
What objects are potentially dangerous and where are they located?

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What objects are potentially dangerous and where are they located?
What objects are potentially dangerous and where are they located?

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Video: 10 Most Dangerous Holes on Planet Earth 2024, July

Today, human activity is associated with the use of complex technologies. Production and agriculture commonly use a variety of potentially hazardous substances. Technological cycles use various toxic chemicals, atomic energy. Human activities can lead to various accidents and emergencies of various sizes.

In each country, the state and relevant services monitor the implementation of all safety standards. There is a certain list of which objects are potentially dangerous. Residents of each region should know what consequences may lead to disruption of the work of such enterprises. Knowing how to behave properly in an emergency, you can save your life in the event of an accident.


It is very important to know which objects are potentially dangerous. This issue is considered in detail by the school curriculum. In each region, district, city there is a special list, which includes such objects. These include buildings, structures, other economic units, in the event of an accident which may result in death of people, damage to property.


Previously, mankind faced catastrophes only of a natural nature. Today, with the development of the economy, they were also supplemented by man-made accidents. As a result of an emergency, not only people can die or suffer, but also animals and nature.

To prevent the development of adverse effects, a register of such objects is maintained. A special commission constantly inspects them, evaluates the completeness of compliance with all requirements and safety standards. This reduces the likelihood of an accident, the severity of the consequences of an emergency. Also, maintaining such a registry allows you to foresee the presence of all measures to eliminate the negative consequences.

Features of hazardous facilities

People should understand what potentially dangerous objects are in their immediate vicinity. Such economic units include territories in which buildings, structures and other tangible assets are located, which relate to an increased level of responsibility. Also in this group are objects on which at the same time can be from 5 thousand people or more (determined on the basis of project documentation).

The assignment of certain tangible assets to the category of potentially dangerous is controlled by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. These include technically complex, dangerous, or unique objects.


The level of danger that characterizes certain fixed assets may be different. In our country, in the immediate vicinity of such objects, many ordinary citizens live. Most of all, their concentration is determined in areas with the probability of release of chemically hazardous substances into the environment. In such areas up to 54 thousand people live.


Each region maintains its own register of tangible assets, which are classified as potentially hazardous. This is affected by the direction of economic activity of each region. The relevant documentation regulates which potentially dangerous facilities are located in Moscow, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other large and small cities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the features of the development and course of the emergency, 4 categories of similar economic units are distinguished. The following types of hazard exist:

  1. Chemical (XOO).

  2. Radiation (ROO).

  3. Explosive and fire hazard (air defense).

  4. Hydrodynamic (GDOO).

The scale of the accident can be different. In some cases, an emergency can take on the size of not only regional, but also global significance. Therefore, the implementation of all safety rules is a vital necessity.


The state keeps certain statistics about which potentially dangerous objects are in close proximity to people. Also, the frequency of accidents at such enterprises allows the leadership of such economic units to draw certain conclusions.

According to statistics, in Russia there are about 12.5 thousand potentially dangerous objects. About 8 thousand of them are classified as fire or explosive organizations. 3.8 thousand are chemically hazardous enterprises. Only 0.8 thousand of all objects of increased potential danger included in the register are classified as hydrodynamic. A total of 68 objects carry a radiation threat.


However, despite the fact that most of the people (about 54 thousand people) live in close proximity to chemically hazardous enterprises. About 7 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation live next to hydrodynamic, fire hazardous (explosive) category facilities. About 4.5 thousand people are in the zone of radiation potential threat. Also, about 7 thousand people live at a slight distance from the main pipelines. These objects are also recognized as potentially dangerous.

Chemically hazardous objects

Local authorities keep records of which potentially dangerous facilities are located in Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Moscow, Ufa and other cities of the Russian Federation. Depending on the type of potential danger of such organizations, appropriate actions are taken to prevent the occurrence of an emergency, to eliminate its consequences.


