
How ginger grows. Growing Ginger at Home

How ginger grows. Growing Ginger at Home
How ginger grows. Growing Ginger at Home

Video: How to Grow Ginger in Containers And Get a Huge Harvest 2024, June

Video: How to Grow Ginger in Containers And Get a Huge Harvest 2024, June

Ginger is a perennial plant with tuberous roots used in food. In the Middle Ages, it was introduced to Europe from the East, where it was rightfully revered as a universal remedy for many ailments. This spice, as it turned out, really has numerous medicinal properties:

  • stimulates the immune system;

  • relieves colds;

  • normalizes the activity of the digestive tract;

  • freshens breath, strengthening teeth and gums;

  • positive effect on reproductive function.

Where and how does ginger grow in Russia?


Unsurprisingly, many are interested in how ginger grows. Because I want the healing plant to be always at hand. And then we will consider the features of growing this root.

Where ginger grows

Ginger is a subtropical plant that loves heat, moisture and plentiful watering. Ginger habitat - China, Indonesia, Australia, West Africa, Jamaica, Barbados, Ceylon, Central America. He needs sun and warm, loose, moist soil all year round.

How ginger grows


Ginger stalks and leaves are somewhat reminiscent of a small grassy palm - plants like it are often found in offices. Under natural conditions, ginger greens can reach up to 2 meters in height. After a while, large and beautiful flowers appear on it. And the plant propagates by tubers. A ginger crop is harvested approximately 8-12 months after planting. Since ginger grows only in hot conditions (on average - at 25 ° C), it is impossible to grow tubers in Russia in natural conditions - the earth simply does not warm up so much here.

Ginger at home

To the question: "Where does ginger grow in Russia" the answer is - mainly at home, on the windowsill. And to grow it at home is not at all difficult - just take a large pot, soil for palm trees and buy ginger tubers in a supermarket. They are quite suitable for this purpose. Next, take and bury the roots by 5 cm, pouring them with water at room temperature. It is good to arrange additional artificial lighting for the plant, because it also loves light. When the stems begin to grow, they will need to be periodically sprayed with water using a spray gun. In general, caring for ginger is no different from caring for a palm tree.

Features of the new crop

Since ginger is growing in an apartment no worse than in natural conditions, it can be harvested in 8 months. In any case, you need to wait until the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. Observe precautions when trying homemade ginger. It is possible that he will be much “meaner” than his parent. This is because the tubers that we buy in the supermarket are pre-processed and dried so that their taste is digestible. In order not to get burned, try the root itself grown little by little. If anything - drink it with plenty of water.



You can try to dry the ginger yourself, as well as pickle it or freeze it. This will slightly reduce the severity. Fresh ginger can be stored for about 2 weeks, then it starts to deteriorate. But the dried root is stored much longer - more than 4 months.