
How do dolphins breed? The first days of the life of young marine handsome

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How do dolphins breed? The first days of the life of young marine handsome
How do dolphins breed? The first days of the life of young marine handsome

Video: An Overview of the Evolution of Marine Life 2024, July

Video: An Overview of the Evolution of Marine Life 2024, July

There are probably no people who would not be enthusiastic if they saw fabulous animals, which in Greek carry the name "source of life". These are sea animals dolphins - the most mysterious and close to human beings. Behind them are amazing secrets. Some are already well known, while the rest of the scientists are trying to unravel.

Smiling dolphins

If you ever see a dolphin’s smile, you can immediately guess that this wonderful creature is one of a kind friendly with people, a sweet creature of God.

The attitude of people to dolphins is completely different than to other animals. You look and see how cute, friendly they are. Without fear, they can swim to a person, play with him. It happens that they do not pay any attention, moving further into the sea. So they have their own problems there.


It’s probably a dolphin’s smile. The face (you can’t name it in any way) is designed so that they constantly smile cheerfully. And this smile next to the big eyes is one of the few that causes an involuntary smile in response. You will meet few people who can smile like that.

How dolphins mate

Sex in dolphin life is just as necessary as in humans. They also love to make love, carefully and very touchingly attract the opposite sex. Love games in the form of a gentle touch of the genitals last a long time. Dolphins do not retire, but have sex when the group is resting somewhere in the water column.

The female is proud, even if in heat, the male does not immediately admit. He should take a good look: pat her front fins, poke the rostrum in the female genital area, do everything to excite her. Then the quick heats begin, during which the chosen one tries to show all his strength, power and speed. Delphinich, conquered by such bursts of love, acquires the pose of substitution, and, finally, sexual intercourse takes place, which lasts only a few seconds, and is repeated up to four times in a row with an interval of 5-6 minutes.


Then their interest in each other disappears, and after two hours, love games resume with renewed vigor. An amazing fact from the life of the most interesting animals on our planet is how dolphins mate. In them, as in people, such a process occurs not only in order to continue the race, but also for the sake of pleasure.

How dolphins breed

Every birth of a baby is a great joy! The birth of a dolphin is no exception. The uniqueness of how dolphins breed reproduces interest and delight in people.

Dolphins, like some cetaceans, give birth mainly every two years. There are cases of mating until the end of feeding the previous offspring. The bearing of the cub lasts 10-16 months, depending on different species.

Usually one baby dolphin of very large or medium size will be born. Speaking about how dolphins breed, you should not miss the birth process itself.

The female yawns very much before giving birth, moves a lot, arching her back and twirling her tail. Everything happens in the herd. Other dolphins quickly come to the aid of a woman in labor, having noticed such behavior, form a dense ring around and protect if necessary.

Dolphins - live-bearing animals

Childbirth of dolphins pass under water. As soon as the newborn appears, it is immediately pushed to the surface. Here he performs the first breathing act in his life.

The fetus emerges from the mother’s womb with its tail forward, while the umbilical cord breaks off at the very belly.

In order to have a clear idea of ​​how dolphins breed, one cannot fail to mention the first "steps" of small dolphins.

The first days of baby life

A newborn baby accumulates the necessary amount of subcutaneous fat while still in the womb. Immediately after birth, a small animal tries to swim on its own. Of course, this turns out to be very bad. From the side it can be said that he is in zero gravity and is not doing what he wants. Mother immediately comes to the rescue.


Dolphins are mammals, the female feeds her baby with milk, like a small child. Everything is like people have. As the dolphin grows, it consumes less and less milk, and after a year does not need it at all. Around this time, he begins to eat fish on his own and catches it for himself. The mother tries to pass on all the skills she knows to acquire food and communicate in the herd. The exercises are held in the form of a game naturally, fairly easily and quickly.

The first days from birth, the suckers do not sail away from the mother, are next to each other. So they save small forces at that time. As they grow, such a habit becomes weaker and disappears completely. The baby is growing at a fast pace. Its size doubles during the lactation period.