
Karina Petrosyan - blogger, photographer and friend Ksenia Borodina

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Karina Petrosyan - blogger, photographer and friend Ksenia Borodina
Karina Petrosyan - blogger, photographer and friend Ksenia Borodina

Karina Petrosyan has long been known to followers. She actively maintains an account on Instagram and Twitter. Teaches young and inexperienced mothers how to properly educate babies. She is also proud of her friendship with the famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and says that their acquaintance is a gift from above!

Some facts

Karina Petrosyan is an attractive woman, a faithful wife and a caring mother. She is married to a rather interesting man - Daniel. He has no Russian roots. According to Karina, Pope Dani (she so affectionately calls her lover) is a thoroughbred German, and her mother is a Brazilian.


It is not surprising that such a handsome man could have had a lovely daughter Matilda. Karina in her account has repeatedly expressed that the birth of a baby is the greatest happiness in her life.

Hobbies and hobbies

What does Karina Petrosyan do? She is an active user of social networks. More than 60 thousand followers are subscribed to her page on Instagram, and this number is increasing every day. The girl puts interesting posts, understands many topics: cooking, fashion, fashion.

But her separate merit is the maintenance of LiveJournal (LiveJournal). In the most visible place, the post “This is important” is always fixed. It is there that Karina gives advice on how to properly raise children, showing this by her own example.

It is worth noting that almost daily on her page appear fresh pictures of Matilda. Karina herself has always noted that she is proud of her daughter and does everything to make her the happiest man on earth.

Recently, Petrosyan became interested in photography. Experts say that she takes good pictures.

History of acquaintance with the TV presenter

It’s no secret that Karina Petrosyan is Borodina’s friend. The story of their acquaintance is really unique. According to the girl herself, she never dreamed of making friends with Xenia, but fate decreed otherwise.


Friends met in a club where they rested after a hard working week. Karina says that she noticed a girl with very beautiful, well-groomed hair and decided to go up to her and ask what masks and shampoos she uses. Imagine her surprise when this brunette turned out to be the famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina.