and the warm breath of March is already beginning to be felt. It is during this period that I already want to change heavy winter clothes for demi-season clothes. Everyone living in a region with a temperate climate knows what thawed is, but often it has no idea what it is called “scientifically”.


It turns out that thaw is a small area thawed from snow, most often around trees. This area stands out sharply against the still winter landscape, because thawed snow exposes the black moist ground. When thawed spots appear, you can safely throw your grandmother’s woolen scarf on the far shelf, and carefully and very slowly unfasten the winter coat. This phenomenon is observed everywhere where the snow gets: in fields, parks, plantings and groves. It seems to many that the thaw marks symbolize new life and hope, because they are the first news of spring along with the joyful singing of birds.


Fairy spring and bright names

The meaning of some words is understandable at least approximately due to their sound, and just this can be said about the word "thaw." The lexical meaning of a word is guessed only at one glance at its root “tal”, which in itself is associated in a person with spring and heat. An analogy can also be drawn with the erased metaphor "the heart thawed." As everyone knows, this process means a positive outcome of the situation, because a person forgets grievances, lets them go and turns the page of life. It can also mean that a person has felt sympathy or felt compassion for someone. And so, in the beginning of spring, nature loves to feel itself and cover the ground with thaws. If a small child asked you what a thaw is, you can tell him that this spring is chosen from under a snow blanket to cover the ground with green grass, foliage and bright colors, replacing the monotonous winter.


About words and hopelessness

Of course, thawed patches are not only in the snow. Any localized area thawed from hoarfrost, ice or hoarfrost is also called that. For example, when a person breathes on a frozen glass, such a melted circle may form on its surface. Since childhood, everyone knows what thaw is, but everyone gives names to this phenomenon exclusively for the author. The very word “thaw” can be found only in the poems of Russian classics, but certainly not in the everyday speech of modern youth. The word sounds a little old fashioned. Perhaps very soon it will be replaced by an English counterpart and will begin to be actively used, and the word “thaw” will sink into oblivion. It is hoped that contemporaries will not completely delete this word from the Russian language, because it not only sounds beautiful, but also slightly reflects the culture of the Russian-speaking person.
