
How did Elvis Presley die? At what age did Elvis Presley die?

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How did Elvis Presley die? At what age did Elvis Presley die?
How did Elvis Presley die? At what age did Elvis Presley die?

Video: The Sad True Story Of Elvis Presley's Death 2024, June

Video: The Sad True Story Of Elvis Presley's Death 2024, June

A lot of legends and rumors circulate about the life and successes of the “King of Rock and Roll”. His whole life is made up of speculation. It also happened with death. There are many legends about how Elvis Presley died. The cause of his death remains a mystery. We know about his death only from the words of the last civil wife and bodyguards of the musician. The pathologist does not agree with their speculation, and in the press they set forth completely implausible versions. So, the topic of today's article is the mysterious death of a musician. At what age did Elvis Presley die? What is the true reason for his premature demise?

The decision of the pathologist

All rock and roll fans know what year Elvis Presley died. It was 1977, on August 16th. At about two in the afternoon, his bride Ginger discovered in the musician’s bathroom. The man lay crooked on the floor and with no signs of life. The girl called for help from a bodyguard, and he called an ambulance.

The doctors who arrived tried to help. But all the efforts of the doctors were in vain. Heart massage did not help, doctors recorded death. In the morgue, the pathologist recorded "cardiac arrhythmia" in the death certificate. This version was also reported on television. How did Elvis Presley die? The great musician died due to heart failure. But even today, when almost 40 years have passed since the singer’s death, the topic of the cause of the King’s death remains one of the most discussed.

But over time, the official version of what Elvis Presley died from began to suggest to many that the fans were told a lie. The singer was always active, and no one had ever heard that he had health problems. And speculation began.


Allergy to drugs

It is known that on the last day of his life, on the eve of his death, the great singer visited the dentist. The doctor gave me a strong pain medication. Many say that drugs were exactly what Elvis Presley died from. The cause of an allergic reaction is often associated with medications. The musician could simply die from a strong reaction. Perhaps he went to the bathroom and passed out there.

Overdose of sleeping pills

Ginger in the first interview after the groom's death said that Presley suffered from insomnia that night. He spoke a lot on the phone with the producer, read books. She says she woke up from Elvis walking around the room. When asked about why he was still awake, Presley spoke of insomnia. The girl offered to drink sleeping pills. But Elvis said that he had already drunk a few pills, but they do not help. Nevertheless, the singer got another one, but did not go to bed. He told the bride that he reads a little in the bathroom so that she would not interfere with sleep. And left the bedroom. She did not see Elvis alive anymore.

From this we can conclude that the musician took too much sleeping pills. Perhaps his heart could not withstand such a dosage.


Drug overdose

About how Elvis Presley died, there is another version. Many people know that in the last years of his life, the singer abused drugs. It seemed to him quite normal. The seventies were a time of freedom for America. Hippies defended the right to free smoking marijuana and the use of other psychotropic drugs.

The fact how many years Elvis Presley died, suggests that an already elderly body could not cope with the next dosage. The singer was 42 years old, he practically did not rest, he toured a lot. Drugs relaxed him, and perhaps the next dose, coupled with a strong painkiller and sleeping pill, did the trick.

An autopsy revealed a large concentration of drugs that are stronger than heroin, several types of other drugs, and drugs. In general, the list of medicines and psychotropic substances taken on the eve of the death of the singer consisted of more than twenty items.


Suicide: The Most Credible Version

Elvis's bodyguards claim that the singer behaved very strangely the night before his death. And the question of why Elvis Presley died is answered that there could have been suicide. Rick, one of the guards, says that the musician sent him to the pharmacy for dilaudide - the strongest painkiller that doctors found in the body. Rick said that he brought this medicine from the pharmacy and divided the contents into three doses, as he usually did. He brought Presley's first envelope and left the room.

The second time, he brought the next envelope a few hours later and also left it, noting that the first was still sealed. Then he thought that the singer just does not want to take the drug, as happened more than once.

The third dose was brought to Elvis by his close relative. She noticed that Presley and Ginger were still awake, exchanged a couple of phrases with her nephew. He was excited, and the woman hastened to leave the apartment, believing that the musician was again depressed.

The bodyguard who replaced Rick was given so that Elvis would not be disturbed until noon. So asked Presley himself.

Ginger could not sleep at night for a long time. And so she woke up only at 14.30. She went to wash and found the groom's body. Called David (bodyguard). He called an ambulance.


Remove traces

Entering the bathroom, David noticed that all three envelopes from the drug were lying near the body. He realized that the singer took them at a time. No organism could cope with such a dosage. And Elvis knew that for sure. The bodyguard realized that the musician himself decided to die and removed all traces before the ambulance arrived. He did not want the chef's name to be tarnished with suicide, and therefore decided to commit such a crime. David spoke about his act many years later.


The first possible cause of suicide

Why did Elvis Presley die? This question has long tormented all his fans. If he really decided to voluntarily die, then there were several reasons for this.

The first is depression. Elvis Presley often suffered from such an ailment and even for this reason divorced his first wife. He endured such a condition, his wife at one moment could not stand it and left him. It was five years before the death of Elvis.

Perhaps this time the depression was too severe, and the musician could not bear it. In this state, he could decide to commit suicide.


The second reason

A friend of Elvis said that just a few weeks before his death, Presley admitted to him that he had once seduced his wife. He asked his friend for forgiveness, saying that he would never see him again, only in heaven. Of course, the deceived husband no longer wanted to see his traitor friend. But later he recalled that Elvis was very repentant, really worried about his act. This could be a reason for suicide, because conscience sometimes does absolutely incredible things.
