
How do 10-year-old twins look like Diana Arbenina from Night Snipers

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How do 10-year-old twins look like Diana Arbenina from Night Snipers
How do 10-year-old twins look like Diana Arbenina from Night Snipers

The soloist of the Night Snipers group, the shocking Diana Arbenina, recently celebrated the biggest event of her life - the birthday of the “royal twins”. Her children, Artyom and Martha, turned ten years old. Every year she celebrates their birthday noisy and fun.


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For Diana herself, they became the real meaning of life. She is very glad that there is a date - 02/04/2010. Once the children were so tiny, but today, according to Diana, they have become almost the most adult people on Earth.

Own birthday therefore became not so important for the singer. The rock star is glad that now she wants to live like never before, and especially since she has for what and for whom.

Arbenin does not hide photos of his heirs from fans, and those, in turn, do not get tired of admiring the growing blond beauties.


As a loving mother, she is pleased with how her children go to school. Although there are unpleasant moments when they get deuces. She is not the strictest mother in the world. Her entourage jokes about the possibility of twisting ropes from her.

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Diana does not like to scream and punish her twins, but uses a pedagogical approach and tries to convey moralizing in the form of clear explanations. Although it does not always work out. Then Arbenina tries to be strict at least for a while.
