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Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya: address, director, exhibitions

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Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya: address, director, exhibitions
Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya: address, director, exhibitions

Video: Kropotkinskaya metro station 2024, June

Video: Kropotkinskaya metro station 2024, June

The capital has many attractions that deserve attention. These include the State Museum of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. For art lovers, a visit to this place will be extremely informative and interesting.


History of creation

More recently, in 2012, the A.S. Pushkin Museum celebrated its anniversary - the 55th anniversary, because a government decree on the construction of a state museum was signed on October 5, 1957. In just three years, the first exhibition was prepared, and the cultural institution met its first visitors.

In the wonderful halls filled with comfort, the Pushkin collection was placed. Here everyone could get acquainted with the life and work of the great poet, as well as see many cultural figures of that time.

From the very first days, the museum, in which there was originally not a single exhibit, began to receive as a gift from patrons items that were somehow connected with the name of Pushkin. These were works of art, furniture, household items and so on.


Architectural project

The museum was especially preparing for the celebration of the bicentennial anniversary of the writer: it was decided to reconstruct the building in a modern way, while making sure that it did not lose its uniqueness. The reconstruction project was developed in advance, back in 1996, with the support of the Moscow city government. As a result, the future Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya turned out to be in a classic strict style: clear symmetry of the main facade, slender columns, pediment, portico, graceful frieze … All this was very reminiscent of an ancient temple.

And so, in the winter of 1997, a grand opening day was appointed. This event can be considered the second birth of the museum of A. S. Pushkin. Indeed, in the end, the museum, which was an old noble estate of the Khrushchev-Seleznevs, became a multifunctional building that has all the amenities for visitors. Now it is possible to carry out scientific, exhibition, concert, and educational activities here. What is very pleasing, the museum has a library with a reading room and a playroom for children. The building is almost adjoined by a gourmet restaurant called Onegin, which also respects a certain style reminiscent of life from the time of A. S. Pushkin.


First exposure

In the new building of the Pushkin Museum you can see the permanent exhibition, which has been unchanged since the institution began to work, only replenished with new interesting exhibits. It is called "Pushkin and his era." It contains detailed and visual information about the biography and creative path of the great Russian writer.

And another exhibition, which operates in the museum constantly, will delight young fans of Pushkin's work. These are real game rooms called "Tales of Pushkin." Here, children can not only read beautiful fairy tales, but also immerse themselves in the world of magic and adventure with the help of theme games.


The first director of the museum

Creating a museum was not an easy task, a huge number of true connoisseurs and admirers of the work of the ingenious poet had a hand in this. But the main initiator of the creation was the future director of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow - Alexander Zinovievich Krein, who devoted his whole life to this institution. This is truly a man of legend, since no one, perhaps, could have surrendered so much to this business as he did. Alexander Zinovievich performed his functions remarkably.

Today the museum is managed by Evgeny Anatolyevich Bogatyryov, who is one of the best art historians in Russia. He is a full member of the International Academy of Sciences. The merits of Yevgeny Anatolyevich can be listed for a very long time, but the main one, according to many, is that with him the museum named after A.S. Pushkin not only retained its former grandeur, but also constantly expanding the collection, developing and becoming more beautiful.


Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya in our time

From ten in the morning the museum opens its doors to visitors. Residents of the city, as well as numerous tourists, can see the exhibitions at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow until seven in the evening for a nominal fee. Now the cultural institution is called the Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya, as it is located near the metro station of the same name. The main building occupies just a colossal area: here, if you carefully try to make out all the exhibits, as well as the architectural decoration, you can easily spend the whole day. A huge number of halls, which are filled with works of sculpture and painting, telling about the life of the great poet, make you breathlessly admirers of the talent of the Russian genius.

Museum Address

The Pushkin Museum on Kropotkinskaya is very easy to find on the streets of Moscow. Even the guests of the city are not at all confused. The pompous structure rises in the very center of Belokamennaya. Exact address: Moscow, st. Prechistenka, 12/2. The building is located very close to the entrance to the subway. The desired metro station is Kropotkinskaya. The institution has several phone numbers by which you can specify the time of a possible excursion, as well as the cost: +7 (495) 637 56 74 - information, +7 (495) 637 32 56 - ex. the Bureau.
