
Katya Mtsituridze: photo, biography, personal life

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Katya Mtsituridze: photo, biography, personal life
Katya Mtsituridze: photo, biography, personal life

Beauty Katya Mtsituridze quickly won the sympathy of Russian and foreign television viewers. She interviewed almost all major Hollywood stars, participated and created her own television shows. Now Catherine leads Roskino.



Katya was born in the Georgian capital Tbilisi in 1972. A sonorous surname went to the girl from her father. Translated from Georgian, it means "fiery."

Dad was a geologist by profession and was often absent while on business trips across the country. Mom worked as a pharmacist in one of the capital's pharmacies.

In addition to her daughter, parents were united by an all-consuming love of cinema. When dad was at home, the whole family gathered at the TV screen to watch a movie. So the girl "got sick" with thoughts about the cinema since childhood.

Parents even gave the child a name in honor of the famous Frenchwoman Catherine Deneuve. Katya firmly decided to connect her life with cinema. But not about the career of the actress, the girl dreamed. She most of all liked to comprehend the watched pictures, tried to understand all the subtleties of the film. Therefore, she decided to become a film critic.


After successfully completing high school, the girl entered Tbilisi State University. She began studying at once in two faculties - film history and history.


Then preparations for the defense of the dissertation began. At this time, Katya was busy studying English and Italian. This was necessary for protection and was useful in future work.

The dissertation on missionaries from Italy of the 17th century received the highest rating, and the girl received a master's degree in history. Work on film science was conducted on the theme "Creativity of Otar Ioseliani" and also received good points.

Carier start

In the biography of Kati Mtsituridze, the interest in journalism was the first step on the road to big cinema.

Even while studying at the university, the girl tried to write small articles. Some of them were published in local magazines and newspapers that covered movie news.

In 1992, Katya came to work on one of the Georgian television channels. The channel was recently created and is mainly intended for young people. Mtsituridze participated in a program dedicated to culture and art. She was preparing news in the section on the movie.

In 1993, the girl’s father decided to leave the family, and she and her mother filed for divorce. A year later, Katya, together with the person closest to her, went to Moscow.


A television

In the capital, a young woman immediately began to look for work. Just at that time, Moscow was supposed to host the next international-level film festival. Katya Mtsituridze was lucky - she became the assistant to Sergei Solovyov, who was the president of such an important event.

After that, the girl received an offer from the main channel of the ORT country to become a freelance employee of one of the morning programs. For almost a year, Katya did all the rough work regarding guests, material and everything else.

Then the girl became one of the editors. And at the end of 1996 she was entrusted with conducting a whole column called "This is a movie."

Now photos of Kati Mtsituridze began to appear in magazines and newspapers. A few years later, the girl organized the author’s program "Premiere with the audience." The talk show was dedicated to the latest in domestic cinema.

In recent years, the Georgian became a member of the jury of almost all film festivals and won the fame of the famous critic "with character."



In 2008, Katya Mtsituridze set about organizing a pavilion of domestic films in Cannes. And every year the creative director was able to conduct a maximum of shows and introduce the world to Russian cinema.

Such a platform opened the way for many young directors. In 2010, Mtsituridze intensively engaged in advertising in the Western media the film "Edge" by Alexei Uchitel. Properly conducted work allowed the picture to receive the Golden Globe nomination in the category of "Best Foreign Film".

A year later, at the Venice Film Festival, the film "Faust" directed by Sokurov won the first prize.

In 2011, Katya becomes the CEO of Roskino. This is the only state organization in the country that works to promote Russian cinema in the world community.

In the Cannes pavilion, Mtsituridze remained a curator. It was she who in 2012 organized the first mobile market for domestic films - DOORS.


Vigorous activity

Currently, the director of Roskino is conducting several projects dedicated to familiarizing the West with domestic cinema.

Brilliant organizational skills and personal qualities, allowed the woman to achieve tremendous results. So, for 2-3 years, an agreement was concluded with one of the major American portals to display more than 10 Russian paintings.

In 2017, Katya Mtsituridze, whose age is now 45 years old, has achieved what no leader of Roskino could. She was able to expose Moscow as a venue for filming venerable directors of our time. Russia was represented at all stands of the largest film festivals this year.

Personal life

Despite the booming career and success, little is known about Katya Mtsituridze’s personal life.


Even at the time of her career on television, Katya met a young man, and they began a stormy romance. After a short period of time, the couple was married. And two months later they filed for divorce.

One can only speculate about the reasons for this decision. Apparently, the future career interested the girl much more than a housecoat and housekeeping. Or maybe Katya Mtsituridze’s husband did not meet the requirements of the Georgian beauty.

In any case, Catherine’s life outside the cinema is a complete mystery. Even on Instagram, her profile is closed to fans.

Mtsituridze lives with his mother in Moscow. She has a favorite - Nefertiti cat. When asked about her favorite film, she replies that "she likes Hollywood of the 40s, a new wave of French cinema and Soviet paintings by Danelia, Khutsiev and Chukhrai."

It is almost impossible to see Katya Mtsituridze in a swimsuit on the beach or in a nightclub. In her free time, she prefers to read or attend a gym.

The musical preferences of film critic are very diverse - from Beethoven to Yuri Antonov. The choice depends on the mood.

In 2005, the well-known Russian publication, covering secular chronicles, included the Georgian woman in the hundred of the most beautiful women in the capital. A year later, the president of the cosmetic company "Lankom" suggested that the girl become the face of a new line of lip products.

Katya is well versed not only in cosmetics, but also in fashion. At every major event in the world of cinema, she appears in enchanting outfits, making a worthy competition to Western film stars.

The film critic hates pea soup, he prefers to give gifts more than receive, and loves life in all its manifestations.