
How do ordinary people live in Moscow?

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How do ordinary people live in Moscow?
How do ordinary people live in Moscow?

Video: How Do People Live in Russia? 2024, July

Video: How Do People Live in Russia? 2024, July

Moscow is a city for active people, a dream of many Russians and not only. The capital receives millions of visitors every year. Most of them expect to get rich, the rest - to find happiness and the meaning of life. In pursuit of a dream, not everyone understands that living and working in Moscow is not as easy as it seems. How does ordinary people live in Moscow?


Who are Muscovites

A native inhabitant of the capital is a person whose three generations of immediate relatives were born in this city. As a rule, he already acquired his own housing, often not even his only apartment. Muscovites have a specific reprimand, they stretch the sound "a" in words. You can also recognize a native Muscovite by talking about the capital, they are usually well-read and know the geography of the city perfectly. They can conduct a short tour, they know many cozy cafes and interesting places in the city.

There is a new generation of Muscovites - "zero". These are those who moved to the capital in the 2000s, took a mortgage and paid it off, or almost paid it off. A rare exception is those who buy housing without a loan.

Outside the capital, the townspeople openly dislike. The reason for this is rudeness, cynicism, greed of Muscovites, it is believed that living in Moscow is good and easy. In fact, it turns out that visitors from different parts of Russia who call themselves Muscovites more often possess such character traits. In this way they try to arouse envy among fellow countrymen. Although this fact does not deny the presence of unscrupulous in relation to the surrounding indigenous Muscovites. People are different. But the vast majority of Russian citizens at least once thought about how to move to live in Moscow.

For those who have relatives in Moscow, it is useful to remember that you should not rely on their endless hospitality and bottomless wallet. Muscovites are quite closed regarding the adoption of relatives and friends on their territory. Firstly, because they themselves, when visiting relatives, prefer not to strain them with their presence and rent housing. And secondly, despite wages higher than the average in the region, they also have their own families and plans for this money. Prices in Moscow are much higher than outside.

Let us examine, by points, all the charms of life in the capital, how people live in Moscow, why Moscow may never become a home.


The main reason people decide to move to Moscow is because of their opportunities. The capital attracts young people in the pursuit of fame and money, older people are looking for stability and confidence in the future. Work for Muscovites is rather a routine matter. Many work in state enterprises and government agencies. They get there more often on the recommendation of relatives and friends. To break through the career ladder is possible only with real talents or good connections.

Residents of the capital who are fortunate enough to inherit real estate in the city are engaged in renting it out. The accelerated rhythm of life in the capital makes the brain work in a different mode. Indigenous Muscovites are concentrated, quickly think and are attentive to trifles. These qualities are possessed to a greater extent by people who grew up in an environment where you have to think quickly and make decisions even at the household level. Possessing such qualities, residents of Moscow are quickly moving up the career ladder.

But there is another side to the coin. As in any city, there is a layer of society that does not bother itself with work and lives off benefits. Such marginals have a correspondingly low quality of life. Moscow, or rather its government, annually finds quotas to increase benefits. A variety of benefits and pensions provide the minimum that you can live in the capital without working. Such payments are available only registered in Moscow. For really needy people, this is salvation.


Social connections

Dating - this is the main thing that distinguishes the indigenous resident of the metropolis. Everyone, if you dig around, there is a “husband of a cousin's neighbor” who works exactly where you need to find a ticket somewhere at a reasonable price or to get a discount on an expensive thing. With the help of social connections, they pave the way to a brighter future at work, find places in hospitals to help someone or save. Every native Muscovite can help solve the problem or knows who can do it. Without acquaintances, unfortunately, not everyone will like life in the capital, many doors will be closed and they can be opened only with perseverance or real talent. Living in Moscow well is not as easy as it might seem.

When starting a new business in the capital or planning a move, you should first speak with friends or relatives. They will help with advice and deed, if necessary, instruct how they live in Moscow. But do not forget about the reciprocal step. According to the rules of the city, any help is good with return and gratitude (absolutely not necessarily financial). Start moving by collecting information about what life is like in Moscow. Reviews will help to take into account some of the nuances.


The possibilities of the capital in this area are endless. The best higher education institutions, various professional retraining classes and continuing education courses, trainings and individual consultations, business classes and children's educational institutions are all ready to accept new students. Without exaggeration, one can find any educational program in Moscow. Residents of the capital attend trainings for self-development or professional development. A good education can significantly improve the quality of life.

Moscow is a specific city. At first, the multi-million stream of visitors works in the service sector, which constantly suffers from staff turnover. Finding a professional here is very difficult. This is the difference between the capital and other cities. Already in the Moscow region to find a good hairdresser, for example, is much easier than in Moscow. The service sector is an area in which you can develop endlessly if you decide to move. It is possible to earn customers thanks to word of mouth in a relatively short period of time. The main thing is not to forget about the reverse side. Spoiling your reputation is just as easy. People live in Moscow, as elsewhere, who cannot stand boorish and consumer relations.



Moscow has a huge territory. It is divided into areas and neighborhoods, each of which boasts its own park or square. The Moscow government takes care of citizens, new art sites, museums and leisure parks are being built. Since childhood, native Muscovites visit museums, performances, and various cultural events. What residents of other cities can watch on TV, Muscovites see firsthand, having traveled several metro stops. Over a centuries-old history, the city has preserved references to cultural figures and art of Russia, apartment museums and rare exhibits. Residents of the metropolis can walk along the streets about which they sing songs, watch the passage of tanks at the Victory Parade. Many free events loved by youth. Mass concerts in which rappers and fashionable dance performers take part are available every weekend. If you wish, it’s not difficult to find theater tickets for a penny (for a student’s performance), it’s enough to have the Internet at hand.

The older generation, as in other places in Russia, prefers a quieter rest. Those who have the opportunity leave the city for the weekend. The Moscow region is built up with cottages, outdoor recreation with barbecue is what you need after a hard working week in a gassed city.

For the oldest residents of the metropolis, physical activity in the form of Nordic walking in city parks or dances is provided. The program was introduced specifically for senior citizens and includes not only sports, but also educational trainings. Grandparents learn to use a computer and learn foreign languages.


The millionaire city is oversaturated with cars. For a villager who is not used to exhaust fumes, this can be a big problem. It’s hard to breathe, especially in summer. In the hot season, smog almost always hangs over Moscow. From hot asphalt, the heat rises into the atmosphere. According to reviews, living in Moscow during this period is physically difficult.

With the retreat of winter, Muscovites try to leave the city as early as possible. On May holidays, half of the indigenous people leave the city, most remain there until the fall. The dream of many was life in the country: such people live in Moscow only to make it convenient to go to work.



The Moscow government is successfully renovating the transport system. In the capital, old buses and trolleybuses are replaced with new cars. Hands reached the metro. A second transport ring has been launched; old trains are being replaced with more spacious and air-conditioned ones. New trains accommodate more passengers.

Moscow is a very large city and expands the boundaries with each passing month. Transport is the artery in the body of the city. The capital is developing, and communication between the districts also does not stand still. On city holidays, transportation is open until late. Equipped leased lines for land transport. The taxi network is extremely developed, often a trip by car becomes cheaper than by public transport. The fare is the only minus in the possibilities of movement around the city. On average, a Muscovite spends about 1, 500 thousand rubles a month on a road, not including the cost of ground transportation. If you have to get to work, except for the metro, also by bus, then the price tag is almost doubled. Owners of their own cars have to spend as much, or maybe more, on gasoline. Fuel is consumed in traffic jams, but many people seem to prefer driving their own vehicles. In the car you are not accompanied by a gloomy crowd, there is no stampede, like in the subway, and "passengers in dirty clothes." The disadvantage of this method of transportation is the famous Moscow traffic jams. They annoy the residents of the city at any time of the day.


For residents of the capital, all roads and ways are open. There is an opportunity to find inexpensive vouchers, book tickets at a reasonable price. Due to the demand for routes to popular resorts and early booking, tickets to the sea can be bought much cheaper than in the regions. This is also associated with the remoteness of the metropolis from resort cities. Regional centers for distance are usually further away.

The services of travel consultants and travel bloggers are actively developing. These people help you choose the right direction for readers. For a fee, they will calculate the cost of transfer and accommodation, choose a hotel and entertainment for travelers. Services of this kind are in demand and are becoming more popular every year.


Moscow is a city of opportunities. Here you can get anything you want, anytime. The only question is money and time. To fulfill any desire, you need to choose an online service and order delivery. An order will be brought to you at any time of the day or night. Often city delivery is free if not urgent. This is a plus compared to the regions where the order has to wait a long time or pay for expensive delivery.


Indigenous Muscovites are active people. They constantly run, hurry, fuss. The rhythm of the city obliges to such behavior, otherwise you will not achieve your goal. Sluggish and infantile people to be in such a rhythm constantly becomes difficult. You have to study in Moscow to live in Moscow.

