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How to catch a partridge without weapons

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How to catch a partridge without weapons
How to catch a partridge without weapons

Video: Bird Trap | Catch Bobwhite Quail for Sale | Chukar Partridge Male Quail | Best Bird Trap 2024, July

Video: Bird Trap | Catch Bobwhite Quail for Sale | Chukar Partridge Male Quail | Best Bird Trap 2024, July

Hunting has long ceased to be necessary for humans to obtain food. Now it is a sport, entertainment. Many hunters completely stopped using weapons to get a bird. There are fans to puzzle over how to catch partridge traps. These methods are developed, tested, and if successful, the masters share their inventions with other traders.

How to catch a partridge without a gun?

Sometimes I don’t really want to invent traps for partridges, but there’s no gun or no permission for it. Friends are invited to hunt or the cottage is located in a place where a lot of game is found. How to catch a partridge without using a weapon? There are many ways, traps, and tricks that we will describe in this article. It is worth thinking about the time of year when the hunt will take place.

How to catch a partridge in the winter? At this time of the year, it is difficult to notice in the snow, because she feels white. There are also certain rules on how to catch partridge in the summer when its plumage is gray.


Where do partridges live?

In winter, it is very difficult to notice this bird, however, in summer it is not much easier. The first step is to accurately determine where the flock is going. How to catch a partridge? There is no simpler way than with a loop approach. The favorite habitats of partridges are shrubs, thickets of willow, dwarf birch (this is the most affordable food in winter). Such vegetation is found in large quantities in the valleys where there are rivers.

In the summer, partridge can also be found in tall grass. There are many summer traps for partridges. The main thing in the hunt is caution and silence. This is a very shy and cautious bird. By frightening her away, you can only achieve that the partridge does not come out of its shelter, hiding for a long time.


Loop fishing

How to catch a partridge loop? This trap is one of the simplest, suitable for any time of the year. The most suitable material for loops is fishing line (not thicker than half a millimeter) or horsehair hair. At one end of the fishing line you need to create a loop, about five millimeters, and attach the second end to the base - a thread fixed and hidden. For bait, you can use grains and bread.

In winter, this method is much more accessible, more fruitful and the result. It is necessary to make a hill out of snow, as partridges, in search of food, climb high mounds. Lay out willow branches along the edges, set a loop in the center. In the branches you need to build a door - a passage through which the bird will necessarily go inside for food, pecking accessible kidneys from the outside. Such loops in one day can be arranged from seventy to three hundred.



Silks can be made with your own hands. To do this, you need a copper wire with three cores. When knitting a loop, the diameter of the hole should be at least twelve centimeters, and fastening to the base - about half a meter long. How to catch a partridge with such a trap? It should be installed on a high snowdrift or in thickets of bushes. At a distance of two meters should be put fences from branches (a height of not more than fifteen centimeters). Silks are installed on these fences. A bird in search of food will certainly fall into such a trap, the hunter will only have to reap the fruits of his needlework. Experienced catchers can set such traps for more than three hundred in one day.


We catch partridges with nets

Many share tips on how to catch a partridge using nets. This is one of the favorite methods of hunters, because it is really a hunt, and not a simple arrangement of traps. You can get more than a dozen birds at a time.

For this type of fishing you will need several people, a seven-meter net of kapron or silon. Cells in the network should be no more than 1.5-2 centimeters. In order to properly install the network, rope spacers and poles are useful, they are placed in a straight line. The lower edge is set above the ground (height - not more than one meter). The top should not be higher than six meters from the surface of the earth. Having installed the network, you need to get away from it at a distance of one kilometer. Hunters should disperse in a semicircle every fifty meters, begin to drive the birds in the direction of the net.

Frightened, partridges will rush from people, get caught in the net. Their paws get entangled in the cells. It remains only to collect the prey. For a successful hunt, it is necessary to move away from the installed grid on different sides, in no case do not move in the center. So you can frighten away the birds and disperse them far from the network.