To chemically hazardous objects include objects of material assets, in the event of an accident on which damage to the environment, people, animals, material values ​​by chemicals can occur. Their content in nature in the disaster area in this case will exceed the permissible level.

Infection can affect the surface layers of the atmosphere, water sources, vegetation, soil. Moreover, such emergencies may be accompanied by explosions and fires.

Typical Khoo

It should be considered in more detail which objects are potentially dangerous. OBZh (Fundamentals of Life Safety) identifies a number of enterprises that belong to the category of KhOO. The activities of such organizations are associated with the use of ammonia and chlorine.

Potential chemical hazards include water treatment plants as well as refrigeration units. Chemical industry enterprises and oil refineries also pose a similar threat. This includes the petrochemical industry of the defense industry.


Potential environmental threats are rail tank cars, pipelines that transport toxic substances. Other vehicles that transport such products are also classified as XOO. Some components, materials that are used by various enterprises may not be chemically hazardous. However, as a result of an explosion or fire, they enter into chemical reactions. This produces toxic substances that can cause significant damage to the environment.

Radiation hazardous facilities

Considering which enterprises are potentially hazardous facilities, it is necessary to consider a group of radiation hazardous organizations. There are few of them in our country. However, in the event of an accident, the scale of the disaster may become national.

The ROO category includes nuclear reactors, enterprises using radiation fuel, as well as reprocessing nuclear waste. The list of such objects includes places for storing radiation materials, vehicles and communications through which they are transported.


Potentially hazardous radiation objects include radiation sources of the ionizing type. In the event of an accident at any of the above facilities, there is a possibility of exposure to radiation and environmental pollution. As a result, significant damage can be caused to people, animals, plants and material values.

Typical ROO

It should also consider which objects are considered potentially hazardous in the category of potential radiation hazard. First of all, nuclear plants are included in the ROO register. Stories are known for repeated accidents at such facilities. The consequences of some of them last for decades.

Also in the ROO category are companies involved in the processing and manufacture of nuclear fuel, waste disposal after its use. It is customary to include scientific and research organizations that use radiation facilities in their activities. Also one of the types of RPO are military facilities and enterprises for the production of equipment for them.

The danger presented by the objects may be different. It is measured by the amount of radiation that such an enterprise could throw into the environment in the event of an accident. This parameter is affected by the power of the facility using nuclear energy. Potentially, the greatest danger is concentrated in nuclear power plants, as well as in research centers with nuclear facilities.

Explosive and fire hazardous objects

It should be noted that a special commission can determine to which class potentially hazardous objects belong. Often, enterprises carry several potential technological threats at once.


The category of fire and explosion hazardous enterprises includes material funds on which the production, storage, use or transportation of combustible substances and materials is carried out. Since the factors that make it possible to attribute this or that organization to the presented category differ in a number of indicators, the degree of danger can be different.

All objects potentially bearing a fire or explosive threat are divided into 5 categories. They are denoted by the letters of the Russian alphabet. The most dangerous objects are category A. The least likelihood of such a catastrophe belongs to enterprises of category D.

Typical air defense

Turning to the list of objects that are potentially dangerous in the air defense category, all existing groups of similar organizations should be considered. Category A includes enterprises in the gas, oil, and chemical industries. They carry the highest potential explosion or fire hazard in the event of an accident.

Category B usually includes companies engaged in the extraction of coal, wood flour, synthetic rubber and powdered sugar. Woodworking organizations are less likely to cause a fire or explosion. This can be sawmills, carpentry workshops, etc. This category includes warehouses where oil is stored.

Group D includes enterprises in the metallurgical industry. It is also a boiler room, a workshop for heat treatment of materials. Category D includes organizations involved in the processing and storage of cold, non-combustible materials.

Hydrodynamic Hazardous Objects

Considering which objects are classified as potentially dangerous, one should consider economic organizations that carry a hydrodynamic hazard. Such installations create a difference between the water level on both sides. These are natural dams, hydraulic structures.