
Rihanna Pratchett: biography, photo, creativity

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Rihanna Pratchett: biography, photo, creativity
Rihanna Pratchett: biography, photo, creativity

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Rihanna Pratchett is a very extraordinary person. In Britain, she is a sought-after screenwriter for video games, comics, and magazines. Her works are talked about in the world, she is criticized and admired.


Under the wing of the father

Creativity and life of Rihanna passed under the influence of no less famous father - Terry Pratchett. This is the guru of humorous fantasy, the father of a series of books "The Flat World", which won the great love of readers. The light genre and amazing fictional world found their fans in all corners of the earth.

One can only imagine the conditions in which Rihanna Pratchett lived. This is the blue dream of any boy. Video games, comics, a house filled with fairy tales and fantastic stories. Back in six years, when she first saw a funny man with a sword on the monitor screen, she realized that she did not want another life.


Rihanna Pratchett. Biography

The famous writer was born on the eve of the new year 1977, namely on December 30, 1976, in the city of Rowberrow (Somerset, Britain). The childhood passed calmly and naturally. Her activities, which led her to fame, she began in college.

Like many teenagers, the British writer Rihanna Pratchett for a long time could not decide where to direct the power of her work. On the one hand, she understood that she would always remain in the shadow of her popular father and would not achieve her success. And on the other, I wanted to be realized as a person, to prove that I was capable of more than just becoming an ordinary journalist.

It was then that she decided that she needed to graduate from the journalism department of London College. After graduation, the future writer got a job in Minx magazine, focused on young girls. There she was asked to keep a column on video games. But this issue was of little interest to beautiful ladies of adolescence, so I had to return to writing articles on the topic of lipsticks and prom dresses.

In parallel with this work, writer Rihanna Pratchett publishes video game reviews in other popular PC Zone magazines, PC Gear, and many newspapers. This does not bring her much income, but on the other hand, she received something more - useful contacts and interesting work, which largely influenced her formation as a screenwriter of computer games.


Video Game Writer

The name of the writer can be found everywhere on the covers of popular games. Of course, due to her age and little experience, up to a certain point she was only a co-author or developer of an idea. But there was one very promising project in which Rihanna Pratchett became the main and main screenwriter. However, this will be discussed a little later, but for now we will consider the most famous projects in which the British writer took part.

The first probe was the game Beyond Divinity from the developer Larian Games. In this project, Rihanna was offered to work on the world of heroes. It turned out pretty well. The next step was the popular Stronghold Legends in our country. In working on Heavenly Sword, she had to collaborate with renowned British screenwriter Andy Serkis (his famous work “The Lord of the Rings”). Together they created a huge world with many heroes and storylines. But the most striking characters in the game were, of course, Nariko and Kai.



The first truly serious work was the game Overlord. This is a story about a Master who can be bad or very bad in an action adventure genre. The main character's task is to defeat the seven fallen warriors who captured the territories of the Lord. He can do this only with the help of his loyal army of minions.

The first part of the game was released in 2006 and the gamers liked it quickly. A year later, the developers presented the next part, on the plot of which Rihanna Pratchett also worked. The game will appeal to fans of black humor, because it is a kind of parody of the legendary fantasy stories.

Rihanna did a great job. The game has many intricate scenes, an interesting exciting plot and, of course, subtle humor worthy of Terry Pratchett himself. For her work, the writer was awarded the prestigious British Prize.

Tomb raider

The story of the legendary tomb raider Rihanna Pratchett joined only in 2013. Work on the project was not so much complicated as creative. At that time, over the 12 years of the existence of the game, fans of the genre already needed something new and unusual. The standard image of a girl with a dragon tattoo, which is constantly unlucky, has already become boring to everyone.

The main goal that Rihanna wanted to achieve when working with Lara Croft is to create the most realistic character who would like to sympathize with. The player had to take the updated image very close to his heart. But unfortunately, this did not happen. The part on which Rihanna worked was not so much a failure as a predictable one. Many plot scenes are rustic, and the player already knows what will happen next. Therefore, the hype did not happen. A high sales rating was maintained thanks to the promoted brand of Lara Croft and the famous surname Pratchett.


Literary heritage

Being a famous screenwriter of video games, Rihanna Pratchett never wrote for publishers. Her father’s books fascinated the world and herself. She grew up in fictional illusions. And perhaps that's why she never touched Terry's work.

As you know, Terry Pratchett died in March 2015, never ending the story of the “Flat World”. Although it would be possible to continue writing about adventures endlessly. Fantasy fans overwhelmed Rihanna with questions about whether the story of the young witch, on which the writer worked before his death, would be continued. The book is called The Shepherd's Crown and was only half written.

But the daughter of the famous writer immediately refuted all theories, saying that it was the brainchild of his father and continue to write instead of him - this means not to honor his memory and his talent. Neither she nor anyone else will invent new stories about the “Flat World”.


Rise of the tomb raider

The continuation of the saga of Lara Croft came out in 2015. In an interview about working on the script, Rihanna focuses on the fact that this part is dedicated to her father. The plot of the new game is very unusual. This time, the fragile girl will have to conquer the cold Siberian regions. There she needs to find some artifact. However, instead, Lara learns the secrets of eternal youth and immortality.

Rihanna was very dear to her relationship with her father. It could not fail to appear on the game. It is in this part that there is an episode in which Lara Croft’s father fears that he will lose all his memories of his daughter due to illness. As you know, Terry Pratchett suffered from a rare form of Alzheimer's disease, which led to death.

The Guardian Terry Pratchett

Currently, Rihanna Pratchett is working with Narrativia to create a fantasy series based on the books of Terry Pratchett. The idea of ​​creating such a project was announced back in 2013. Since then, much has been said about the closure of the studio, that the project will be a failure. But all doubts were dispelled by the British writer after the death of her father, saying that work on the series continues. The release date for television is still unknown.



Rihanna herself considers her main achievement that she managed to find herself and realize her creative talents in the game industry. Now she is not just a “shadow of her father”, she is an individual, an excellent screenwriter and a sought-after writer. Multimedia studios are fighting for her pen. But among other things, she received well-deserved British and world awards, namely:

- In 2007, she was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Game Character of the Year. The competition involved the Heavenly Sword game.

- In 2008, she won first place in the WGGB competition for the best script for PC games. Nominated for the Overlord project.

- At the awards ceremony “Best Adventure Game of 2009”, the creation “Edge of Reflections” won.

- Joint nomination for the 2010 WGGB Award for the game "Risen."

- And finally, the most important award for Rihanna is for the best video game script in 2013 for the development of Tomb Raider.

In Britain, the writer entered the top 100 best women of the country. There are few talented girls who can be so good at playing games like Rihanna Pratchett. Photos of her do not appear on the tabloids, however, the name and merits are known to many.