women's issues

What should be the ideal woman: a recipe for a man who blew up social networks

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What should be the ideal woman: a recipe for a man who blew up social networks
What should be the ideal woman: a recipe for a man who blew up social networks

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Have you ever played a word game that starts like this: “A man must …” There are options for the stronger sex: “A woman must …” Okay, do not be shy, this is still a popular game. True, it is played mainly by people who are not too successful in their personal lives. So, and one writer and specialist on motivation, Alexander J. A. Cortes, literally excited the entire British Internet space with his list of what an ideal woman should be.

Cortes List


The list is predictable, but it seems that this was the main point. Although not the whole audience understood the message embedded in the message. So what should a real woman be like? The answer is below:

  • thin;

  • knows how to cook;

  • She has long hair;

  • skillful make-up;

  • feminine;

  • beautiful;

  • sensual;

  • takes care of himself;

  • fashionable;

  • wears pink and other female colors;

  • loves men;

  • obedient.

Of course, the provocateur was safe in case his list was not accepted by the fair sex. Therefore, he said the following: “If some girl gets my list pissed off, then you definitely should not consider her as a profitable party, because she will be a bad mother.”

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The internet sea, of course, was thrilled. Therefore, let us at least briefly see what was the reaction of people to what happened.

Public response


In general, the overall response was more positive than angry: people realized that this was a joke and nothing more. But there were those who took the trick seriously, not paying attention to the fact that Alexander Cortes is a motivator, which means that he understands human emotions and knows how to get the reaction he needs from people. Another question: why did she need him, but more on that later.

What did the displeased shout? One man said that no one dares to point out to him when it comes to women, and suggested that the writer is probably lonely. Another wrote that Alexander Cortes is fantastically unsure of himself, since all the signs of an ideal woman are external.

Is it worth mentioning that he was called a fool and a sexist in social networks?