It is easy to fall into the hands of scammers, they arrive in the city every day. For various criminals, unfortunately, Moscow is a tidbit. Many people want to find something inexpensive, but better for free, not realizing that this does not happen or is very rare. Therefore, Muscovites are considered snobs and incredulous people. Despite all the warnings about how to live in Moscow, visitors come to the trap of scammers. Since childhood, Muscovites have to deal with various kinds of crooks, this creates suspicion. But over the years, experience comes, and it is difficult to fool a resident of the capital. Any information should be double-checked and interested in reviews.



The average Muscovite is bought by products in the same stores as the rest of Russia. A huge number of supermarkets and chain stores provide an unlimited choice. Many have switched to ordering products online. This way you can save money by not falling for the tricks of marketers and not putting excess goods in the basket. Delivery from a certain amount is free and the expiration dates are selected with a margin.

It is difficult to get quality and inexpensive fruits and vegetables. For them, Muscovites have to travel to markets that are not in the city or in the outskirts. It is difficult to get there without a personal car, and it is inconvenient to carry packages through the city. Therefore, it is necessary to buy gifts of nature after a careful choice in a chain store, or from private traders who raise the price tag at their discretion. Buy two bunches of greens for 150 rubles - as easy as shelling pears.

For residents of other regions, in most cases this is much easier. It is possible to run your own farm or buy at affordable prices. The quality in other cities and regions is much better, since delivery and storage do not take so much resources and time.

Muscovites with meat products have the same problem. Quality meat in specialized stores is expensive. There are meat bases, but the product is usually frozen there, no chilled meat can be found. Price tags in such places are one third cheaper than in the store. In chain stores, the quality of meat is poor.

The medicine

In recent years, free clinics have been filled with specialists, but the diversity of staff has not affected the quality of services. To install a good filling in dentistry, for example, you need to pay about 3, 000-5, 000 rubles. It is much cheaper than in a private clinic. But many residents of the capital of the dentist prefer to visit outside. There, the quality of services is better and the price in private clinics in the regions is much more affordable.

The availability of specialists allows you to find a doctor of any specialty. There is an opportunity to call a doctor at home, enter into service contracts in clinics with the best specialists. Health insurance at work is common. A self-respecting company in the social package necessarily includes this service. Employees are entitled to use the services of private clinics throughout Moscow for free, at the expense of the employing company.


In addition to the historical center, the native Muscovite can be found on the outskirts. Such areas as Troparevo, Biryulyovo, Butovo, Kommunarka, River Station, Novogireevo, continue to replenish with new buildings. People decide for themselves where it is better to live in Moscow. Transport connection is developing. Utilities in the capital are relatively lower in cost than, for example, in the Moscow region. Moreover, the quality of the services provided is better. Tap water is cleaner and softer than in some regions and even in the suburbs; the lights in houses are turned off only in exceptional cases. For some categories of residents of the capital discounts on communal apartments are provided. The price varies from 2, 500 to 7, 000-8, 000 rubles on average in the city, depending on the occupied space and the number of people registered in the apartment.

There are usually no problems with kindergartens and schools. Only in new areas can difficulties arise with this, but over time they will be resolved. About how children live in Moscow, the mayors took care. They continue to build preschool institutions and build playgrounds.


Guests of the capital

Due to the saturation of the capital, migrant workers have increased the criminal situation. Muscovites rarely unnecessarily leave their homes in the dark. It is better to travel at night by taxi or accompanied by friends. For an unprepared person, the number of workers from neighboring countries will seem prohibitive. But Muscovites are already used to seeing many guest workers on the street. It is very difficult to get a job in housing and communal services or construction companies for low positions.


Given the climatic zone, the capital rarely pleases with sunny weather. In winter, in recent years, temperatures rarely drop below -10 degrees, and this makes it slush in the spring on the street. Sudden frost turns slush into a skating rink. Utilities are often not prepared for the weather, so people glide to work on asphalt, or dig cars out of snowdrifts if snow falls.

In spring and autumn, gray and dank, in the summer - heat and smog. It rains often.

The capital blooms when it is sunny outside. Then green spaces play with their colors. In summer, the city is buried in flowers. The flower beds are spread throughout the capital. Muscovites take care of flower plantings, do not break the beauty and make comments if careless tourists try to collect a bouquet. In autumn, Moscow is decorated with gold on a sunny day, parks strewn with colorful leaves look like a fairy tale. Muscovites take walks to arrange a photo shoot with autumn leaves. In winter, paths in the squares are filled with water and places for walking become skating rinks. Skates can be rented, and in frosty weather, young people can start playing hockey.
