
What was the youngest daughter Borodina named and who is her father?

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What was the youngest daughter Borodina named and who is her father?
What was the youngest daughter Borodina named and who is her father?

Video: History of Russia 2024, July

Video: History of Russia 2024, July

Ksenia Borodina is a well-known TV presenter, whose name is inextricably linked with the television project "Dom-2". Despite the busy schedule, the abundance of filming for television and print media, this woman manages everything. She has enough strength and time not only for a stormy personal life, but also for a happy motherhood. At the very end of last year, in one of the capital's maternity hospitals, the second daughter Borodina was born. What was the name of the baby and who is the happy father?

A public person must have something personal!


Ksenia Borodina never liked to talk a lot about her personal life and to be frank in an interview. The star is known for answering abstractly even general questions about the family and her close relationships. Ksenia hid her first wedding from the public at all. The journalists nevertheless immediately learned about the second marriage of the star, perhaps the whole thing is precisely in the greater scope of the celebration. July 3, 2015 Ksenia Borodina got married a second time. The star of choice was businessman Kurban Omarov. The fateful acquaintance of the star couple took place several years ago, the romance developed rapidly and Ksenia received a marriage proposal on her birthday, only a few months after the beginning of a romantic relationship. The wedding was celebrated at the highest level, only after a couple of months the press ceased to pay increased attention to this event and the newlyweds personally.

Second child: plan completed


At the time of registration of her second marriage, Ksenia already had a growing daughter from the first. However, as they say, happiness should be complete, and the family should be large. The expectation of replenishment of the couple hid for a long time. Only at a respectable term, Ksenia shared the news with reporters and the public. After publishing a photo of a pregnant celebrity on personal pages in social networks and in glossy publications, Ksenia's fans believed that all this was serious and “real”. However, many doubted that they would timely learn the good news that the daughter of Borodina had finally been born. The star once again surprised everyone, without making the baby a great secret from birth.

How it was…

The second daughter of Ksenia Borodina was born in one of the most modern private clinics in Moscow. From the beginning to the very end, the husband of the star was present at the birth. The couple are happy in marriage and together awaited replenishment. Accordingly, as soon as it became known that the second daughter Ksenia Borodina would soon be born, who was the father of the child - it was immediately clear. Interestingly, young parents began to share their joy almost immediately from the birth chamber. In social networks, the birth of the baby was written almost simultaneously by Ksenia and Kurban. Here is such an age of modern technology. However, Borodina's fans were only happy, because until the last moment they were afraid that Ksenia would hide from the public the fact of the baby's birth. There was even a rumor on the Internet that in fact the star had already given birth long ago, it just hides this news on purpose.

My girl is a goddess!


The first daughter of Ksenia Borodina bears the usual Russian name - Maria. In the family, it is often also called Mara or Marusya. Under Borodina’s first post on the Internet about the baby’s birth, there are a lot of congratulations and one question: “What was it called?” In order not to answer each personally, Ksenia left a new entry on her page. In it, she publishes a brief report on her pastime in the hospital and tells that the girl received a very unusual and beautiful name - Thea. However, indeed, as the daughter of Ksenia Borodina could have called, whose father is Kurban Omarov. Accordingly, the full name Girls - Thea Kurbanovna Omarova. Such an unusual name was not chosen by chance. Literally translated into Russian, it means "Divine" or "Goddess." In her Instagram, Ksenia writes that she doesn’t care if the chosen name is public. Only parents decide what their child will be called. And if the chosen name is liked by mom and dad, third people in principle do not have the right to discuss it. And most importantly, for her parents, the baby is really the real goddess.

The second daughter of Borodina: photo of a little goddess


Almost immediately after discharge from the clinic home, Ksenia arranged a photo shoot for her youngest daughter, wanting to capture it in infancy. That is how Theia became a fashion model at the age of only 2 weeks. Of course, the photos showing the baby’s face are intended exclusively for family viewing. But the proud father could not resist and published on his personal web page a picture where you can see the touching heels of his daughter. He supplemented this photo with a description from which it can be understood that the family is happy and the child is developing normally in all respects.